Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Tzdekah boxes in,

 Certain shuls are not very change friendly it's 2 boxes with a lock in each one of them That makes it impossible to ask for change,I wonder sometimes how much money they lose by not having change.
...............My Uncle In Israel is a cop, a while ago he was called to solve a domestic dispute between a couple. The Problem was Sex, He wanted it at least once a day and she was hesitant on once a week- after speaking to each of them individually, he got them together and after a couple of hours of  " negotiations"- He got them to sign an accord -That they would have sex twice a week and once she has to do it orally- His compromise was written up in Israel's daily News paper - titled the cop who brought peace to the home (Shalom Bayet)..............I haven't bet Sports in almost over a year and I completely forgot i have a balance with the Bookie - I hope they didn't charge me any Extra Juice, My Figure is $261 they promised to call to make arrangements to pick up- I confirmed they don't break thumbs for such a little amount............

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