Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Once again If Moses would have

only Turned left on his way out of Egypt, The Israelites would be controlling the worlds oil supply  In Perhaps the biggest Blunder, Since the founding of the blog . We were sent on Assignment to cover the Pakistani Festival Parade, While only  a few Blocks West a Coterie of over 300  Bare chested Ladies with breast of All sizes, Were marching for their civil rights. If Only...... It amazes me  How $21.97 Microphone with a chord, Can legitimatize any moron and turn him into a Journalist. Forced to Hire a Camera man off the Streets, I  headed to the Meet and greet the Pakistani Revelers. Marching down Madison Ave. In Search for ratings, the goal, find the most Obscure and Outrageous characters to speak their mind and answer some Peculiar questions. A Father of Three Gifted Daughters  pulled me aside,insisting, I "Air" their Story and promote the Children's books they wrote to  the great People of the Marhsal Islands and the North pacific. They Spoke Eloquently and, it made me feel horrible  that the interview with these accomplished Kids will be Seen by Nobody. At least they were Happy to be interviewed.......... Someone asked How's it going with WBG? In Sulyiman Demeral Fashion i Answered in One word, Good, and in two Words Not Good

The Good News

  WBG is really really liking my Plans, My Place selections, and the Small Surprises . The Not so good news is I don't think She is really really liking me. A first for me for the year 2015, I was actually picking up a  date for the date rather than meeting up with her. Certainly that can only mean two things Either I suck at chivalry or hadn't been on many Real dates. The latter of course is more believable. We exchanged toasts, and Broke bread at Bryant park's Koi,  Light conversation, with a lot of people watching, that  made it seem like we were old friends who were never really close. Coming back from the Ladies room, She was Surprised by a Special Birthday Desert. Making a wish she blew out the candle, Despite her Birthday being Six months prior. The Romantic Gestures continued and i presented her with Scratch off Lotto Tickets, As a fun gesture to what we spoke a lil about in our previous date. She Seemed Excited. Texting me after  she won $5 thanks for a fun night, I replied in kind, and Put the ball in her court.......

Sunday, August 23, 2015

To Cancel With a

  mid 30's Voluminous  Laawn Island girl that  was Tentatively Scheduled to For Wednesday night. Messaging her in the morning As to what's up for tonight. Her Response, a no Response, which  put me in the clear, and to focus for Thursday night. However before that I was posed with the Progressive point of you regarding Iran , and the argument is " It's a done deal, Even if Congress votes this down, the president will use the Veto Power, and he is a slam dunk to get a 1/3 of the congress to Approve the deal. So instead of pissing off the President by vilifying him and threatening members of congress, just Play along and try to get as much compensation as possible, You can not Change the realty of this deal".  Furthermore the State Dept is Publishing Documents regarding Israeli Nuclear Plans in the late 60's, I wonder WHY?..........Providing Several choices WBG( Whisky blue  Girl) Was Pleased with them all and had full faith in me.......

Friday, August 21, 2015

A Tall and Semi Kosher

   Pretty Brunette at Whisky Blue in Midtown. Waiting for her in the corner of the Bar, She walked in looking like she came out of a fashion Shoot, statuesque, Made up, insanely Hot dress, Pretty was an understatement, More like  Kyrie Elesion crazy Italian words beautiful.  Exchanging  greetings,   Accidentally She got  lipstick on my shirt, "I'll either send you the bill, but in all likely hood never wash my shirt again" i Joked. The pressure to keep the date flowing, led to some ill advised and poorly timed jokes, None the less Everything in my mind was going great. It was befuddling how   a girl like this is Still single? and is she really going out with me ? She was engaging, Bubbly, curious, Interested and interesting and loving the selection of the Bar. Not much of a Texter, ( that is at least with me ) She was very Parave, to my messages, and jokes. However despite having earlier plans for Thursday, She was able to squeeze me in for 900, and no rain or sleek or snow or whatever the hell the USPS motto is would keep me from taking her out, and this time for real. But before, I had to take her out, I really really wanted.................

