Saturday, February 8, 2014

Headline of the week

פשוט ווינר: המאת'ר פאקר שבלעדיו מכבי תל אביב לא הייתה מאבדת את האליפות בשנה שעברה

Israeli news outlet Walla headline - " simply a winner: the mother F#%cekr that with out him Macabe Tel Aviv wouldn't have the lost the state cup last year" - referring to former USC star David Blunethal.......

         The worst thing about the snow storm is when it turned to ice it left a lot of  pile ups, and  not shoveled areas that forces one to walk in the same path's of people, rather than being able to walk around them or cross the streets to avoid them; Spuriously i nod and say hello; in all fairness, i think a lot of people do the same.....Mooch Advised to friend RRPG ( really really pretty girl)  should i message my new friend?. History has not been kind thus far...... Good Luck to the Great EEE in his upcoming Disney marathon, He shattered the record for Fastest time by a Short shorts wearing, Itchy Ass ( due to his not being able to wipe properly at the porter potty) Runner. I have provided him with several Number Two tips Should the Situation repeats itself , I pray that it doesn't ... Barring a Miraculous Lotto win, I will probably never run into OG. After Two outings to Tehran west, It seem's that I failed to impress, apparently She was looking  more for in a guy besides not being an A$$hole, though i'm glad that i am not one .We exchanged Some ambiguous Texts, but pretty sure were on the same page regarding where were headed... At least no one gets hurt........

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