Tuesday, August 30, 2011


 I met up with PHG after our long conversation last week she was in Brooklyn, and I picked her up locally she wasn't hungry and her leg was injured, so we sat by the South Street Seaport, she admired the water and boats, i focused on Traffic on  Gehenom (my nickname for the BQE). I took her through the scenic route of the Beautiful Brooklyn Bridge,( she from NJ so she doesnt know about it being free and all)  and she didn't want anything to eat or drink- We spoke about  a lot of stuff and she was real nice to go with me to the Ipad store where she helped me buy the Ipad #2. I did not force her to go for the record, and didn't even know they were opened 24 hours. We consummated our friendship - no not that way but by officially becoming FB friends. It was a real fun night and not because the whole night cost me $0.0, Were gonna see each other again, but not exclusively and just see where it goes no pressure no commitment no but whys....... Advice to my readers- Do Not be stingy and  take the bridge back to Brooklyn after 1100 PM- Traffic is a nightmare

Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Sign from,

Above, walking on Sat with JD of the Beit Shamai Org. on Saturday, I saw on the floor what looked like a Mezuzah, I picked it up and JD yelled at me it was a Tampon- I only touched the outside which was disgusting in itself, Jd informed this was a sign That I should never meet up with "Ziporah"- who happen to cancel on me earlier in the week due to her getting her....... Coincidence??....... My Hurricane FB Posts have bombed, here was my last one Stiener sports and collectables are putting up limited edition hurricane Irene memorabilia for sale a "once in a lifetime" oppurtunity. Tree branches, trunks, leafs, down wires - all Packaged come with COA- with county seal autographed by law enforcement..... Today would be a perfect day to call a random girl,with the Hurricane there is  always something to talk about......A popular slogan in Israel today is " Ha Rav Kahana Tzadak " That he was right with his views. After Stepping in #2 on the Hippie Filled Upper west Side- I am more sympathetic to Mickel Vick, Maybe not to the point he was right. With all the amazing Techmology they have not one A$$hole can invent Diapers for Dogs Think how much easier things would be.......

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Here comes the story ,

of  the Hurricane.......My personal favorite was  about Irene and Puerto Ricans were the only ones able  to board up Bloomingdales. Otherwise the same nonsense, I feel like I'm reading the Oslo Accords all over again with references to Areas A B C etc...I was texting with "Annette "- for a short while and she kept asking me " if i was off" - what precipitated that was the fact that i don't know how to go clothes shopping very well. She insisted in was kinda weird- i knew there was no point in arguing and  agreed that i was weird. She proceeded  I can't imagine if  "lets say ur kid need help shopping for a party"- "u cant"- if i ever figure out how to put a transcript of our conversation here i will - I was magnanimous to her advice that i should wait around a "few weeks " to date and told her I would see her in Nov- She asked why? cause a few can be anywhere between 3 and 6 and wanted to give myself extra time to learn clothing shopping  so to be safe i said Nov- She didn't get it no church ever................On Hurricane tonight- KYRIE ELESION.............

Friday, August 26, 2011

Texting V Talking,

I Messaged Mystery Girl- "Annette"- asking for her number she replied with it and a " Np Text me". She is Terrific with the Text Lingo. The best thing about texting is that there are no awkward silence, The bad thing is my spelling is horrible and if i spoke like i spelled i would be in a lot of trouble. After some basic small talk. mainly by me ( she did outext me 48- 35  but my texts were a lot longer so i had a lot more words). Texting her I felt like Benjamin Netnayahou addressing  a joint session of congress i got 14 "lols" Bibi may have gotten couple more standing ovations. I was rereading our conversation and it is weird to read some of the questions i was asking even though they were basic, but who knows.I am supposed to pick her up from "her house " Tuesday night sometime..."Famous girl " left me a message, I called her back and left her a message again- I left her the option to text me back, as mentioned before i hate stalking girls........Someone was suggesting to hang out in the Projects of East NY or Harlem, That Even Hurricanes and Acts of G0d are scared to go there............Long conversation with PH girl last night, cleared up some misunderstandings, will meet up next week maybe, Win lose or draw The "Lotto pact " is still in effect...........

