Saturday, October 15, 2011


     There are two ways you can look at the way the Lulav and Etrog Business is being conducted. From the Vendor stand point He See's people driving fancy cars and wearing designer clothing and then haggling over a Mitzvah for 10 or 20  dollars. The Buyer's Point is He doesn't want to get ripped off no matter How expensive the car. I was always curios what the mark up on the Lulav is ?........ I Delayed purchasing the set figuring just as in Event Tickets  the closer to the holiday the cheaper the price would be. Instead I got Robbed I paid $50 for a Set that looks like my A$$. It almost made me feel as bad as getting a parking Ticket, I hate when people Hijack a Religion to Justify the cost of Something as the vendor did  it's for a Mitzvah- When people used to Buy Viagra from me I never told them it's a price they had to pay to get laid cause either insurance didn't cover it  or the company would raise the prices to counter there non profitable drugs. It Sucked even more when I saw people in shul bragging how they paid $25 or $32 and even had it delivered to their homes. It is Not Cheap to be a JEW..................

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