Tuesday, May 31, 2011


marking the 44th Anniversary of the Unification of Jerusalem. Those three words transmitted by general Mota Gur  are perhaps the three most important words in Modern day History of the Jewish People. The Liberation and return to the Holiness of our places, never ever to depart from them again, The Temple Mount, and Wailing Wall......  In my Opinion nothing can be greater than being a Paratrooper  at that time who were the first to reach the wall, and  stood  along side  Rav Shlomo  Goren Blowing the Shofar. making the blessing on Jerusalem and saying a prayer for the dead . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l17p0fTNvf0&feature=related......... it's Funny to hear now how the Arabs, whom refer to this war as the Naqsa( setback) Blame the Zionist aggression and How Egyptian President despite rallying Millions in the streets of Cairo Swearing to throw the Jews in the Sea was only Joking. The Story of the war and Operation Focus that knocked out the Egyptian Air force in the first three hours of the war is legendary....... Let's hope there is no conflict in Shul on Tommorow Regarding the Yehi Shem.............

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