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Mystery Text,

 I got from someone  Asking me if I would consider going out with a divorced girl ? My reply was sure why not. With out wanting to come off being Rude, i didn't ask the person who they were, They know me cause they addressed me by my name. There is a But to the story as well, I promised to check her out and let her know, She friend ed me, so the next move i guess is to get her number.Munster's "Famous Girl " Has not called me back, and I don't anticipate she will, I do appreciate Munster thinking about me........ My Experience with the car leasing company I am dealing with is getting to be Hellish, To a point where I am going to Violate the Herman Boone* policy of not cutting anyone and De friend the owner of the company, it'll be my second de friending the other was a Rahm Emanuel look A like who pissed me off with good season posts after the Jets lost in the AFC Championship game a couple years ago

*coach of the titans, Movie remember the titans

Monday, August 22, 2011

I Am a Double Dipper,

  Son of Double Dippers, and have no one to lean on not even on our father in heaven . On Passover  My Family asked only Three questions rather than four, The Double Dipping one was of course omitted....... Me and My dad are doing Business, He is Buying my American Express points from me, I resisted the first offer of extra Inheritance Money, and after some shrewd negotiations I  did accept the Dollar per point offer-  Of course I got Rooked but it is my dad after all. For the record the points were worth $1.50........Me and Iran are in agreement on the fate of the jailed American " Hikers" That they are spies, The only thing I disagreed on was that they let the girl "Hiker" go free. I have no Sympathy for these notorious Israel Haters, they will some how blame it on the Zionists........ AB gave me a good idea regarding the Blog, I may expound on it kind of like "Blog Wiki leaks"................

Rejection Diplomacy ,

  After dropping off PHG off Thursday I assumed ( never Ass  U and Me - Kudos to Rohnda*for teaching me that) That we would either Just be friends or either not, as per my policy I never initiate the friendship i leave it up to the girl  But after speaking to PH and explaining to her why i got that vibe she suggested i may be wrong. We had a lotto Pact ( it is still on going) and got texted with the disappointing news that we were not Winners, i reciprocated of course that we weren't winners from my ticket. With out elaborating we went back and forth on the issue but then resumed back to the texts of levity, We should be meeting up sometime next week as she will be busy the whole week.......I heard the song A-Ba-Ni-Bi- the other day and cant get it out of my head - it was the winner of Eurovision 1978- A funny note  If you ask The Peaceful People of Jordan who won They will Tell you that Belgium did- cause they cut off the broadcast as soon as they found out the Zionists were going to win...........

* an ex

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Does a woman need to be ,

  Married to a Rabbi to be called Rebettzin? I decided to really quit the online world  this time, but prior to that I got an email from a girl "tziporah" . her pictures looked good, and we exchanged a couple of texts before she suggested we meet up Sunday night. She Called me Sat night, and had a weird accent and everything in the conversation was weird. Truth i didn't understand 90% of  the stuff she said, fast forward to 1100 this morning, i was grateful to get a text that shes in a lot of pain due to her "period " and wants to postpone, Ill be "Away" for couple weeks so maybe when i get back............The hair surgery I did almost Two months ago is not looking to good, it's getting a little depressing to be honest..........On a Positive Note I played basketball against Munster whom was described by a legendary Syrian big man as a "player who creates havoc " Saturday  at Kelly park and beat him 4 games to 2, I promised to call  his girl tonight........My Persian convert cousin is trying to set me up again this time a religous girl from Monsey- shes modern, but it's important for her that the guy wears a Kippa at all times, I'd like to say no, but don't know how.............

