Monday, January 17, 2011

I have been,

blessed with good hands,easily my best feature not from a looks standpoint but more so from functional standpoint ( i am not handy at all though) I am waiting for G-d to punish me for the white lie i committed today- I was asked to carry the Torah in Shul today, but I declined saying i hurt my hand- I don't like getting parts or jobs in shul and usually shun them by walking out either to bathroom or get Tea- But the guy that gives the parts out caught  me before i got a chance to walk out -  so i am awaiting Punishment and I know from past experiences its coming.........................I met up with JH girl tonight at a Lounge in Upper East - I texted her saying i was inside,she said shell be there in 10 minutes - A girl walked in after about five minutes and sat by herself I thought maybe that was JH girl as she sat there alone for about 10 minutes i looked over at her and she at me- I called JH then, turned out she answered while walking in - very cute girl- I explained to her that i wasn't rushing her i just thought that she may have been the other girl waiting - She seemed kind of shy and i was asking a lot of  questions that went nowhere to her credit she kept telling me she didn't get what i was asking heck i didn't know what i was asking- we had a little food- talked about Howard Stern a lot - amongst other general topics -I sensed she was a little fidgety, it was cold though - I walked her to her car after about an hour and twenty minute- Church on Sunday is doubtful - I forgot to pee also - which made my ride home extremely uncomfortable.............................

1 comment:

  1. you are like George Costanza
