Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Shomer Shabbat??

       Are people who put a Shomer Shabbat on their Stores or Business Cards required to be Shomer Shabbat in their personal lives or is that only for the Business.....  Before you eat a bag of Peanut M+M's (1.74oz) just know that there are 21m+m's inside  divide that by 250 calories it's 11.90 calories per one  M+M peanut......Unlike the Israelis with Turkey, I will Issue not only a statement of regret, but a most sincere and heartfelt apology  to EE for 1.Putting hot tamales and crushed cookies in his jacket 2. Lying about putting hot tamales and crushed cookies in any of his family's jacket 3. Printing out the text of the argument  4. causing him any hurt harm or injustice- and leave it in the hand of the hand of the hand of the Man That spills the water........An Israeli friend asked me to help him move something, I asked what time- In typical fashion he told me everything( what time hes going home, train, he has a party to go to etc..) Except for the F%*ing Time to be there...........

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Single, Rich, Good Looking ?

     The Lovely Girls at one of the stores i sell to are teaching me some Street talk,Signs and how to properly pronounce words- At the above title I asked them to guess which 2 of 3 I am. Ill spare myself the humiliation and wont reveal their answer........Here we go Again - I Would like to Apologize to EE for causing him any Hurt, harm or Injustice, and promised to consult with him on any future EE postings........The Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit at the Discovery  is highly recommended, Especially  f You're an Altekaka( syrian word for old), I decided to go, i wont tell you with whom but found it very interesting.... Speaking of Altekakas, My Trip to Florida is Thursday to see my Second "Favorated person", I am very popular amongst the ladies  down there......Someone was making fun of me yesterday and told me with all the money you spent on dates, you could of Boned  Ashley Dupree ( Spitzers Hooker)  10.7 times...........

Monday, February 27, 2012

Good News- Bad News-

   First the Good.  There will be an Extra Day of Black History Month this Year- The Bad  news. Blog contributor EE will no longer be  a featured  guest. EE known for his expertise in women studies will be missed,  apparently upset at me Pranking him about putting crushed cookies and Hot tamales in his Jacket he Unleashed his Fury at me Iwananame:  jerkoff Iwananame:  get the BLEEP  out of my house you BLEEPING  douchebag. KnightIU:  whats up Iwananame:  you are a BLEEPING  liar too.  Lying to me about putting bleep  in my coat pockets? KnightIU:  why the hostility Iwananame:  did u in fact put anything in anyone's coat pockets? KnightIU:  no of course not KnightIU:  i only am at war with u and do not bring civilians, women and children into the conflict Iwananame:  at war with me after all the help I attempt to give u? BLEEP  you KnightIU:  like i said i dont drag women and children into the conflict KnightIU:  i know how to disitnguish between enemy combanats and civilians and would never put hot tamales or crushed cookies in anyones jacket except youres and would go to lengths to make sure that that it is known that it is youre jaket Iwananame:  evil...shall be eradicated from this Earth' Iwananame:  i pronounce you to be pure evil Iwananame:  i will not talk to you ever again.  Goodbye loser KnightIU:  is that a promise or threat Iwananame:  a promise.  Goodbye, dont IM me again
   Anyone who can broker peace shall be called a child of G0d as it's written in Mathew " Blessed are the peacemakers- for they shall be called Children of G0d...........

Sunday, February 26, 2012

A girl from,

Florida Emailed me online, After a short conversation she gives me her number and says shes going to Jayson Taylor's Retirement party. "How do u know him" ? "I'm friends with his sister"- She asked me to send her more pictures of me, and she said she will send also one with Jayson Taylor - I replied Send me one of his sister - She Xed me out, I was trying to figure out how someone can take that as a perverted and not a joking comment. To Her Credit  She has a great Bikini body but Sort of a Butherface. No chance, I am going to email or call her to explain myself or apologize..........A Quick Explanation as to what Syrian101 and Syrian201girls is The 101s are Home based- There world revolves around the greater OP area- Aruba- and Deal NJ- Very Sheltered, Greatest Expectations,more religious Syrian201- are a lot more independent Secular, and educated, Have that city/European "were better than you" attitude, progressive, liberal, and of course As Mr Dickens would put it greatest Expectations

Friday, February 24, 2012

Avoiding "Parking Tickets"......

