Things is when i am talking to a girl on line for a short while than have her check me out on FB, and suddenly i get that "it's getting really late or that she has an emergency". It doesn't really bother me cause i know that eventually that's not how I am going to get girls, but I use the online world as an additional outlet so my expectations are slim to none...........After 100 days of the Hair surgery I am almost at a point of calling the operation a failure, I knew I should have chosen the option of being with Ashley Dupree for the night for that kind of Money. Alkoa*I did not make the right call................This Holiday is a critical battle on the war on Food. I try to avoid going anywhere as i know my stomach would take a pounding, The Time has come to bring peace to my stomach a stomach that has not tasted not even one day of peace from the Fulfillment of the prophecy of Returning to Zion........ I have been Emailing with a lot of Girls from Israel just seems like i have more in common with them, plus the potential cheesy lines can work- here is an example of one email - i think you're extraordinarily pretty to a point where in our religion u make a beracha when seeing something that beautiful - i know that sounds like a tacky cheesy line - but I wouldn't use that like that. K.E........ so far the plan is a failure......
* aloka was a company that had commericals with the Slogan - " you make the call" in the 80's
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