should be Seen like Halley's Comet once every 76 years or so. Perhaps a little Extreme, I was thinking more along the lines of " Birchat Hachama" or the blessing of the Sun which comes around a lot more frequently once every Twenty Eight years...... It's hard to describe what sitting in a cramped tight Theatre for almost Two and half hours, with NOTHING to do but having to watch the show feels like. I lost count of how many crystals or whatever those things are on chandeliers, after attempting to count them. The good news, it was a lot better than the last show I saw "Ave Q", and HRG really liked it. I would highly reccomend the "Side Show" over getting tasered, but not over Riding the "A" Train late at night.......
Monday, December 22, 2014
Israel is
Famously known to having four seasons. Summer, winter, Wars and Helections. "To everything their is a season".....Never did I ever think I would have something in common with. A Kuwaiti, until learning that my liberation date from the Gideon's would be January 15th. Twenty five years earlier to the day, H Bush launched Desert Storm to liberate the Kuwaitis from Saddam Hussien.......
It is highly recommended for one not to Take the A train really really late at night. Of course that comes with an explanation......With Obama Chumming up to the Castro Brothers in Cuba, What better way to celebrate than at a Live Music Cuban Show with HRG. An Island Specialist She knows how to get everywhere, Just don't ask her how. The Hippies Liberal crowd was Ecstatic with the News, but what was more perplexing ,the peoples Rhythmic head bopping to the music wasn't in Sync. For the record we got their by accident........ I should be getting my Annual Phone call from my Life Insurance agent, Just to make sure, well just to make sure, she is one of the few people that really likes hearing my voice.....
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
The Silver lining,
is starting to appear,in the Gideon's Project, in a form of a key to the 6th floor Bathroom,Signifying any Number two issues have being solved. The good news continues as it looks like an early holiday Presidential Pardon from the Gideon's Drug Sentence or project. The Experiment turned out as well as tossing a plugged toaster to a bath tub full of water, only a couple weeks left..... The Helections in Israel, with the slogan "Anyone but BiBi", is gaining steam. I'm not the biggest Notanyahou fan, but what most don't realize is that Israel is a Center- Right country, and Security is a priority, even more so than US relations and Pursuing a False Peace with the Arabs. One thing can be said for certain that " History will not be kind to BiBi, if under his watch Iran is allowed to become Nuclear", I hope despite his deals with the ultra orthodox he retains the premiership.........
" That Long Black Cloud,
is coming down" .......Never in the past Thirty days, have I been in more Accidents in my Entire driving career. A freakish accident has rendered me car less for the Second time in under a month, and probably in a lot of trouble with my Insurance company. In Chivalrous fashion, not really Chivalrous, but i just need the story to sound better, I swung my door open to help HRG to the car. My greetings to this gesture was a loud and financially painful Thump to my door, and an even more painful damage to the Mercedes that hit me. With my door not being able to be closed completely, the hard rain coming down was like the Gravy on the meat. HRG was very supportive and helpful, During the two hour and seven minute wait for the Fuzz to show. I was alluding this may a penitence for my sins, and perhaps G0d was sending me a message that this instead of something worse that was supposed to happen to me, But she didn't like that argument. In retrospect it could have been a lot worse since I am uninsured for the month of December, so i appreciate that g0d is keeping me out of trouble that way... for now. The night wasn't a complete wash as we still got to hang out for a little near her apartment. I terminally inexactitude her when i said I'll try to take a cab back home, Sticking you're arm in the middle of the street should cover that "Effort", She of course knew.............