 Starting to be a little more selective where "I park".First or Second Dates that don't go too well can be measured up to parking tickets- Some of course being of the more serious offenses. A quick Comparison Mainstream Syrian girl either (101 or 202) Vrs  a regular American Girl. The S Girls, Especially the ones you get set up, the expectations is Dinner at a nice Restaurant at the least , That would represent one of those $115+ Tickets ( City parking meters. Double standing, Blocking the box etc...) The A Girls more so of a minor offense like Expired meter in the boroughs outside The city - $35 Max.Neither is not so bad, Except of course when you happen to Step in #2........ Baruch Goldstien 18 years ago......... 70 years to The Torpedoing of the Struma Ship ( the lone survivor is still alive)....... Someone said a Mind is like an Untapped Oil Reserve----"Just Drill Baby"......

Thursday, February 23, 2012


 is what She Estimated that she was at  for tonight - I was 100% but  lucky if I broke into single digits. In what seemed to be Why are we going out on a second date-? We went out on a second date.  As the Israelis put a "War of  No Choice" - The Place was good and she knew one of the girls that worked there, who happened to be holysh%$it Hot. I made no attempt to even try to look sophisticated, and look like  i knew what i was doing. The Conversation was mainly composed of ridicules, moronic, and trivial questions and facts- 100% initiated by me , She answered with a lot of "It Depends" - I told her that word reminded me of Adult diapers.  It sounded like i was FunLess, because i don't really drink, party, club, dance etc... Aside from some random chuckles, it was just two people eating dinner, with little to nothing in common, Should of been a date of Choice. No church on Sunday........

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

35 Seconds,

         After a single Session of Phone tag, I Spoke with Photo ad girl for a really short time to See if She wanted to go out again- She thinks Wed would be good, Cause she hasn't been feeling all that well. I text ed to confirm  " Feeling a little Better each day. I'm Still not 100% but im good for tonight"......I was arguing with someone before hand about whom has more pressure for a date the guy or the girl - My argument was me - I have to be Entertaining, Make some what good plans, Take her out, and act normal - all she has to do is either have fun for real, fake it, or be miserable. Apparently She likes clubs so a club like restaurant is on the agenda for tonight. No pressure by the way.......Thanks to DM for sending me an Article on Yeshiva University  basketball-“I’ve done a great job this season,” he said. “I’ve done everything I can possibly do. If your team is missing layups, there’s nothing more you can do.”  - The A$$hole is 4-20, or as Coach Sandusky would say "well if my grandmother had balls she'd be my grandfather" or something like that Last year there was an  article  about the fact that he doesn't like making excuses, But still makes excuses. the double curriculum, the Torah etc....Let Basketball be Basketball..............

Is that the good one?

    The Skin Dr called me to tell me that my Biopsies were Benign, I wasn't sure what that meant at first, until a few seconds later she confirmed everything was OK- I always confuse the Benign which is the good one and Malignant which is obviously the bad...........  The Laundromat I use, and I am not crazy, Ties my bag in so many Knots and in away that's it nearly impossible to open, I really think they do it by Purpose, It's unimaginable that someone would need to tie a bag  that way - Again I am not crazy............ I got a really Surprise Text from a girl, could be friendly text or interest but  makes me believe I have some sort of shot with her after that I thought I had no shot......Reuniongate closure, Some Thought last May That I bought a Ticket to Florida Specifically on the date of my High School Reunion to avoid going, I didn't make to Florida That day ( I went out with a really hot Persian girl that didnt like me), But will be using that credit to Visit Rose Levine Next week..........

