Sunday, October 27, 2013

An Israeli Tip

  Never leave an inch of space in a line. Both Scalars and Religious can squeeze you out in a second....Never in my life did it bother me to be part of the middle class until I flew El Al with the seat in front of me practically on my lap and the bourgeoisie Israeli couple from Kibbutz Gezer near Latrun to me left my flight fate was sealed I just prayed we get in safely most of the time ........ If Essa comes to smite the first camp then at least the other should be saved- when 2 valises were allowed I used to incorporate that strategy with my clothes- but when my prestigious yuteveta chocolate milk was confiscated at first security I was pleased to at least find the smaller bottles at the duty free-of course at triple the price. Realizing after the it is forbidden to board the flight with liquids exceeding 3.5 oz I meticulously packed 3 bottles in my smaller carry on  practically conceding them and 3 in the larger stowed deep under my phylacteries. Unlike Essa both camps were thoroughly checked and 6 bottles of the chocolate milk appeared on the table. "I'm fu%#ed" the stewardess smiled apologetically. I renege on wishing a stomach ache on anyone who drinks it.... The scalper I bought tickets from last year was pissed that I didn't call him back passing on his 4th row seats for 2000nis or roughly $575.... Called out as a wuss for not spending chaye Sarah here are some of the factors that played against me, how to make arrangements to get back to Jerusalem having to be up early for a flight the next day, spending the shabbos with strangers, the Marzals were all full and heaven forbid what if I needed to go #2. None the less thousands flocked for The cave purchasing anniversary..... I was shocked to learn that the Sephardi haradey community does NOT say the prayer for peace of the STATE of Israel No Respek ........

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