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Yitzhak Rabin declaration

   of how  "he would fight terror as though there was no peace, and advance peace as though there's no terror", have long gone. This week marks the Israeli Expulsion of the Gush Katif community's as well as The Shemuel Hanavi Bus bombing of 2003 that killed 23 and wounded over 130...........This was so stupid I had to share - I always thought in Fashion that CoCo Chanel was designer stuff for African- American girls and Regular Chanel was for White Girls - But I was reading an Article in the Jerusalem post that Coco Chanel was the actual name of the designer, In short they said she was a viral anti-Semite  and a Nazi Spy..........Munster -" Objects in the Mirror don't appear as close as they are" - another words don't analyze a girl by her FB and formulate an Opinion with out knowing her.I still didn't call his girl......

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Wax On, Wax off

     Wax out.. I met up with PH girl for the fourth time. Were having Fun so why not? She was apologetic right away for Yawning ( it was allergies) It can be my effect on woman, it happened before, after a short debate we decided to go to the Wax Museum. It was stupid joke night and i asked for Two senior citizens tickets, then told her i was just being Jewish. I took all the photos, and was annoying.I emailed the photos to her and she made sure i deleted them all. She has a great disdain for Obama and when she saw a photo of him she whacked at it, there were two black guys that saw her  I turned away, but told her i had her back. We sat outside and she was yawning and playing with my phone, When i came back from the bathroom I saw her sitting next to two girls one Asian  and  one White i thought they were her friends, but turns out they were "Elokyests" some sort of Christians whom she was entertaining, We all sat together talking about g0d being a woman,I mentioned we were Jews and asked if it was bad, I told PHG that for converters they were smoking hot, she agreed. I Lied to them and told them  my meter was running out, but then really went to "check up" on the car cause i had a little gas. Despite having a real fun time with PHG, I feel it's more in a friendship manner. I Never called Munster's girl  as i wanted to be clear on where i stood, and promised not to double dip. Ill call her tomorrow....

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Am I a Phony,

  for approaching a former Teacher and Community Rabbi, who used to berate me , don't have the best history with, and have been somewhat critical of ,and greeting him in a friendly and warm Manner ? Me. DM*. and INJJN** went out for dinner Sunday night, as we were leaving, i walked over to say hello to the Rabbi, and the reason is only because i felt like he saw me and didn't want to be disrespectful. The Verdict I am Phony........ For all those who haven't found Love with the Prayers at "Anuukah"- good news there are 40 days of prayers at the Kotel this time- You can customize the girl you're looking via the power of prayer- I am definite going to hell for this.........Me and PH girl hung out again, She's a lot of fun and we have a project in the works which was her idea, I'm not sure how much we have in common and for now it's going in a fun and slow manner with out any  pressure, We should meet up Thursday........ Thanks to Munster for his invaluable advice on girls i wont elaborate till i call "his girl"........ 

Monday, August 15, 2011

Just Making Sure,

      she checks me out prior to agreeing to go out, is what i stressed to Munster, whom in a most random situation got me a girls number. Munster whose known for having balls, Just except when it comes to him, Had me look up a girl, whom i thought was for him, but found out she's around my age- I told him either she looks really young or posted ten year old photos, There is a but though..........EE texted me asking me if i was free to talk- for him i responded always the line of the year came next  EE:  my sis in law cracked up at my line about you being available 24/7 like Mexicana Car Service-  he said he won a bidding war in getting me a number- then told me it's on standby, she has a date this week and she doesn't double dip....... last mention of prayers at "Anukah" - they said the more money you send the hotter the girl you get......... Today marks the beginning of construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961 Here is that famous photo of conrdad schuhmann leaping to the west side...........

Sunday, August 14, 2011

"Bab El Wad,

 For eternity don't forget our names", Me and my father sang and bonded over the famous Haim Guri song on the way home from the " Mitzvah" i was fortunate enough to make this weekend......  Happy Jewish Valentines day, It is observed on the 15th of Av as opposed to the 15th of February, As i previously posted......The prayer terrorist's   have once again extended the deadline for special prayers at Anukah, but i think this is the last time for real...... I can't get enough of all the original and funny FB posts about the rain.......Happy 98th to Israeli Great Menachem Begin. We celebrated a couple days early,nothing major just a cake .  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmTQjSgfnfI&feature=related -...... PH girl in order for PH* to stop asking her questions told her were engaged, Still texting should meet up someday this week I think She likes Bowling so will go play Bowling............

