Saturday, September 29, 2012


   The unprecedented Seventy Minute Bidding Session On Kol Nidre Eve, and the Running of the Torah's like the 4 X100 Relay with it being passed from One  person to another like a Baton and raced across the Synagogue several times. There was almost  a Mutiny as many Congregants were Aghast at the Higher Archy that were running the Show luckily cooling heads prevailed and the Day of Atonement went back on course...... The Day of Atonement symbolizes man's one year contract with g0d, Except it's signed at end of the year, and if g0d decides not to renew, you're in a lot of trouble..... The Islamic day parade which ran from 42nd an Madison down to the Madison Sq park on 25th Showcased 0.0 Spectators, As several groups and organizations marched down Usually with the Same "There is no gd but allah and Moohamed is his only prophet" only in Arabic and truth be told when one hears that chant time to get the hell out of there its pretty radical and scary as they shout it with fervor, I do recommend they get some new songs, chants or slogans. The Marchers had to be shifted over to the sides for several blocks to avoid stepping in Horse Dung. They gave out Free Korans, i  didnt dispose mine but just left it there I have enough crap on my plate the last thing i need is a Fatwa.......Rip Avraham "Bren" Adan a decorated fighter of four Israeli wars who is the Face of the " Israeli Iwo Jima" as he raised the "Ink Flag" over Eilat  in 48 ....Seven Years  to the tragic Death of Larry Major, one of the All time good guys Some days i miss my friend............

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