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Fish Expierment,

is officially over. Sitting in my car forty five minutes early, I thought to myself not whats the worst thing that can happen tonight , But rather whats the best thing that can happen. Shes 33, Jewish By name, looks decent in her photos, whom i had exchanged a handful of texts. The Right answer to that question is ?.....She had a Pretty face and mentioned that  She's always early, but thought i would be late so she showed up a few minutes late. Her story was interesting and she had lots to say, We had a lot in common with out having any  common ground, From Religion to Politics to life's outlook, No Church on Sunday but.........Do you Believe in Miracles? Yes!!! - Will never get better than this..........

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The first girl that shows up

     for A date on time that's going to be one of the great ones  From the Site I closed Down I met one of the  three girls with the Same name at Upper West Side. As customary to me at least I get the text "Running 10 Min late be there soon"- We met up at the diner and it seemed more like a cordial meeting than a means of trying to impress, she looked OK, but not put together. I had a million Animal questions, with her being a Veterinarian, I did not make the Ali G veterans/veterinarians jokes- We ate a little,drank a little and probably will stay FB friends.....Here is another Example of why G0d is great  or in another religions Allah Hu Akbar - In the past, I have been making fun of EE regarding Eggs, Guess who has High Cholesterol now,(my father also has a little do with that). Lay off the Cheese,Meat and Eggs and  go on a Strict Diet.... For Fun I signed up to go to the Jerusalem Post Conference in April in Manhattan, It's costing quite a few Shekels, I spoke to the Representative and asked if I can walk out during former PM Ehud Olmert Speech, His reply you're not the first to ask that............

Friday, February 17, 2012

"She Had a Good Time-

But Likes to have Fun"- Does this Mean taking her to see the Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit is out of the question?... I am not 100% sure what that means, and explained that to the woman that set me up, and That I wanted to be clear that She wanted to go out again and not one of those " Yeah ill give it another shot kind of dates"........"But at the End of the day", is my new go to Black History Month Phrase...... My Skin Dr did a couple of Biopsy's and asked me, if I sit in the Sun, or go Tanning, a Standared Rhetorical question for me, She didn't need me to answer..........

Thursday, February 16, 2012

My Teams Have No Starters,

Only Finshers,  was a John Thompson quote, Aside from the fact I thought he should Be Brought up on Treason for Losing the 88 Olympics, This is how My date with  AD #2 girl went .For Starters shes in Photography not Advertising, So my apologizes for that. For about Ten Minutes i was watching Girls go in and out of her Building, a good percentage very hot. Only seeing an unclear photo of her before, I would not have ever recognized her, When she finally did come down, i told her that, and it made the first few minutes awkward, She was very cute though. All My Advertising questions i thought of were for Naught, But in situations like this, Improvisation is key. It took a while to kick in, and the fact the our table at the restaurant was uneven and kept tilting, Eased the tension. The conversation ranged from immature subjects to culture previous relationships and condiments- we argued weather salad dressing was one, She didn't seem pressed to leave, and I wouldn't have but it was over two hours already, I nixed on giving her the 50% off Valentines day chocolates, and dropped her off by her door- my usual get home safe joke......If You bet the Under 1.5 dates and over 117 minutes for the date  that would have made you a winner. No church on Sunday...........

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Day,

 is a not a Jewish Holiday, a Reader submits the Question Can there be such a thing as Chalav Ysrael Valentines Day Chocolates?........ E'm Yirtze Hashem,  E'm Yertze Hashem,( if g0d wants) Not to make fun, But making fun- I overheard a conversation between Two ultra Religious Woman, and They wished each other to have a Girl and at the end of the wish they Kept out dueling each other as to whom will say E'm Yirtze Hashem  Last, (there were over ten) perhaps a little superstitious or F%$&^ing Nuts......I had to remove my FB status  Yesterday ( "8 Stax High society- Blessed are the Meek for they who shall inherit the Earth") Someone asked me if i was high or dealing, Nope just a reference to my Pick up yesterday........

