Thursday, November 1, 2012

"no new blog entries,

 blowing off your friends yet again... i don't understand why you've changed so much".....Congratulations to Munster on his Nuptials, Prior to the event we set odds as to how much people would give him, Not to pat myself on the back but i was pretty accurate especially with his cousins..... Despite not receiving an enveloped invitation and Thanks to a cousin that tagged along  I stayed for a record 1:44:41.9 Seconds, spending a good portion of the time looking for her.Thus far i  am 3-3 in Munster family weddings........Big Jelly has Moved to McDonald ave in Brooklyn, and also after a tearful farewell i Left Selim the dream Apt on E 7th for greener pastures on OP and Ave L - Uncle AAhron has not moved in with me...... Yet....... A good friend of mine is probably pissed at me for Skipping his Housewarming and Cards Function...... After Receiving Three Tickets in a week totaling $260 Bones, I really made sure to deface and defile both check and ticket I hope I don't get in trouble for writing F- U all over every empty space of the Ticket and Envelope........Reminding my Chinese Readers That Tuesday is Erection Day Please don't forget to vote.....Memorials for R. Meir kahana the first terror victim of Al Queda and PM Yitzhak Raabin on the 4th and 5th of Nov.Hopefully They wont have a Raabin Festival this Year..... Magen Day Brought in Gilad Shalit and his Posse for a Festival Visit. The Purpose ? No clue Shalit who has indubitably suffered is no Hero, he Deserves sympathy and Support but to be paraded around and celebrated is wrong Especially Knowing how many bereaved families have suffered and continue to Suffer from the Israeli capitulation to the exchange. Yes I am happy he is home, But it should not be celebrated compassion for the Families, Rumor has it the Elchan Tannenbaum and Ilan Grapel Festival is next month......

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