Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Is located in the Mideast and not the Midwest"  Israeli politican Moshe Arens famously said. My mother wasnt necessarily amused when when I confused the Two , and erroneously let her know Ill be in the Midwest.  Pre flight jitter hit early, thanks to David's restaurant, but things leveled out thanks to the double dose or Imodium. The only thing I can imagine worse than having to fly with hundreds of haradiem is having to fly with 200 kids that looked like my nephew.  I hate sounding like the grouchy old man, but these kids were beyond obnoxious.  Heading South the port city of Ashdod, The situation was a tense calm, until around 830 when the silence was shattered with the first code Red. Attending a Kurdish Henna, I was oblivious to the siren and ran outside after 30 some odd seconds a loud boom. Code red followed up again, and It was fortunate to catch the "iron dome " catch the rocket.  More excitement followed as 3 more code reds sounded, with one being a direct hit on a car dealership, only meters away from where a large haradie wedding was taking place. "Major trouble" walked in to the Kurdish Henna, but marone a super milf . My uncle immediately told me to stay away.  I used the stupid and comforting angle to speak to her , an inquired about her well being in this time if crisis.  Hopeful,  we can get together I think she liked me, but she probably thinks I'm rich..........

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