Having one

       of those "looking forward"  conversations never seems to live up to the billing of the actual meeting. Mutually looking forward to meet up, me and a Mid 30's. newly religious, Attractive, Israel loving , Suffering NY Jets fan Brooklyn woman, Decided to have a Pre Date Date. " Let's meet for coffee for half hour and see how the chemistry goes" . Amenable to the Idea, We met right after  her work at a lower Manhattan Starbucks. As good as the conversation was, that is how bad the actual PDD went. Looking hot and terribly uncomfortable, She had even worse Eye contact than me,and simply looked tortured, and under duress. In My defense my pics and Bio are accurate, I smelled of Creed cologone and my breath  of Fresh burst listirine. Sitting on the Fourth Step of the American Indian Museum, Things got really bad once the conversation shifted to the subject of the American Indian, V Indians from India. The Only thing that turned out right was the  PDD( Pre date date) Idea. Once again "Even though it all went wrong".......... I needed to head to midtown to meet up with..............

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Never would I realize

     That my greatest Dating fear, would turn into my greatest hope. The "Lobby" Lounge at the Mondorian Hotel in Columbus circle was the site of Tentative Meeting number one. Arriving early to scope out the place, I was flabbergasted by the opulence, that would even make Robin Bleach Scowl about the lifestyles of the Rich and famous. She arrived a couple minutes late and Greeted me in  Traditional Middle Eastern Persian Fashion, Kiss on both cheeks. We spoke Dating, and was greatly relieved that I was an upgrade from her last date,  but Probably not by much. I'm Not specifically Sure what the matter was wrong with him ,but according to her  he suffered from some sort of Syndrome. Early on I got the instant vibe, She was itching to leave, and She did a really good job playing the role of the courteous dater that did not want to be there.  I immediately obliged In Kenny Rogers, the Gambler style ;"folding  em" and walking  away. Really Wanting to try out the Bathroom, it was one of those  Sui Generis,  or in a class by itself, Bathrooms, but  much like the date Their was nothing. Our Conversation continued down the long 35 flight elevator ride down, Where we Departed in the same fashion as we met. No Church on Sunday............

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Despite the Heat

                  Wave  forecast-ed this for the week, Their is Tentative Plans for Monday, Tuesday , and Wednesday with the Key word being tentative.Tentative is defined in the Miriam websters dictionary of dating as it's on, Not unless something Better comes up.....Difficult circumstances forced me to scratch the assignment at the Indian parade, that was marching down Madison Ave. Though I did attend as a civilian and must say that  I absolutely relish the Accent, and probably could have spent the whole day just speaking to randoms.....  Lebron  winning a Championship for Cleveland would be the Equivalent of Benjamin Netnayahou  preventing Iran from Getting Nukes to protect Israel. A final Thought on perhaps the most Deciding Issue of Our time. Bibi rightfully so,put  the Iran issue, front and center on the world Stage, he did everything and anything to plead his case to the International community. He was vilified across the world and more importantly at Home for not trusting Obama. It is after all former Mossad Chief Meir Dagan who boldly stated " If you can't trust the president of the United States, then whom can you trust". Much like Lebron, he was shorthanded and outmatched and took the Fight to the brink of victory, But at the end, He will suffer the same fate, and all everyone will remember is that Bibi allowed this to happen under his watch. The real losers here; the Jewish people.............102 Years ago today, The man who ordered the Strike on the Iraqi Reactor in Osirak Was born......... Who is Menachem Begin 

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Fait Accompli

        The Israelis need to prepare for the day AFTER the Iranian deal gets ratified. Despite a valiant effort By PM Netanyahoo to torpedo the deal, He will suffer the same fate as he did back in 1984 when he ferociously worked behind the scenes to Sabotage the Jibril Accords and that  massive Prisoner Exchange. Bibi was able to "redeem" himself by letting over 1100 Terrorists many with blood on their hands to free Gilad Shalit in 2011. Checkmate for President Obama who turned this Debate Personal, and was able to Isolate the state of Israel and send  a nice and raucous F U to BiBi..... Predication a vote of no confidence will be passed in Israel, and Bibi will resign  .......Thanks to photographer to the Stars Uzi,for making this year's coverage of the Dominican parade a resounding success, Interviews will be posted on social media........Prior to the Summer, the plan was to make it out to Las Vegas, Florida, Israel and the  pilgrimage to the holy city of Deal, worked out pretty Well I made it to None, though the Jewish State maybe looking a lil better for the Early Fall..............