Friday, August 12, 2011

How Many Pakastians,

    do you think can spell Pakastanimatrimony.com. PH Girl Texted me yesterday and the Turkish Shidduch we conspired is on, We still haven't figured out when to meet up again. I met up with a Girl from Online last night in Sheepshead bay, I never Knew Jewish was a nationality there, on her papers  in Russia she was identified as Jew and not Russian . I Stiffed the Waitress at the place, but not by purpose the bill was $50 and I thought I left $60 but only left $30, I made the joke that I tried ,I think she liked me cause she believed me.......I have to consult with The Attorney Extraordinaire EE - weather to be an inheritor in someones will they need to have you're SS # and DOB, cause i made it into A Will this week........No reprieve for me for this weekend, I will be in the Holy city again, mainly cause i have to take my father to the Airport tomorrow night, Heaven forbid i should spell out the word C A B  to him, I have to thank him for the glorious Mitzvah, he's allowing me to make.........

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Date is the only thing that I can come up with from my Non Ingenious mind to describe last night. I Picked up PH girl somewhere downtown. The Vibe that I got from the Night was that we get  along great, but only great in a friendship manner. She apologized from the start, that she was  a little, or a lot out of it,  due to taking something that made her drowsy, feeling comfortable with her I suggested we don't have to go uptown, and of course she felt bad and said "no no its OK".  She liked the Haradey Music i had on in the car( avraham fried- yerushaylim) it was on special for her, it did get annoying after the first three times it was playing, (my ipod is stuck in repeat and i don't know how to fix it).  We looked for Parking, and I complimented her for not thinking i was cheap. She was very excited to see her friends at the Place,and had a lot of fun with them. Our conversation was fun and juvenile , We were trying to set up her Turkish friend with mine, it doesn't count for heaven points though.She insisted  i pick up my phone after it flashed a couple times, " it may be important".  I told her  Rena was calling, she was Horrified when she found out that i call my mom Rena,  turned out to be important (she just wanted to know what inning the Yankee game was in). She disagreed with my Theory that the only reason Girls don't like guys (aside from them doing something really bad) is because there either not good looking or Rich enough. There Should be Church on Sunday but.................

Nothing Intersting .......

  Thanks to DM on the video to DVD Transfer for me - My sister in law was on Nbc News in 1994 in Jerusalem protesting the arrival of Yassar Arafat back to Gaza and the West Bank. Also was the Yediot interview with Rabbi Hecht, where he "suggests" That Pm Yitzhak Rabin deserved the death penalty, a week or so later he was assassinated, after watching it several times I  can see the incitement argument. Rabbi Hecht was forced to resign..........Does the same  pre -Tishe be Av laws apply to woman and men, especially regarding shaving?, cause that would be horrible if it did....... The good news with the stock market melt down for me is that out of the 11 stocks in my portfolio one is worth $.30 cents  one is worth $6.00 and 4 are worth 0.0, and this was before the sh$*it hit the fan...... No Levity intended but how come the deadline for Money for marriage praying in Amooka keeps changes? Besides i got a text i have no clue from who, asking for my name, cause there in Israel now and will be going to Amooka, and they'll pray for me. I'm not sure if its for free or not, But I asked if there was a gaurantee policy......

