Wednesday, August 27, 2014

A Weekend

 of some good Scripted texts; not those, But the regulars with UCG( uconn Girl). Led me to deviate from  the Script,  and when I wasn't confident in her reply, I scrambled back to the safe and regular context. ( and no not the context you are thinking).  We Met up for the not so Kosher 2nd Ave deli, and played backgammon. Her game was rusty, but she was impressive especially with her piano Rendition of the Hatikvah or as she pronounced it Hateekva.. I'm really liking the pace and looking forward...... My credit card informed me of my loss in a claims dispute against the Leonardo Hotel, located by the old  Mandelbaum crossing that once divided Jerusalem. Due to the action in the South, I chose to stay an extra day out there, and informed the Hotel, Ill be checking in a day later. Of course it was OK with them, and when i checked out they charged me for the extra night, They told me not to worry about it and handed me the Manager business card with the name Yossi xxxx. Of course Yossi turned out to be the Israeli Waldo, and I was screwed out of $160. Not to be like the Spies whose spoke ill of the country, So i wont..............

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