Thursday, December 29, 2011

Reprinted, with Special Permission

7/25/11 (5:30PM) Here is a letter that an anonymous person asked me to post on the site.

This is an open letter to all the girls of the greater Sephardic community between the ages of 28-37.

 As the jewels of the Female Species in the Continental USA and the world, I plead and implore that you do hold the line and don't give in and ever settle for a guy that is short of you're standards. Now, I am aware that these standards maybe just a tad high. That the guy must be good looking, in great shape, wealthy and while were at it let's throw in “he comes from great family”, would cater to every whim and need of yours, funny, smart, and what the heck why not also go shoes shopping with you. Settlements my dear girls are only acceptable to us the Jewish people in the lands of forefathers where the Kingdom Of Judah once reigned. Places like Eli, Itamar, Efrat and Shiloh though they maybe referred to as settlements. To us, they are indispensable parts of the greater Land of Israel. I do apologize that you're dream guy may have gotten away, be it the star QB, or banker or real estate mogul's son, but stay positive! We the Jewish people have waited 2000 years in the Diaspora to return to the land God has given us as it is written in Genesis "to you (Abraham) I will give this land". And these promises are being fulfilled every day in the form of "Shevat Zion". Remember that "us guys" also dream and aspire to be with mediocre looking girls who are bossy, demanding, have great expectations, and seldom put out, but the "us guys” are a settlement. This world is inhabited by great guys and unlike heaven where our fellow cousins whom are promised paradise and 72 virgins in return for "martyrdom"- the Virgins have run out- OK maybe only the really hot ones that they are promised ran out, but that great guy is here somewhere. When the doctors showed Jimmy Valvano the x-ray on his back, it was all black and indicated cancer. Valvano told him "doc you forgot to use the flash"- But he never gave up and urged everyone "to never give up". My message to you  "Don't Dream, Be The Dream.......... 

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