Saturday, December 6, 2014
off the B train at 9:07 on a cold,rainy and bleak Friday night, left me reflecting that I have violated the Sabbath more times in the past month, than I have done so in my entire life. The dilemma, does one abandon his troops on the battlefield, when they are swarmed with work and just pick up and leave, or do you finish the battle; I am no Yitzhak Rabin . None the less A stat that I am not very proud of....... The upcoming chief of staff of the Idf is a Moroccan, the " hot tempered" jokes are rolling off the press, as for the enemies of the state not to piss him off. Congratulations Gadi Eizenkot..... Pope Francis is in The Islamic republic of Turkiye, the last time a Pope visited was when John Paul was shot, by Turkish Nationalist Ali Mehmet Agca in 1981. Strangely Agca appeared in one of my dreams a while ago alongside some other Turkish friends of mine ..... Seeing more of HRG ( human rights girl) has left me wanting to see more of her, and things have progressed to where she now only understands me 12% of the time...Breaking Bread at one of her favorite local spots. Trouble struck for me the second ,I bit into some appetizer, that I had no clue what it was. Sweating and Turning flushed red, I immediately excused myself to the men's room, to confront my greatest fear. Popping two immodiums, and a quick prayer, I was out of imminent danger... Until... fearing HRG would find out, I held off for another few minutes before confessing to having to go again, but only #1. As I made it to the toilet, it's as if the "Temple Mount was in our hands" moment, and I made sure to wash up thoroughly . Peace was back in our time.......
Friday, November 28, 2014
years ago The United Nations voted to partition Palestine. The vote went 33 yeas 13 nos 10 abstentions- immediately The region plunged into war Arab league chairman Mr Pasha was quoted - "This will be a war of extermination and a momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacres"- Despite insurmountable odds, in a modern day miracle The Israelis prevailed. On this date The Dead Sea Scrolls were found, and the oldest Torah in Aleppo Syria was Burned some 200 pages of were preserved.........
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Seasons Greetings,
And Happy Thansgivings. Into the 4th week of the Sentence or Experiment at Gideon's, and one thing for certain i can add to my Resume; Nebbish...... A side swiping incident with a semi Trailer at 7:18 in the morning on 10th Ave and the Twenties, has rendered me car less for the past several days. Driving the car to the dealership on 11th ave with a falling bumper, with out incident, That is of course until the estimated damage report came up. I have yet to pick up the Police report, so it's unclear whose the Guilty party. The only thing that i can say for certain is that all those waiting with me on line at enterprise car rental would rather have been at the Dentist office....In a strange twist, me and HRG( Human rights girl) Paths crossed again, via a really good conversation, regarding why the status of our dating was ephemeral. Win, lose or draw we decided to get together in a very nonchalant manner. We ate a little drank a little perhaps more, and when the night was over some drinks were spilled innocuously; not on me, and the statuts of the potential and nasacent realtionship has been upgraded. Certainly their has not been any weighty talks.... yet, But for certain it'll come should the situation progress........
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Two of my Sentence at Gideon's has passed, and fulfillment of the Agreement has been the only inspiration. In Hopes the "sentence" be commuted. The Stresses of the day, has completely disconnected me from any semblance of normal life. Not to say my life was normal but at least i was able to read a lot and follow the day's events.......On the other hand I have been connecting with several overqualified, overtly cultured, Professional Middle aged Jewish Woman Seeking the "Real Deal". As Defined in the Miriam Websters Dating dictionary as Either Good looking enough to sleep with on the first date, or The Moshiach who will whisk them away on the White Horse........ If anything good came out of a date with "Mom Jeans wearing, A lot Nosh Eating girl" a couple years ago besides seeing a lesbian that resembled Jack Sikma the former Great Sonic and Bucks Center, Was Finding out about the Stone Rose Lounge. After hardly Exchanging any particulars online, HMG ( Heschel Mom Girl) Suggested we get together in Somewhere in her area and see how things go, Her investment a Two Block walk from Columbus circle, Mine a Stopover after a Saturday night delivery on the UWS, and plus neither of us had something to do. A Finance Executive Some Fifteen years past her prime, her looks Still belied her AK- 47 Years of age, or perhaps the Dim lights played a role . Throughout the conversation the only Thoughts that were Infused in my mind, were just thoughts. As the night ended the "Geography" or roughly the Twelve Miles between us proved to be the Major Hurdle in me being the "Real Deal". We exchanged Artificial Behatzlacha's , and went back to our phones to see what's coming up next..........