Monday, August 10, 2015

some kind and lovely.

comments about the woman i met up with Saturday night.....................................................................

         With nothing doing Saturday Night, Impulsively i suggested to a Late 30's Blonde that since neither of us has anything to do, why not do it together. applauding the idea, She suggested to meet at the 24 5th Ave bar. We hardly spoke and hell it would be just as if we met at the Bar. Hell would be a viable option after meeting this late 30's early 50's looking Blonde. She allegedly worked in the world of film and complained about working with people like  Marty ( Scorsese)  Johnny ( depp) and other people i Never heard of. She sounded a lot like an Ex who would frequently tell me how much she loathed $800 dinners. I also had to weigh in ( no pun intended) on her Feud with her 800 lb Sister, Thankfully she was married so no chance of me meeting her on tinder and hitting the daily double. Her contemptuous attitude, Coupled with her Foul mouth, and one or two sizes to small very  unflattering  Stained velour outfit she had on. made for perhaps the worst seventeen minutes one would want to go through in their lifetime...........

Friday, August 7, 2015

if The Girl

       That i went out with last week, Were to write a blog or be featured in this one,Perhaps you would have something interesting to read. Despite being some years past her prime, She Still had some gas in the Tank.  She a free spirited  Banking Executive, sharp, and cunning with an edge. Her energy was contagious, and no subject was off the table. Starting off at a midtown bar, We both gazed over at the SC Senator Lindsey Graham look alike Sitting next to us, name dropping his name to try to get confirmation.  She fascinated me with her Mile High club Story and other places where she did the deed. Her insatiable appetite for.....  continued to intensify the evening . She encouraged me to be more inconspicuous  when she mentioned that the leggy Buxom brunette sitting across from the fake Lindsey Graham was her type in woman. I simple couldn't stop looking and asked her how that stuff  happens. She opt for a really long walk down the East river, Where we sat and........... She was going to invite me up for a nightcap, but had company and was afraid they were going to show, Seemed believable like the  time a girl  told me her Brother needed  to pick up an Air conditioner from her at 1:00 in the morning.  Despite the good showing and  the Potential,  potential, It was none the less a One and Done...........

Saturday, August 1, 2015

The Jewish Valentine

    Day Party also known as TU Be AV party,  brings out a pretty large crowd of singles at Boat Basin on the upper west side. Coaxed by a friend to go, I tried recruiting a couple of other friends with out success. As a consolation  prize i got to drive two of  her friends, who are not amongst my favorite. As the designated driver, I was forced into drinking Flat club Soda, Seemed right for the very Jewish Party. The Theme was white, and for Sweating purposes I wore dark's. It was overtly hot, Muggy, and loud and many in the crowd were acting , as if they were too cool to be there. I did run into some old friends and actually had a helpful conversation with the lone Shiksa who just happened to be there. Ready to leave and really needing to relieve myself the obnoxious friends via the law of contra positive, Were especially Douchy, and over twenty minutes late. Their conversation on the ride home was torturous, but i had my own issues to worry about though occasionally chimed in
 under my breath " stupid any time a guy is much younger than you, he's looking to get laid". Their were no accidents and by the grace of G0d  I made it with little time to spare. As it turns out All my friends were right. The Real ones for not attending and the obnoxious one's for finding a sucker to drive them. As for me Tu Be Av felt a lot more like  Tisha Be Av, but one who sees the cup not half empty or half full, but rather spillith over at least I made it..........