Sunday, January 9, 2011

Did you Know that you are not,

 allowed to fly after having Bunion Surgery........ .AQ  Picked up, When i called her, we spoke for under 5 minutes but scheduled to meet in the Upper West side tomorrow night stay tuned................I played basketball at the center this past sat night for the first time in at least 10 years- Not by choice, but  all the Machines in the gym were in use apparently Saturday Night is a big work out night  - My Game has suffered drastically and some of my skills eroded and my energy level is at about 10% of what it was - My Mouth still runs - I think i have a comment for everyone -It's amazing how the game has changed In a previous post I mentioned that guys have no shame to play the way they do and i make it my Business to point it out them- they don't care though - I Played against the Kid i used to say has the "body of a tiger and heart of a lamb" and told him he is the all time worst  6-2 re bounder per minute in the history  of  the center another player was the yetzher haraah(evil inclination) of basketball at least he has his Torah skills to fall back on- I tried Setting Screens on or off the Ball of course to no avail the shots were up before i can screen for anyone........... Special Thanks to Rena- She bought me a jacket that I can drive with and is comfortable also, it only costs $65 - I usually Try to use my mom in case she buys any stuff that I don't know how to buy,  so I make sure she has my credit card in case she ever goes shopping for stuff - Shes usually good except with a belt she bought for me once that costs $258 i nearly Fainted........................


  1. what happened with JD's girl? I heard from my sources that she wants to go out with you again but you turned her down? Why did you break her heart,man. Not cool. stop being stubborn.