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Here is a shout out to G0d ,

 and all praise due to Allah -  last year at the exact same time I went out with a girl that was in the advertising business (for a non Valentines, Valentines day date. I met AD girl tonight at a sports bar. She was a little late, but to her credit she emailed me letting me know. She looked like her photos, She was animated,and fun to be around,)   fast forward one year later and i have a date planned  with a girl from  Yup once again the advertising business, ( there was no church on Sunday last year). This girl judging from her photo is much more Better, I may get her the Russel Stover 50% off Chocolates  from Duane Reade- clearly as a joke Showtime tomorrow at 800......The Runs are killing me, I waited over 45 Minutes Turned out to be Dry, Had to go back at 1030 The A$$Hole was sleeping...........

Monday, February 13, 2012

Three out of four

 girls I am in some sort of correspondence have the Same name, and it's not like it's a very common name also, (Hint it was Adrienne Balaboa real life name)  I think i have a fifty- fifty shot. I closed my account on the new site, with my objectives met. I am not condoning this But i definite have a better understanding why so many Jews marry outside the Faith......    IF Three people are waiting to start a full court game then Eight others come in afterwards, Which guy should be sitting out?.....I was amongst the Three , Thanks for the slice of Humble Pie........My Sister in laws Uncle was Whitney Houston Ear nose and throat Dr, Several years ago he passed away, She wanted to Sing Amazing Grace at his Funeral- Her Father outlawed it...I hope no one bigger than her Dies now that would push her out of the headlines.........The Story of Deborah Feldman, the Ex Ultra Orthodox Satmar girl who left the cult, and wrote a tell all book is fascinating one reason she is semi- decent looking and the other for the story she tells about a friend confessing  to her that she was sent to the hospital with a ruptured colon, after her new husband "went into the wrong place." ... Its not Funny, it's Just not Fun............

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The New

Online Dating site I joined has been offering plenty of Opportunities( when any get interesting ill post) granted there not the greatest, But definite a shot of confidence. Here is a couple of  the girls profile excerpts there are a lot of these If you are looking for a one night stand or some quick fix to your carnal needs, instead of darkening my doorstep go F*ck yourself. I'm sorry if that offends your dainty little ears but Let's be honest, You can give yourself the attention that I will not. or Don't contact me if you're married. I hope you get caught and your wife smacks the s*** out of you I'm on here for dating, not casual sex. Please don't contact me asking me if I think I can "handle" you. Ugghh... A lot of the fatter girls write this, Cause guys think there desperate cause their fat. I  also came across several Girls that were Buddhists it's amazing they were all Thin.......

Friday, February 10, 2012


  I would like to apologize to Annukah and any one reading this blog for causing any Hurt,Harm,or Injustice with the watching  paint dry, Staring at the walls, not even worthy of bathroom reading content. Maybe it's time too quote the Metal Band Skid Row. No Need too Whimper No need to shout this Party's over so get the F%$%^ck Out.............

Whats the difference Between Select and Choose?

  After Emailing a girl online, She sarcastically accused me of being a comedian, I said i wasn't, but knew some cheesy jokes, she replies a day later "wheres my Joke"?.... I asked her for her phone number, -and holy crap she gave it  to me, now all i need is to get her name. The answer by the way  Select is too pick and Choose is what Puerto ricans wear on their feet......"You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I bore you on wings of eagles, and brought you to Myself." - In This Weeks Torah Portion Biblical Prophecy's coming True - "Operation Magic Carpet ", also know as "kanfie Nesharim". The airlift of the Jews from Yemen.....Simple Math works Sometimes- The Girl called back, will see her on Wednesday.......

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Simple Math?

