Friday, August 31, 2018

In Solidarity,

               with the Women rights movement Thousands Lined up the streets of Broadway to witness the 10th annual GoTopless march With the overflow of Spectators, " It felt like as if we were Meat thrown out to Wolves" One marcher told us. In our Three years of covering the Civil rights March, the crowds get bigger, while the marchers get smaller.........  Jehovah's witness Believe it displeases g0d, to celebrate Birthdays.....The Experts Say, " clearing the ONE year anniversary to a marriage, entitles a couple to cash in on all Gifts" Happy Anniversary to US......   Reprinted from Sept 2015..........

            .... told to me by Sidny Arthur Speilfogel:
On July 20, 1969, commander of the Apollo 11 Lunar Module, Neil Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the moon. His first words after stepping on the moon, “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind”, were televised to Earth and heard by millions. But just before he re-entered the lander, he made the enigmatic remark:
“Good luck, Mr. Gorsky.” Many people at NASA thought it was a casual remark concerning some rival Soviet Cosmonaut. However, upon checking, there was no Gorsky in either the Russian or American space programs. Over the years many people questioned Armstrong as to what the “Good luck Mr. Gorsky” statement meant, but Armstrong always just smiled. On July 5, 1995, in Tampa Bay, Florida, while answering questions following a speech, a reporter brought up the 26 year old question to Armstrong. This time he finally responded. Mr. Gorsky had died and so Neil Armstrong felt he could answer the question.
In 1938 when he was a kid in a small Midwest town, he was playing baseball with a friend in the backyard. His friend hit a fly ball, which landed in his neighbor’s yard by the bedroom windows. His neighbors were Mr. and Mrs. Gorsky.
As he leaned down to pick up the ball, young Armstrong heard Mrs. Gorsky shouting at Mr. Gorsky. “Sex! You want sex?! You’ll get sex when the kid next door walks on the moon!”

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

It Never Ceases

        to amaze! When a Story breaks, How late the State of Israel comes out to refute it.  The latest Example,"MailGate",  tuns of undelivered Mail and Parcels to the PA including Wheel chairs and Medical Equipment. Israel was charged, convicted and Sentenced  by the World Press for being evil. Five Days later the Truth comes out, How most Arab States Refuse to Send products via the Israeli Postal service, so they Send it Via the Jordanian Kingdom, So what happened to the Mail? Still waiting for Statement by his Majesty King Abdullah..... Israel is always guilty, but only of Bad Timing......  Will The " Major" Trump News Regarding the Israeli- Arab Conflict Deem #45 the Worst President for Israel Ever.........I ran into an old foe at a Shiva call, The Disappointment and Animus has worn off a little.... But........ Despite the Low turn out on Views the Indian parade was a Huge Success and a lot of fun. We ran into Cricket Legend Sir Vivian Richards, As well as several other Pretty Huge Stars from India. A Shameless Plug here is Part1  Part 2 was Supposed to be Uploaded as well, However  A Certain Nephew  of mine Doing the Final cut is an Idiot.............

Friday, August 17, 2018

The Verdict

                                                  Pacta sundt servende 

               After failing to settle the dispute amicably, it was time to allow the mills of justice to grind. At the behest of a a mutual friend, We decided to avoid a court of law and have a local community scholar and scion arbitrate the case. Both Agreeing that based on his rulings Agreements must be honored. My thinking was how can anyone rational not see the   "partnership” argument, every deal that was made was a 50-50 split, sounds simple enough. I brought a slew of papers and snap photos of our chats to solidify the proof, and I feel quite confident. My opponent Began his argument by stating he knows me for 15 some odd years, and that he used to “work “ for me, and alluded that I am maybe involved in shady dealings. Thus immediately taking a shot at my character and trying to defame me. Immediately I interjected by claiming that he worked for me for ONE day and attacking me in that manner was both Insolent and irresponsible. Continuing with his Narrative,  I was Astounded by the claim that he was MISLEAD, regarding the vendor, who we both agreed was perhaps Shoddy, but we both met with and were in constant contact with him, particularly him since he needed to obtain some legal documents. Closing out his argument " the Bottom line, your company, your contacts, your everything" and here is where he pulled out his TRUMP card  "why would i risk $9000 to make $1500( just a figure) I'm not Stupid". Perhaps not as seasoned as my adversary, I began by presenting my argument, There was no Signed contracts, No Recordings of the dealings, Just a simple Handshake between one time friends. I proceeded to make my case, offering to present evidence, of paperwork and conversations etc. The Scholar paused for a few Seconds and then asked " If one gets 50% of the profits, Does that make him a partner, perhaps hes just a salesman with High commission"  I felt the football spiked in my face, I was being exploited and taken advantage and now I'm Being told that " I am Stupid enough to risk my $18,000 to make $1500 for me and $1500 for my " Salesman".  The Scholar looking to please everyone, concluded by saying I see every one's point, and ruled on a much smaller sum that i had hoped for. The Bickering after that was reminscent of the 2002  "Church of Nativity Stand off negotiations"  over such petty and minor details as far as whose gonna sign off on the suit, and what denominations of the bills would be. Then,  Much Like Bill Clinton Pushing Arafat and Rabin, the Scholar pushed us to Shake hands and make even a "Cold" Peace. Defeated, I  Meekly and begrudgingly, extended my hand and felt that squishy plums feeling. " Remember what the Amalakite did you, on the way out of Egypt.................Oblitrate the remembrance of the Amalakite from beneath the heavens.... never to forget".... perhaps not to that Extreme, after all it's only Money............

Thursday, August 16, 2018

The Nation

       State law, That says nothing that is already known or accepted in the State of Israel, was Pushed Through By Team Bibi. I felt the Law Unnecessary, but for Future posterity of the state, I can Understand the need. I only hope BIBI rather than Placate his Brother in Arms the Druze population, would just amend the Law to the Benny Begin Draft and add the Terms JEWISH DEMOCRATIC and EQUAL............It's Unclear whether Rogaine works or not , but After Giving  it  up 8 Months, maybe time for a comeback . The Signs:  for some undisclosed reason my Camera man at BJ TV Events focus on the back of my head a lot, A friend relishes in Reminding me, and the Truth..... This may Jinx things but since I moved to Manhattan last August, only on ONE Occasion, have a i parked in a garage, roughly saving an estimate of $1184.77.........."Someone", pointed out to  me, that during a Porn or Porno (for the old school people) scene, A Woman stopped by another woman's home to borrow some milk, Upon opening the door, he noticed a mezzuzah on the door. Made him feel better about the Kosherness of the scene, Especially during the month of Penitence, I will not spoil the rest of the scene and tell you how it ended .......... Upcoming Events  This Sunday. The Great Indian parade, marching down Madison ave down to Madison Square park........ HBD to Israels #6 the Great Menachem Begin..........