Friday, March 23, 2012

My Sister in law,

        also Scared the Badjesus out of me  so I Called Basketball Girl and told her I didn't want to interfere with karma, turns out her team lost anyways- Beyond me asking weather she prefers man or zone and  some vocational questions we should be getting together Wed night.....Last chance with Aipac Girl on the Menu an Indian Restaurant ( Kosher I promised Voodo Lady) I hope ill be OK I haven't made #2 yet today, and Probably Play Bowling....... Everything went Smooth With the Indian food, No Accidents, Just a little Gas which i got out of the way when i walked around the car, We skipped The bowling, She wasn't really up for it, though she did bring socks. Our conversation is Genetic , but fun , She's Seems Super guarded and The night usually ends with "Thanks I had a nice time" - and runs inside her building. She said she feels bad dumping people, which i can relate- but gave her an out, when asked if she'd like to go out again. she said sure .......A reader asks - If there were no Israel- What would Stop the Assad (Father) from Massacring the Jews of Syria? A leftists would answer the reason they were persecuted was because there is an Israel- I forgot the "History" of How Jews and Arabs Lived in Harmony,Thank G0d for Israel, the Bastard knew better......

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