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Going at it alone,
This time with HRG( Human Rights girl ). Their was no Inspirational Advice from my SIL, no cheat sheets on Food orders, and most importantly No Irving. Going through the Humdrum Sparse Texts for a few days prior to our Tuesday night date , left me perplexed, and thinking " Why are we going out again "? . The Truth of the matter is we did have a good time on all Three prior occasions and Despite feeling like I struck out, I still did get on Base with the Strike Three past ball, and no not the base you're thinking of. Making Reservations at an uninspiring Pedestrian Restaurant, I found it very random that they had us wait a while to be seated. Some Fifteen minutes later, we opted for the especially comfortable chairs of the sushi bar. "Had " Irving" been around none of this would've happened". None the Less she approved the Arrangement. Tired as an Elephant after running the Marathon, My game was way off. Looking appealing with her black sleeveless top, We spoke elections. Face book, Work , and everything else NOT pertaining to a potential relationship. Maybe she was uncomfortable, maybe me, None the less I enjoyed her company. Taking the longer route on the short ride home, hoping to crack through the insipid conversation, by that time we both knew that our paths would not cross again. It made more and more sense now, why she always completely turned the other Cheek every time i kissed her hello or goodbye on the cheek Generically, one would say she's a great girl, I'd correct and say shes a girl with a lot of great qualities. No Church on Sunday............
Friday, November 7, 2014
Erection Day
At Gideon's can be a little controversial due to the Melting Pot of the Staff . The Hispanics all vote for the Democractics, "of course We can't Vote for the "White-ass" Though Coumo Technically is a white ass. Our Asian Pharmacists took little offense when I wished her a happy Erection day, and of course Jews vote for the Money, Seems right were all rich. A favorite Elections Story, when A green party candidate for governor in Illinois in 2012 had his name misspelled in several African American Districts as RICH WHITEY, for those scoring at home the N is missing.........Living by the motto " Pacta sundt Servende" or agreements must be honored, I just hope I am still alive to live through the Gideon Back to Gideon's Experiment. It's been the first week of the Minimum 24 week Sentence..........
Sunday, November 2, 2014
After My past
Failure at Gideon's, Coming back to reinvigorate and profitisize the franchise has become personal. I wont quote the Best their ever was Roy Hobbs and say " Tomorrow, I wouldn't be against me", But it's looking more like I would bet against. A Major concern the lack of Proper #2 accommodations and of course this is a restroom I need to share with Seven others Perhaps more, A certain change in my Diet is Essential........Looking like it's going nowhere me and HRG ( Human rights girl ) are in all likely hood on the Offs. Some non specific Texts, and a voice message I left for her Friday Afternoon was the only communication since Tuesday Night. Replying in Text she'll call me back Tomorrow, I fully expect to not hear from her, and their just doesn't seem to be any eagerness from both sides to continue. Despite being a little expensive I learned some very valuable dating lesson for the Future, My SIL is not to happy with me, Thinking Tinder is playing a role in the non fulfillment of the potential relationship. I objected Truculently, Arguing that When you meet someone that Provides that Excitement, Nothing else will matter, and besides iv'e all but eliminated Tinder, but She probably thinks i just want to get Some A$$... No Broken Hearts, No Apology's, No Regrets But Yes Their will be Church on Sunday...........
Saturday, November 1, 2014
The Rabin Legacy
November 4th 1995, Israel will commemorate the 19th Anniversary of the Assassination their Beloved former PM Yitzhak Rabin. His legacy as a fighter,commander, Chief of staff, Defense Minister and The Prime Minister who delivered Peace to his People, Propelled him to be voted one of the All time Greatest Israelis. Had That regretful, cataclysmic calamitous fateful moment on that dreary Nov Saturday night, when a right Wing Assassin under "G0ds" orders or perhaps Someone else's shot Three bullets into Rabin not occurred, History would perhaps Judge the" greatest Israeli" in a different light.
