Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Flotilla birthday,

party was a lot more fun than i thought it would be, Of course i didn't bring up the IHH Flotilla story - I went to my old friends birthday party in Great Neck, NY. The great thing about it was that I didn't understand a word spoken amongst the 25+ guests. Everyone is speaking Turkish,which made it easier for me not to be social and speak to anyone. I was sitting next to my friend O - whom i used to be very close to, but time goes on and she got married had a kid, we remained in touch but not as close,( shes still in my will though)  I didn't stay very long and avoided speaking politics with the guests, it seemed that we both agreed about the current govt, they found it funny that i follow Turkish News. I ate a salad, but still made sure to leave money, cause i felt it was right thing to do, they insisted i didn't i overruled them . It's always great to catch up and usually we say will get together more often but for some reason it never works out, maybe it will.............

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