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


In the spirit of Tishe be Av and the book of Lamentations " Echea" - How?. I have started penning my very Own Megilah Called  Madua? or in English Why- The Book of  "Madua" - Will focus on Specific and Random peoples circumstances and situations odds are ill abandon the project as i have done so with most of the moronic things i write.........I joked around with my father and mother that there anniversary this year has fallen out on Tisha be Av- (08-08-68) I'm glad i have a new joke as opposed to same one i use after they  hit 40 years ( Jews 40 years in the desert)..........PH* asked me why I didn't like the a previous girl she set me up with?  I told her that generally when she doesn't get me any feedback from a girl I know that shes not interested, She thinks i am sensitive and my feelings would get hurt. I only had nice things to say about her. It Turned out she wanted to go out again...... Church on Sunday from last week should be tomorrow night, I think i can text to confirm this time....... 

Monday, August 8, 2011

Back to Queens,

     after an approx 3 month Hiatus, I made it back to the great borough. I met up with EE girl last night, fully expecting nothing to happen and nothing happened. She was a lot more attractive than i had anticipated . I made no plans figuring to go to a cafe somewhere in the area, The Tishe be av crowd was out in full force in the cafe we found, tuned out to be a blessing, cause i clearly wasn't "Sure"* - i was scared to lift my arms. We found a well ventilated place, and sat there for about what seemed to be a very uncomfortable hour, we made conversation though, Like most girls that i have gone out with she was also extraordinarily busy- but genuinely. This date worked out a lot  better than the other girl that EE set me up with in the past- so if anything good came out of this date is that EE is improving, http://theorignalboat.blogspot.com/2010/11/chinese-umbrellas.html                                    No Church on Sunday.........

*the old sure commercial  with the slogan was raise you're hands if you're sure


 is a policy of Restraint, dating back during the days of the British Mandate which Basically Meant - When the Arabs would attack Jews, the Jews wouldn't attack back but show restraint and  focus on strenghtening their defenses ( i.e. buses,villages) I have adapted this policy to both my personal life and to online dating. I will refrain from confronting any condensing, critical, hateful comments towards and me and respond only in kind, and online i  have decided not to initiate any emails.flirts, or whatever  and should i get any which believe it or not I do get but not a lot- Don't respond to all of them Just to ones that have potential......... My Landlord  whom i have been seeing way more than I would like to."for the sake of Am Ysrael " got me a number of a 23 year old girl who doesn't live here and is coming in from out of town for a visit. The only thing i know about her is that i am old enough to be her father. I appeased him, But this has wrong written all over it - I'm going to pass........  Former lehi fighter and Israel's First lady Mrs Shulamit Shamir passed away at 88 condolences to the former PM and his family........

Thursday, August 4, 2011

They come in Threes,

Should i meet up with EE girl on Sunday, My last three dates would be with girls that are all Haradieot. Prior to that I went out with Three girls that were all older than me. I wonder what the next Genre of girls would be.......I called PH girl yesterday again fully expecting to leave a message- but turned out keep her a company as she was getting a Manicure and Pedicure, all i really wanted to know was if she wanted to go out again or not- but the conversation continued through her buying Flippers, I didn't mind the ruffling and hearing her exchanges with the manicure and sales people- so what was supposed to be around a six minute conversation lasted close to an hour, before i asked her if she wants to go out again- at that point she couldn't say no,  cause i kept her company, she did keep it  interesting - we should be going out Wed night - I promised to make the plans this time......Some of my Email correspondences with girls on line are insanely stupid, i think i should just go for the Jugular but my personality sucks...........

Just Because you're grandmother,

Tells you, you're handsome Doesn't mean you're handsome. I speak to RL* My grandmother around twice a week- She generally asks me hows business and hows my love life- She told me she hopes I am not a Homo, which i thought was very funny i assured her i wasn't  and that she can check my computer, but she didn't get the joke......... I Bought Raffle Tickets for a Yeshiva in Israel, that is run by a cousin of mine.  I generally don't like to mention names, and the School is not really on my list of causes, but it's a once a year thing the issue was i felt a little creepy when i wrote out the check cause the school name is "Lev Aharon " reminded me for a second of the brutal killer "Levi Aron". I  was fortunate to see the Rosh yeshiva, who mentioned he had a "Shidduch" for me I asked who she was he told me the "Shidduch" was to get married i asked who she was and he repeated the same thing- Thanks to NR he figured out that "Shidduch" can either mean a set up or a short aphorism like phrase..........