The Career of one of Israel's greatest military minds, began in the Palamach, The elite fighting force of the Hagana ( Defense Underground) . During the 1948 War of Independence Rabin as an officer was tasked to lead several different operations. Most notably at " Feja" and a critical operation to open the roads to Besieged Jerusalem and the Gush Etzion Block. Under his command the missions were colossal failures, an led to his dismissal from his posts. Accusations of leaving the battlefield in other missions were also leveled. During the 1956 Sinai Campaign "Operation Kadesh" Rabin was a non participant at any level. As Chief of Staff in during the 1967 "Six day War" under prodigious pressure Rabin Suffered a nervous breakdown or in his words " Nicotine Poison" that rendered him invalid for 48 hours and left many questions his impact on the lighting quick Israeli victory. When the Top Military brass summoned and called in many former retired generals and commanders ( bar lev, ben Ari, Sharon etc.) to help During the "Yom Kippur war" of 1973, No one found it odd that Rabin's Phone did not ring. His Security career resumed as Defense Minister during the Arab Intifidah or Uprising of 1988, Where for Two Years he failed miserably in quelling the violence and only after his Resignation for his role in the " Stinking trick " affair in 1990 did the violence subside. Perhaps some things that were left off the Security and Military Resume...
Often Praised as " Neki kappaim" A biblical phrase meaning clean Hands or Honest. The Israeli Honest Abe, whom upon when it was discovered that at the time it was illegal for a Prime minister to have foreign banks with out hesitation tendered his resignation, hidden from the public was that Attorney general Aharon Barack would level serious charges against him, should he not step down and relented that his resignation was enough of a punishment to pursue things further. Innocently and with great naivety Rabin, to the Thunderous Cheers at the White House Lawn Shouted "Enough" as he signed off on the " Oslo Accords" or the Hutna the temporary Truce Between Israelis and Palestinians, that led to the deaths of 1500+ Israelis over the course of the Oslo accords, that have been viewed as treacherous and now about to become null and void. After Nineteen years, the Question Still Looms What If ? Where would the situation be, What if the Peace rally would have ended peacefully? Would history be as kind to Yitzhak Rabin......
Thursday, October 30, 2014
what appeared to be a successful Second date With HRG( Human rights girl) The Third Date Seem to be like a Team having to show up for the Consolation Game of the Otis Spunkmeyer Tournament. With out any real form of communication besides a text or two and a 6 minute short conversation the wind of change blew any Momentum we both may of Had coming off date Two. The Mood relaxed and the conversation general, We Broke Bread at another "Irving" Influenced establishment. Jokingly she said she felt like he was a third wheel, But the " Irving" effect was highly felt, and we toasted to all the Free Stuff the Hosts brought to our table. A 90th minute " what to order" Text from my Sister in law, allowed me to Impress big time yet again. Some more general banter, the Etymology of Family names, and an argument of who ate more on our dates, I may have offended when suggesting that she should look at my plate prior to her going to the ladies room all the time. Implying that I only eat when she's not looking, rather than her semi frequent use of the Wash room , was meant to be a compliment, but like the "Answer" I am misunderstood. Idealistically, I'm not very sure where this is going, But its on it's way...........
