Saturday, November 15, 2014


 Two of my Sentence at Gideon's has passed, and fulfillment of the Agreement has been the only inspiration. In Hopes the "sentence" be commuted.  The Stresses of the day, has completely disconnected me from any semblance of normal life. Not to say my life was normal but at least i was able to read a lot and follow the day's events.......On the other hand I have been connecting with several overqualified, overtly cultured, Professional Middle aged Jewish Woman Seeking the "Real Deal". As  Defined in the Miriam Websters Dating dictionary as Either  Good looking enough to sleep with on the first date, or The Moshiach who will whisk them away on the White Horse........ If anything good came out of a date with  "Mom Jeans wearing, A lot Nosh Eating girl" a couple years ago besides seeing a lesbian that resembled Jack Sikma the  former Great Sonic and Bucks Center, Was Finding out about the Stone Rose Lounge.  After hardly Exchanging any particulars online, HMG ( Heschel Mom Girl) Suggested we get together in Somewhere in her area and see how things go, Her investment a Two Block walk from Columbus circle,  Mine a Stopover after a Saturday night delivery on the UWS, and  plus neither of us had something to do. A Finance Executive Some Fifteen years past her prime, her looks Still belied her AK- 47 Years of age, or perhaps the Dim lights played a role . Throughout the conversation the only Thoughts that were Infused in my mind, were just thoughts. As the night ended  the  "Geography" or roughly the Twelve Miles between us  proved to be the Major Hurdle  in me being the "Real Deal". We exchanged Artificial Behatzlacha's , and went back to our phones to see what's coming up next..........

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