opinion I had regarding the Israeli- Hamas Exchange, amongest My Family and some of my Israeli Friends. I disagreed with the trade , but when it became inevitable, I didn't think this was cause for celebration. As written before on my last trip to Israel or Palestine whatever the hell you want to call it, I should've known something was up when the "Shalit Tent" disassociated itself from fellow missing Israeli navigator Ron Arad, Shalit was featured on stickers, T- shirts and bulletin boards with Arad and suddenly they removed Arad, whose still missing along with 3 others from the first Lebanon War. Correct me if i am wrong but doesnt Israel also have an Obligation to Arad and the 3 missing Soldiers from 82 in the Battle of Sultan Yacoub.Here are some Rejected FB Status over the course of the deal
1. Shas and the Haradiem don't need to worry about Hamas threat of Kidnapping soldiers none of them serve in the Army
2. Menachem Begins biggest mistake wasn't retreating from Sinai But giving Nothinyahou his first Job in politics
3. There Blood screams but there voices will not be heard
4. How much did BiBi Pay Shas for Harav Ovadia endorsement on the deal
5. The Shalit deal vindicates the Vikings For Hershcal walker being worse trade ever
6. The Price of Israeli Soldiers currency over the last 25 years increased 3 fold 383.3 for 1 now 1027 for 1
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