Thursday, May 31, 2012

Women are like,

parking spots extremely difficult finding one, and when you do a better spot opens up - K.H......"hey do You know Rxxxxx" very well Respectfully Decline nothing more would i like to travel 120 miles out of my way to take out and Entertain a girl- whom ill hear how tired and Busy and she is. in all fairness i doubt she would want to tell me that also......Suckered by Two emails, and a flirt i resigned up Yup yet again for Jdate. One is a 41 year old "willing to convert" girl whom intrigued me with her email about her trip to Israel and the Israeli- Syrian Border. The Other was a very cute 38 Year old from Queens, she said " you seem  interesting. let me know if you'd like to talk or meat"......How Late is Late? turned out that both IL girl and I decided that it late ( after 1000) was to late to meet up- reading the transcripts of the Texts- We both wanted to cancel but wanted the other to - i was the bad guy, we should be getting together around Sukkos time........

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