Friday, October 24, 2014
The Extra Seventeen
minute wait for HRG( Human Rights girl) Was well worth it. As I kept circling the block fearing the Fuzz walking the beat should be back to ticket me after protecting and serving by making move off the Hydrant. She Smelled really good and an free exchange of ideas really flowed as to how many Cologne or Perfume sprays are allowed. "when in doubt spray less as to avoid smelling like the Shamies" who are notorious Cologne sprayer Violators. The Short ride to the Famed Lavo restaurant Specifically know for the Extra tall and leggy non WNBA playing woman, Jilted any nervousness i was feeling and it led me to confess that " irving" was not The Moshiach or Eliyahu hanavi but rather a concierge ( I was using my sil account) that sets people at different places, She had one upped me on irving by actually attending his wedding. Brimming with confidence that belied my Nervous nature I ordered for the table, yet insisting she kept a reserve menu behind her just in case. Once again Thanks to my SIL( sister in law) suggestions my order was a slam dunk on all fronts - Louie Salad- FF- Pizza- Salmon and Spinach. We got comfortable enough to Exchange Instagrams, and Men's rooms V Ladies room Bathroom Drama. Hers Girls complaining of Nyc Guys and mine Guys farting with out regard to anyone else who maybe in the Bathroom, and Sympathizing for the poor Attendant stuck in a cramp space between Two urinals and a Sit down toilet. Fumbling for some words towards the end of the night, and not wanting to make the wrong or too soon move " I had a really really great time" - " yeah me too" - Church on Sunday yup......... Thirty one years to the Marine Barracks Bombing in Beirut by Hezbollah
Thursday, October 23, 2014
all over again, but this go around the Kale Salad looked way better. Playing around on one of the Apps, I connected with an over the top, lights out Middle aged Divorcee, After a short text and phone exchange of pretty much just having similar backgrounds in common, The Fact of the Matter was She was Hot, So who cares. Having mentioned she needed to pick up her Health food at a Park Slope Shop, The Suggestion of going with her and then sitting somewhere in the area Seemed very logical. In Case it wasn't mentioned she was Hot. Our Conversation consisted of me listening to her Speak to her uncle on the ride there and her spewing some directions, but she was still hot, and clearly not into any part of me, I could been Gandhi or Jesus Christ or Long Don Silver( of Anita Hill fame) it would not have mattered. The Main Event Consisted of her Absolute favorite Brussels Sprouts and Fish, leading me to believe the Night can be salvaged. Not even that helped and in way out of character fashion for her, She became intensely tired, I complimented myself on having a good effect on her and suggested should she ever need to sleep to contact me. I wasn't flattered to be her first App Date, but i certainly know I wont be her last. "Did i set the Barometer high for you in future dates?" She just complimented me on being a gentleman blablabla. What have we learned that it's bad for food digestion when you drink and eat at the same time, and more importantly that it should be forbidden for certain people to Procreate.......................
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
“Gott mitt uns,”
Was the Austrian Battle Cry in WWI, That means G0d is With us. Deciding to incorporate that theme into my Dates has yielded similar results to How the Austrians fared in the War to end all Wars. The Stone Rose lounge was the Venue for A late Sunday Matinee get together with a girl, I've been speaking with for sometime. She was every Jewish Woman's Dream girl; Except she was Straight.;A Successful colon something Dr, that scored really high on her SATS. Adding to her impressive Academic Resume She was also an avid runner, Who will be running her Second NYC marathon this November. Her time Roughly Six hours or 13 minute miles, What made it more impressive was well She wasn't exactly hmm Exactly. Everything clicked on every level except for what was supposed to click. What have we learned was that i have 9 more years before i do that colon Test, So there was some really really good news. No church on Sunday......... A great and resilient crowd at the MET to protest " The Death of Klinghoffer", The Opera that glorify the Brutal Murder of a Jewish American Citizen. The Notables Speakers there Mayor Guilaini, Peter King, Alan Dershowitz, Rabbi Shmooly, Ron Lauder and Mort Klien..........
Saturday, October 18, 2014
WARS, NO MORE BLOODSHED, NO MORE BEREAVEMENT"..... "ENOUGH" ...... The State Dept implores all the Belligerents in the Simchat Torah Wars to lay down their arms. Their will not be any more causalities of Onion Rings and Laffy Taffy Lamented a nameless Community Organizer. Dylan Perhaps put it best " How many deaths will it take it till he knows that too many people have died "....... Synagogue Stat of the Week Hoshana Raba Hakafot last on an Average of 3:58.47 pending who leads the Round tripper..........
The Royal Treatment....
