Thursday, November 25, 2010

Is it rude,

when in a cab or Bus to speak loudly on the cellphone? Or is it rude when you're in a middle of a job like professional photographer or Tour Guide to take calls on the cell?- My Nephews Bar Mitzvah was today, we took a bus to the old city but one of the main roads was closed so we had to drive around the Old city gates- My father had a Major cow, he is a nervous guy in general so he was extra nervous. It was great to see a lot of relatives and friends- When you go to another country everyone wants to see you but they insist you go to them, rather than them make the effort to see you - so generally i see very few people- I understand people are busy, But when anyone comes to the US I almost make it a point to be as accommodating and helpful as possible-Thanks to the shout out from for the blog promotion-

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