* rose levine

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Spirit and

 Energy were off tonightI knew it also, but I did a good job faking it. I will admit i acted like a Douche bag for even thinking of wanting to cancel or back out Tonight. SephLink Girl was a really nice girl, we were a complete mismatch and from the start I think we both knew it wasn't going anywhere besides a cordial light dinner at a local restaurant. I just have to learn to say no to something or someone i don't think is right for me, even if I am being pressured. With that note I should have said NO to EE* with his suggested set up for me I spoke to his girl tonight i made the 900-1000 window but barely and the conversation was a conversation. She is Modern Orthodox in normal world  in Syrian world shes Ateret. We may meet up Sunday night, maybe ill be a douche bag again?...... PH girl supposedly had a great time last night and would like to go out again.Where have i heard that before?..........

* a friend of mine but not for very long

The Concilliatory text

  didn't work out to well, " hi just wanted to double check if you're still OK to meet up tonight, i know it's hectic" - Thanks.... I will be meeting up with Sephlink girl tonight........ On a different border of the home front  EE* claimed he was working feverishly to get me a different girls number, As always I insist she check me out on FB, and she did and said OK, She was of sound body and mind when she agreed. I can only call her between 900-1000 and missed calling last night cause i was out  last night and thought it'd be rude to walk out for 20 minutes or so ( it's happened to me before) I could have blamed it on Diarrhea or something like that, But I am all too familiar with the "Mida keneged Mida" concept and fully expected g-d's retribution, as i have learned from prior experiences. EE  working the situation like Kissinger is aghast and trying to get me a different time window to call.......

*EE is a friend of mine not sure for how long after this

"You Asked Me out By Text"?,

   She thought I had  the personality of a moth. I tried covering  up for "Textgate ", by blaming  PH   it was slightly better than Anthony Weiners Twitter scandal. I don't think she bought it. In the Spirit of Tisha be Av- We covered a range of subjects from Suicide, Life Insurance, Moshiach, Bad business, and why she didn't like me the first time we met. We Sat outside at a downtown Place for a little more than two hours, so either neither of us knew how to end the night or were having a good time, I'll speak for myself only and say the latter. She was also not as Haradeit as i thought, and I mentioned to her, that I didn't know how to greet her when we first met, I did nothing - she's usually a kiss on cheek i think, religion was not an issue. I walked her home, which was about a block away, Thanked  her for a fun night and promised to call next time, she didn't promise to pick up though...... Church on Sunday? mmmmmm.......

Monday, August 1, 2011

Bad Attitude?

        I'm considering "postponing" with the SephLink girl Tues. Utilizing the "Shamir"* Plan. If the date on Tuesday night gets canceled, then in all likely hood, That would put the end of ever going out with this girl and ending  my tenure at the sephlink.. The Reasoning is if Tues gets canceled, That's it for this week, and next week being Tisha Be Av That means that week is over, and by that time interest will have fizzled out......... I texted, Rather than called PH**Girl. I told PH if she gets upset about text I'd blame it on her. We went out for drinks three years ago and from what I remember it lasted about an hour, and came off thinking she had no interest, She did try to set me up with someone at some point over the last three years, but i respectfully declined. We should be meeting up tonight around 800....... The "Juicy" girl saga is not over yet, The Girl that gave me her number promised she'd make sure to get me her number again after i failed to store it - i blamed it on her as she was of course you guessed it "VERY BUSY" last week, even though it was my job to follow up............To My Mooslim readers Ramadan Kareem- I think I may try the "Ramadan Diet" .......http://theorignalboat.blogspot.com/2010/10/Ramadan-miracle08-11.html - a link to my very own Ramadan Miracle.....
* the delay or talk forever plan
**- a lady that sets up people