Saturday, September 5, 2015

Especially Disturbing

 to walk to my car this morning to find it ransacked. Thankfully the lock was in tact and the windows not smashed. My guess I just forgot to lock the car, Two things Disturbed me. Why wouldn't the Idiot thief Check the trunk, of which i had an array of samples and a Box to deliver, and the second on a more personal Level, What the hell was I doing with Eleven  TD Bank Pens, Made me feel like a kleptomaniac. I was grateful that their didn't seem to be any Damage to the car, and they left me my ever so important Back Scratchier. The only thing noticeably missing was an unopened never used  Navigation System.  I hope they make good use of it  finding their way........."Our greatest hopes and our worst fears are seldom realized." Our worst fears have been realized tonight. They have now said there were 11 hostages; two were killed in their rooms yesterday morning, nine were killed at the airport tonight. They're all gone.- Jim Mckay 090572 Munich...... Operation Orchard 090707, the little known and audacious operation to take out the North Korean made Syrian Dry and Desert lands Center, also known as their Nuclear Reactor..........Update with WBG  in One word Still Good and in two Not good........ the good news is I do get to take her out again so hopefully the Status Can be Upgraded.........

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