Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What time did you Finish?

 Is perhaps the most Frequently asked question over the holiday Season, I have no clue what the infatuation is with everyone comparing and contrasting what time the prayers finished.......... In an almost unprecedented landmark case rivaling Plessy V. Ferguson, a woman purchased the Opening of the Torah During the prayer for wealth, Thankfully she wasn't of the Feminist denomination, but had she insisted on performing the duty according to  the ACLU her case would be a Slam Dunk.......Quitting FB has spared me the generic happy and healthy New Year's greetings etc........I vetoed calling Former Friend EE to ask for forgiveness, the argument "What the Hell did i do to him?"  He's pissed at me.......The Mohamed movie was so bad it made it a must see, i was amazed that even super modernized Muslims that I know and friendly with were deeply offended, this has been worse than the story of the Michigan man who  named his dog Mohamed....  and Speaking of Mohamed this Sunday is  the Islamic Day Parade........

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