Picking up HRG( changed from BRG Human rights girl) She was Surprisingly taller than I had anticipated and looked Especially pretty. Certain she can tell I was a lil nervous, Fumbling to finish off my Sentences and Thoughts of which I didn't come off as very articulate. My SIL( Sister in law) hooked me up a PAS establishment, and upon entering, promptly we were ushered to the best seats in the house. One of the Big wigs walked by to Shake my hand and make sure that Irving knew we were taken care of. Smiling Sheepishly I nodded my approval, and as he left I turned to my date with the " Who the hell is Irving face" - She didn't know either. Perhaps he was Eliyahou Hanavi making sure my date is impressed. Unclear weather she was or wasn't, It still made me feel important. Neither of us really ate much, which some refer to as a good sign, But i waited till she went to the Ladies Room to sneak in a couple more slices. She Seemed attentive and interested as I was, and the conversation stayed relatively safe. COS looking good.......... Is it Blasphemous to curse out the rain considering it comes from G0d?
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
The Unmitigated,
Disappointment finding out My Nike Fuel Bracelet was a complete fraud and Scam, was only superseded by Another Disappointment. Meeting up with another Soviet Ex pat, This time a little further out in Beirut Ridge. Several minutes late, She suggested we sit in the outside seating of the cafe, and despite being a little Drafty it made sense. She spoke of hardships and Anti- Semtisim growing up in the Ukraine, and refused to take a position in the current conflict between Russia and the Ukraine. " Let them kill each other".. for all she cared. Noticing my Fuel band, She suggested i shake my hand for several seconds and watch my Fuel Points drastically rise, As long as she didn't accuse me of being a retard, I had no objections. Several Seconds later their was a 16 Fuel Point increase, and the Nike Sham Exposed. She Credited her Psychics and applied Mathematics for the Fuel band revelation, We both seemed grateful that G0d send us a clear sign to end the meeting; it got especially cold. After Forty Three minutes of clearly no love connection Etc Etc... I thanked her for helping me avoid watching the Jets game, and the Russian profanity translations, She Shot me a malevolent Smile, and a spurious nice to meet you........
Sunday, October 12, 2014
"How Do You Define
Traditionally Keeping Shabbat? " Basically I can't go out with Someone who is Shomer Shabbat- AT ALL", I'm guessing me and a Jswipe girl will not be going out. anytime soon. I didn't bother answering.......The Gideon Back to Gideon's looks like is back on again. I feel like Billy Martin coming back to the Yankees yet again, Except this will only be my Third time....... The Holiday spirit is still in the air, and what that generally means is it's also Set up suggestion Season. Some names thrown at me, and it's always reciprocated with my blessings to throw out mine and generally no harm is done... I'm Pretty sure my sister in law has me in Dating Rotisserie, Shes on a mission to improve my image ( how i dress) and is pretty optimistic. She took out time to order me a bunch of stuff, and will coordinate for me what goes with what. I have to Text her what I'm wearing for BRG( Beatles Rigby Girl )Monday night.....I'll text later to confirm........
Thursday, October 9, 2014
the insipid and anemic phone call . ER Returned my call with a Text, And the conversation took off from there, Culminating with a Discussion of the Japanese Nobel prize winners for their work on LED lighting. She green lighted the date by Saying Led it be light See you Monday night...... My #2 Terror Alert level has risen to Code Red Status, After a friend of mine has intensified his prayers against me. DM famously known for his prayers for Rain in Deal on Weekends, at a high Success rate. Is Unleashing his Wrath on me for Inquiring about the time he saw his grandmother of blessed memory Naked. All I asked was if she had retro bush and Droopy Yellow t%&s. The Last time He unleashed the curse. I got stitches, A flat tire, and had a customer stiff me 15 dimes in the same week. So with a lot of walking on the holidays and another potential upcoming date, I'm carrying an extra dose of Imodium........Happy Harvest, to make it absolute clear it is very permissible to double stand, Block driveways, make illegal U turns for the sake of g0d and Mitzvot..............
