Monday, December 6, 2010

Clearly my Parents,

didn't intend on moving to the US  is how i Usually i explain My Name Especially to girls when I first introduce myself.  It can get especially Awkward when I am given a girls Number and have to call her I don't how to refer to myself Gidi or Gideon - The only good part about that is it helps breaks the ice a little, But I generally ask is The person that sets me How they Introduce me.........I do have to make a couple of calls this week , I am somewhat superstitious before i call a girl for the first time - I wait for the clock to show a time that has some good historical significance for instance for it to be on the 17th minute (1917 Balfour declaration) or 48th (1948 State is born), Then I always make sure it's OK with the girl (only on one occasion the girl had no clue i was calling- I apologized and hung up ) I always try to make sure I am prepared with questions and follow up questions, and also know not to exceed 15 minutes before asking her out even if conversation is going well. What's up for this week is unclear yet...........

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