Saturday, December 18, 2010

That's not a very nice,

thing to do, was what my 7 year old niece was telling me after I was explaining to her about the orders that Menachem Begin Gave to bomb the King David Hotel. How the hell do I explain to her that it was justified, for the record it was......... Anyone holding Bellagio 25k Chips has to go to the Hotel in Las Vegas to validate  them after this weeks hold up at the craps table that netted the robber over 1.5 million in chips........ I  bought the perfect push up and shake weight with the idea that I am going to make an effort to "work out "............... I liken the New Minyan in the shul i pray at to the Tea party - It focuses on prayers; just prayers quick and efficient no classes or speeches, it gives you that option after ( seldom do i stay).......... After about a couple weeks of  getting #s to call, Im down to one ( i lost it ) here are the stats- one date, one call me in a few weeks, one left a message and she  hasn't gotten back to me.........This is probably the best Xmas/ Jews parody

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