Thursday, July 10, 2014

What you see

From here is not necessarily what you see from there...... Day two of protective edge and rockets have expanded to all over the country. Southern cities which were compared to the bastard red head step child are suddenly seen in a much more sympathetic light.  Staying in Ashdod zone 271 their have been several code red alerts, with a couple direct hits several blocks away. I made it on Israeli news as a bystander walking behind the camera, but didn't want to scare them by yelling bababooey.  The only thing  worse than hearing fighter planes flying towards the boarder is the violent snores of my uncle which has made it impossible for me to sleep. None the less I don't want to leave Ashdod for fear of missing out what may happen next..... Climbing up "Kobi hill" in southern Sderot gave us a bird eye view of what was going on in Gaza, what an adrenaline rush, watching the missiles fly out randomly and then the iron dome chasing its Ass down, the hill was pretty packed with several reporters and a lot of randoms just waiting to see what will happen next. A 9 rocket barrage in the early evening hours to our area made for some tense moments, but I must say no one ever thinks its going to be them getting hit.......hopeful for a quiet night, I know I won't be sleeping..........

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