Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Wizard of,

 Oz is pulling the strings for me on the next girl excursion. I have decided to give Oz or EE as hes known in previous posts, full control, He's known  for his not to take no for an answer, stalerkish like tactics- so this should be fun........................ My sales skills are pretty bad- I tried to make a set up that I thought and still think will enable me to punch my ticket into heaven- but it's in Limbo for now - I thought it was great idea, but then again i thought the " dirty shirt " or " dating wrist brace cheat sheet" were good ideas also...............................My sister in law- Whom sometimes jokingly i refer to as the "Jerome Moiso" ( for those of you who don't know who Jerome Moiso is- He was a forward out of  UCLA- That Rick Pitino drafted in the Lottery while he was with  the Celtics Justifying the  pick by calling him a "difference maker"- he was a major bust) of my life called  me to tell me she has some shirts for me. She also  improved  the quality of my life when she gave me a toaster oven with instructions, I never used the Microwave ever again, she didn't believe me at first but its 100% true..........................

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