       A Guy Gets a Girls Number +Calls her and leaves a message =  She calls back........ Not according to Specialists EE:EE:  was the message for u to call her back? KnightIU:  yeah of course man EE:  dib KnightIU:  why EE:  because you are supposed to say that you'll try her again "later" and then you actually try again later and then tonight and so on and so forth until you actually reach her KnightIU:  isnt that called Stalking? Iwananame:  NO its called being normal.  It's you showing her that she is worth it to you to continue reaching out to her KnightIU:  so how many times do i have to call her KnightIU:  when do i stop Iwananame:  after about 3 times KnightIU:  so i have to call her back again tonight then Iwananame:  yes Iwananame:  absoFUCKINGlutely...... I'll Wait for the call back not unless i hear otherwise...........Someone asked "Would u want to go on a Panama singles trip in Pesach"? This is how I answered Do u have the dates of the trip, i've never been to the canal- This is what I should  have answered %$&UFHDdo Beep Beep %$#.............

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What have I learned

 from Online dating?  that All Plus Size Girls love to cuddle......Happy Tu Beshevat  The Superbowl of   Hazan Extraordinaire Joe Mooseri........Mazal Tov To The Munster Family on the Wedding of Lorraine I Happily attended, and stayed well over One Hour and Forty Two Minutes, I spent most of the time Talking to a friend of mine that i met there,She looked pretty hot, a uncomfortable moment was when my uncle kept telling her what a great guy i was, he was mildly Loaded at the time, Were pretty friendly, so she didn't think i set it up.........The Phone call -Dreading it again, I wonder what the hell goes through the girls mind, when she's told some random guy will be calling her, at least she has the option not to pick up, It's been over two months since i had to make one of these, I prepared for the call, Except if her answering machine picked up. I Ad libbed one..........

Monday, February 6, 2012

How Do You think it Feels?

 Maybe it's Just me but I find the How does it feel Question to ask Someone who Just Wins redundant  ......  Do You think all the Non Sports fans or Football Fans are really Excited by the Giants Winning?........ The Center is the only Gym in the world where you can have Two Full court games going on at once, have  Five Total  guys waiting to play and the Best you can do is Doubles...... My Betting account was closed for Inactivity so I just Housed one Bet on The Giants Money Line I lost........ Me and EE were in Serious Negotiations for him to do "In Under Five Seconds", but talks broke off, cause he wants me to restart with RE girl and try to Suffocate care EE Style I refused, It would have been a great Segment....Cliff Clavin/ Jesse Ventura  Stat of the Day  Twenty five year ago The Giants in Superbowl XXI were also trailing 10-9 at the half to Denver and came back to win, Coincidence ............

Sunday, February 5, 2012

idiot Again ?

  Why would you say, You're an Optometrist then? I am not sure whose the bigger Idiot me or the Girl that emailed me. My profile opens up like this  I am an Optometrist, i don't see the cup half empty or have full, But rather "Runneth over"( if you're keeping score at home its the 23rd psalm)-  I am starting to resent being called an Idiot........I Re Set my AOL password to the one that got spammed, and guess what?yup I had to explain to my father again it was a lot shorter this time.........According to AM the right side for the Superbowl is the Pats and Under. I may bet the game Since I have so much going on in my life now......Another White lie to Avoid doing  a "Run" I said i am going away, I may get stuck with it anyhow......

Friday, February 3, 2012

63 Years ago,

"The Day The Music Died"......I Promised to visit my Grandmother, But keep Delaying it, The Last time I was there she thought I liked Watermelon, she insisted on me taking back on the plane to NY for my Parents. "Why don't i just get a copy of the Koran and to change my name to Machmood, I'm sure It wouldn't look suspicious...... Forty eight year old online girl never responded back, and the other girl I made a deal with G0d that if she emailed me, also never got back to me- I don't care enough to follow up- it is after all online who cares.........Recognition of the good I got paid for $1841.40 camera.....

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

In Under 5 Seconds or Less.......

