Thursday, February 23, 2012


 is what She Estimated that she was at  for tonight - I was 100% but  lucky if I broke into single digits. In what seemed to be Why are we going out on a second date-? We went out on a second date.  As the Israelis put a "War of  No Choice" - The Place was good and she knew one of the girls that worked there, who happened to be holysh%$it Hot. I made no attempt to even try to look sophisticated, and look like  i knew what i was doing. The Conversation was mainly composed of ridicules, moronic, and trivial questions and facts- 100% initiated by me , She answered with a lot of "It Depends" - I told her that word reminded me of Adult diapers.  It sounded like i was FunLess, because i don't really drink, party, club, dance etc... Aside from some random chuckles, it was just two people eating dinner, with little to nothing in common, Should of been a date of Choice. No church on Sunday........

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