for allowing me to make another special Mitzva, Not cause I wanted to but i felt really guilty if I didn't do it..... I am going to keep my great idea for a TV show to myself, the Pain of getting ridiculed bothers me even if it is by the two or three readers that read this blog. Here is an Excerpt of a short conversation i had with a friend on how to pick up woman at the gym
Iwananame: like "how do you set the distance or time to jog"
KnightIU: what else Iwananame: then just say "I'm ------------ whats your name" Iwananame: "normally i love playing basketball running up and down the floor but i see all you guys jogging on treadmills and I guess that is the way to go. I can track my calorie loss" Iwananame: "so what do you do for a living?" KnightIU: nothing hope to marry someone rich Iwananame: huh? Iwananame: no you dumbass! that's what you say to her KnightIU: no that's what they do for a living Iwananame: IDIOT! you are trying to strike up a conversation Iwananame: fake it if u have to! DONT Fu%&ING ASSUME THEIR ANSWERS
KnightIU: i need a better excuse its the confidence man i have none Iwananame: what the hell man! Whats the worst that can happen Iwananame: so she says she is busy and cant talk, BIG DEAL Iwananame: what are u afraid of? if i am there, i will be there for moral supoport KnightIU: i get ridiculed i dont want to be that LOSER that hits on every girl and gets talked about Iwananame: you wont be KnightIU: im not up too "samson" option yet approaching "hail mary" option
Iwananame: what if the girl u see on a treadmill is cute and u like her. You take the treadmill next to her and start up the conversation. IF SHE IS SINGLE in her 20s, she may very well welcome the chance to meet a new guy and see if there is anything there.KnightIU: E-- this is like youre full proof "Atlantic city " plan where u go to AC win a few thousand dollars then play video poker the rest of the night Iwananame: and it worked KnightIU: the only difference at the casino u get much better odds Iwananame: idiot....u are so worried about embarrassing yourself. So what? so never try? so never take a risk? Iwananame: ok so meet me tonight at about 8:45 for some jogging or, in your case, some light walking KnightIU: im in Iwananame: we'll check out the sexy females wagging their asses at us and you will pick who u like and we'll approach her KnightIU: sounds like a great plan