A new experimental segment to the blog-  We ask some pertinentt questions and get back the quick  and and maybe not so thought out answers - First guest is Danny Mizrahi who has been coaching basketball in the community for almost 20 years- Dubbed once as the Gary Williams of coaching till Gary Williams won- Danny now serves as an Assistant at Flatbush on both the High school and Jr High School teams. He works  Under the man who has done more for the 1-3-1 defense than what Jerry Tarkanian has done for the the Amoeba the great Jan  Sandusky, and also Mike Gelber Protege Coach Effy- whom Danny has credited for teaching him the Scrimmaging System of practice, and continues to expand his basketball horizons......

 1) How did you get into coaching?
    I was working at the Sephardic Community Center and Elliot Terzi asked me if I wanted to be an assistant coach for the 7th & 8th grade team
2) What was the most important thing you learned from being cut from JV as a Junior and Varsity as a Sr., and how did you apply that into you re coaching ?
  I didn't tryout as a senior since they already had a team picked. I learned that it is horrible to be cut. I could relate to someone that I cut from the team. it stinks but life goes on.

 3) Influnetal coaches that you worked under and Famous ones?
     If I understand your question, Coach Katz would be the answer. When i was starting out he guided me into to teaching basketball the right way. The famous coaches that I admire are Pat Riley, Rick Pitino, Bill Parcells, Bobby Valentine. Mark Messier and Keith Hernandez would players that I looked at as leaders.
4) Greates coaching moment?
     In my first year of coaching Magen David JV when we beat JEC in overtime to get the semi-finals and also beating Flatbush for the first time.
 5) Biggest failure as a coach?
       Losing to Ezra Academy in the first round of the playoffs on a corner bank shot at the buzzer
 6) The Diff between coaches Truck and Sandusky?
          Pretty much the same type of coaches. 
 7) Best Player You ever coached? and all time DM Team
       Too many to choose from and don't want to leave anyone out. 
 8) The way MDY handled youre firing ? and the fact that youre team won the next year
        I wasn't fired. They just didn't rehire me. It wasn't up to the school. Some people on the board didn't want me so they no choice. I felt like Moses who led Israel for 40 years and wasn't allowed to enter the land of Israel.

 9) How do u not curse when coaching?
     Not difficult at all since I don't curse when I am not coaching.
10) Ideal Job both in the yeshiva and Coaching world?
     I have had my ideal jobs by coaching at magen david and Flatbush. Never had a desire to coach in the real world.
 11) You were called an Idiot for teaching a lesson when you Fouled out youre best player-
     Even though the other team didn't know he fouled out, it was in the official book so he was not allowed to play.

 12) Coaching Future?
       Doing what I am doing

It Sucks, when

Someone gives you Two dimes for a quarter pats you  on the back and makes it seem like hes doing you the biggest favor.  I got "paid" for some work I did, What I wish I would have done was say It's OK don't worry about it, But what Irked me  most was that, When I got paid I got that Tap on the back, Kind of like " You see I Help you out".......I made a deal with G0d if a Girl on Jdate would return my Email- I wouldn't go somewhere I am not supposed to go, twenty minutes before, she sent me an email with her Number-I called she didn't pick up.....Amusing to me at least a girl I know posts: "hate when girls can be so fake "...22 comments from a few different girls later,Whose the Fake Girl?......

To all My Black,

And African American Readers have a peaceful Black History Month........  Ten Years ago -  My name is Daniel Pearl..... My father's Jewish, my mother's Jewish, I'm Jewish..... Thanks to my parents for allowing me to make another one of those Special Mitzvot.......Ilan Ramon And The Columbia Shuttle Disaster- Ramon a Secular Jew Insisted on Having Kosher Food in Space, and took with him a small Torah that Escaped a Concentration Camp, because he felt he was Representing the Jewish People, A hero of Operation opera in June 81. Ilan Ramon's son also a Fighter Pilot was Killed Several years later, in a tragic training exercise.....