Wait an Extra day to call a girl, whom you get set up with, that way you give her a chance to Renege and back out. So that gives me an Extra Day to call new Sephlink girl. I have spoken with a couple of girls from online and scheduled to meet up next week............. The Rubins Stuck this Tehina Sauce Business in my head, and now every time i go to a restaurant or supermarket i always ask for not only Tehina Sauce, but Hummus Sauce, Baba ganoush Sauce etc. Someone help me...........Loved the fact That Shas Chairman Eli Yishai Spent NIS 5000 ($1370) of Tax payer money on his daughters Sheva Berachot. BiBi and the Kadima were a lot worse, Social Justice protest in Israel is going to get a lot more exciting now ......Shir La Shalom 16 years to the Yitzhak Raabin Assassination, Peace my a#$%.........*21 years and one day after since Rabbi Meir kahana was assassinated after giving a speech at a midtown hotel in NYC- I remember talking about it in school the next day and one of the future brain surgeon girls in the class was glee with excitment after hearing Rabbi Kahana was shot- She thought it was our Principal Rabbi Abraham Kahana - who was a distant relative to the legendary Jewish activist..... The slogan "Kahana Tzadak" Kahana was right is still the main battle cry of many Israelis who believe his words regarding the Situation with the Arabs.............
*last years blog
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