Monday, December 24, 2012

In Syria There is NO mention,

of the Six Day war, If you we're to look at archives dating back to that time, I think they say that some Shylock's Purchased the Golan Heights, rather than the Israelis Routing them........G0d works in mysterious ways Walking home on a Friday I was mimicking a Rabbi Cousin of mine of which I am proud to say I do a great imitation, Ten Minutes into the Mimicking  I Run right into him, he told me he's my Best friend cause he cares about my Soul...... A reader submits  Should a Rabbi comment on a Scantily dressed Cashier and offer her $10 big ones to purchase a sweater from Conway's or should he refrain from looking at her?.......Props to the Jews that wish People a "Chag Samech " On Xmas........I don't think I ever want to visit Australia I heard it sucks .......Watching my 7th grade Nephews Basketball game, I was shocked to see kids that age being able to master all kinds of zones Impressive?.......A Pseudo Aunt  Asked me why I didn't tell her I was going to the Zionist State? I told her the truth cause I didn't want to Schlep a Valise for an A$$$hole like you or any one else......The Barclay's Center is really Nice, But ill be damned if ever pay 400 big ones to sit Five rows up, The Tickets were free but came with a bunch of kids, We ate in retail Value of food $187 not bad.......

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