Thursday, October 30, 2014


 what appeared to be a successful Second date With HRG( Human rights girl)  The Third Date Seem to be like a Team having to show up for the  Consolation Game of the Otis Spunkmeyer Tournament. With out any real form of communication besides a text or two and a 6 minute short conversation the wind of change blew any Momentum we both may of Had coming off date Two. The Mood relaxed and the conversation general, We Broke Bread at another "Irving" Influenced establishment. Jokingly she said she felt like he was a third wheel, But the " Irving" effect was highly felt, and we toasted to all the Free Stuff the Hosts brought to our table. A 90th minute " what to order" Text from  my Sister in law, allowed  me to Impress big time yet again. Some more general banter, the Etymology of Family names, and an argument of who ate more on our dates, I may have offended when suggesting that she should look at my plate prior to her going to the ladies room all the time. Implying that I only eat when she's not looking, rather than her semi frequent use of the Wash room , was meant to be a compliment, but like the "Answer" I am misunderstood. Idealistically, I'm not very sure where this is going, But its on it's way...........

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