Sunday, January 24, 2021

and you're S#&It


 Doesn't Stink, That is literally what happens after getting corona......One Month later and i Still have "Gas immunity" at home.... Do You count your Cash, after withdrawing money from the ATM?....Wheel of Fortune aires one hour earlier in Florida than New York. My betrothed was Astounded  to see that I was solving all the puzzles at an alarming rate, An Avid and excellent Wheel of Fortuner, She Generally out solves me by a 98-2 rate, like Heshy Katz always Says Even a broken clock is right Twice a day. I Equated it to having a 50 average and suddenly pulling 100's. Riddled with guilt, I had to confess To my  Betrothed That Rena Was the leak, Feeding me the puzzle Answers from Florida..... 

Sunday, January 17, 2021



     Historical Documentaries, Sleep, and Anxiety highlighted the rest of the Week. Very Fortunate to be spoiled by my parents, Not so fortunate to sleep on a soft uneven Sofa Bed, But Rena's Grilled Cheese, Despite having Several Missing cheese spots  has been the Jerome Moiso of the Quarantine..... With all the Uncertainty, The Paranoia and Superstition  Still Persists, Am I safe to go outside? Am i contagious? Do I pose a risk to others?  I dare not Mimic the Virus, and am even more insistent that Trump got routed in this election for Belittling Corona and it's Effects primarily the psychological ones of having to be Seperated from Society for a period of Ten Days or more. Despite the claims That "it's Over" I will continue to be a Sheep and Dawn the Mask and Be as cautious as ever before....... 

First day in

   the Woods....... 12.28.2020  Not Showing any Major Symptoms, Besides Lethargy, aches and major anxiety. My Main concern was for my Wife and kid, and Wait to see  if More Symptoms start kicking in. . Settling into the Spare Bedroom of my Parents Domicile, Staring at the ceiling and Presuming the worse at every cough, Short breath or Ache, It gave me some comfort that my appetite subsided and that i can smell the methane Gas I was providing. The Cocktail Prescribed was Zithromax 500 mg, Zinc, Vitamin D, Vitamin C , Tylenol and Patience.  The news Spread Pretty Quickly and I must say it was heartwarming to get Texts and calls, Though one  Friend of Yemeni Descent, Was Quick to " Congratulate" me on sounding really Well and all But Proclaimed me "Healed", SuperStitious and Paranoid, I told him i had to go, and went on to Binge on the " Last Dance" documentary before calling it a night........ 


The Corona

 Timeline....... A colleague of whom i work in Very close proximity, delegated a text to me at 3:36 friday afternoon that he is not feeling well and has done a corona test. Indifferently alarmed, I began going over Strategy with my wife trying to cover all scenarios.  5:19 Saturday night I get the Text "Positive".  5:23 I convey the News to another colleague who works in the West wing of the 450 Square Office to let him know the status of his Fourth Brother.  Progressively Alarmed, Despite  Not displaying any Symptoms, I scrambled to Schedule a test 9:30 Sunday Morning, Followed by a rapid Test at 11:30 and yet another Test right after that at the Same Location.  Heading off to work I inform an associate picking up boxes of the situation and make sure he does NOT come in the office as i will leave the cases outside for him. Twenty Two Minutes after taking the rapid Test, The Doctor's office calls me that, I was Negative. My caution Dropped to Moderate as I headed home. Around 6:44 Sunday night I began feeling some Chills, And aches. My greatest Fears are going through my mind. Taking Two Tylenol Pm I Struggle to Fall Asleep, As I wait for the Benadryl to kick in. Waking up at 6:43 Monday morning, I still feeling achy and Take Tylenol, Where after about 30 Minutes I feel Well enough to Shower and Pray, I Isolate Myself from my Wife and kid and Anxiously Wait. There are Still no contingent plans as to What we will do, but the Call comes in at 9:57, Positive, at 10:00 Inform the "4th Brothers" Brother. We  Discussed the possible scenarios as to where it could have happened but I was glad he finally agreed with me " That My Body, my Choice" is not really a fair way to assess Ones Refusal to wear a mask. Having to cancel the Nanny, and without anyone besides my wife to watch the kid, I Strapped the N95 Powerful mask rolled down the windows and drove them to Brooklyn to get Tested. After Dropping them off, I Headed back to Isolation in a Private Room in my parents apartment in Brooklyn.....