Monday, February 13, 2017

It's Been

  Forty two days, Since I went out and did anything Socially, The Streak was broken to attend the great JJN engagement party, I was Arguing the pros and cons of going early as opposed to going late, my Ashkenaz genes prevailed. It was really good to see JJN and his future betrothed, and I wish for them the absolutely Best. Talking to a friend, We were approached by someone he knew, and Goaded to get some Tob Shelf Liquor, figuring  the easiest way to rid myself of him I, Politely declined, stating, I've been off the sauce for Seven Years. The Flood gates opened, Impressively I was able to navigate my way through his prying and interrogation with more and more spectacular lies, The cost was spending a good chunk of my Fifty Seven Minute Stay, Engaging it.......... " I think of the Sight of Natan Sharansky, Still in the dominion of KGB Captors Zigzagging, his way across the Tarmac after they ordered him to walk a straight line" Ronald Reagan  02-11-86 

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