Monday, October 6, 2014
41 years ago
to the Yom Kippur War, The Egyptians have made a new documentary that glorifies "their great victory", again they may have covered the spread but certainly did not win.....It Bothers me a lil that Everyone I know That uses the phrase "Let me tell you Something" Always Happens to tell me something with a$$ breath...... A Collaboration between my Sister and Law and an Acquaintance ,Has yielded the Number of an Attractive GE( Great Expectations) girl. Checking out her FB, It's exciting to know that we have so much in common. I just need to brush up on several Pop Culture topics and as chick hearn would say Slam Dunk.... Meticulously going over the Initial phone call in my mind, I always prepare for every Scenario Imaginable, and prepare a couple of Jokes Should G0d forbid I may need to use. Thankfully I got her voice mail. The Ball is in her court now to respond, Pressure off........
Sunday, October 5, 2014
The Great Day
of Atonement debate was "is it appropriate for someone who is a Sabbath Violator, Not 100%kosher eater, occasional fornicater with non Jewish woman etc. to be allowed to represent the congregation by carrying the Torah or getting called up to the Torah". My argument was that it's not something I would like to have on my conscience, The House Rabbi didn't give a black, white answer and with that I not only carried the Torah, but also got called to the Torah. The Cost for both $266.68. A Bargain for Yom Kippur...... The Services were somewhat uneventful until the Amateurish and inexperienced cantor drew the Ire of Some of the Petitioners, primarily the first family of the Minyan, or as some like to refer to them as The Kennedy's, meet's the Hockey Hanson Brothers with a Daash or ISIS Twist. The Bumbagee Clan, Who boisterously and clamorously attacked the cantor for mispronouncing words and not representing the congregation well on the Holiest of Holy Days. The Outburst lasted for a very long Five minutes with 5 out of the 6 Bumbabgees voicing their opinion. Peace in our time was Brought back by the Great Azoori, and thankfully the Bumbagees will not be seceding from the Union. It was fascinating to see Chief financial officer DM, Genuinely panic at the mere thought of having to shake any one's Hand, Even rejecting some Hands of the Rich,Famous and Torah Scholars. His Sentiments of course were Shared by " Columbine" a disgruntled looking young man who Seemed pretty angry, until Mooch Opened a conversation with him. Crazy Joe Devola was back, but Sadly Herman Munster was not. I really want to be Friends with Bumbagee Nation
Friday, October 3, 2014
Fore Fore Fore
With out Any more social dating websites, or any potential dates I find that i have more time on my hands to write more Uncle Joe poetry....With Fore Fore Fore (Moses Malone Style) Encounters coming up, and very little chance of reaching the Main Event... Right away. I decided to forgo the online route. Last night was Hoboken, in Douche bag fashion I just ignored the text, Sunday night Merrick, Monday night the city, Tuesday White Plains, Of course their was the Israeli girl who asked that I call her after 700 P:M. I've become flaky, more insecure, and acting like a complete Dick........ Fore Fore Fore, maybe Fore and half- It pleases me to say that all Fore Girls that i was in a Sustainable and long term relationship are either Married or Engaged to be Married.The half also got married, but We had a really really good arrangement. There is no question in mind, that My ticket into heaven has been punched
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Uncle Joe....
I was summoned to write a few words about the late great uncle Joe......I can't say I have much time on my hands as it took me about Seven Minute's, but a Trip to the Shrink's office maybe on the horizon
uncle Joe you had a dream
unlike Joseph's but dr martin Luther king's
that kids would join hands together eating vanilla and chocolate ice cream
in an oasis of brotherhood they all chanted let freedom ring
Uncle Joe you were The Captain of the ship
no one ever questioned why the ice cream was never chocolate chip
You were every generations universal Uncle Joe
Even though you Simply refused to grow
Uncle my Uncle you were the Whitman of Ice cream
You bought the best flying Saucers, unlike Good humor or Mehadrin
Our berachot we made were you're biggest treat
we were grateful you weren't a Kohen, Cause you also had really smelly Feet
You were an ice cream warrior
with passion of a united postal mail courier
Stopping many chocolate vs Vanilla fights
you were a champion of the ice cream civil rights
You're spirit cried never, even when you're body stopped
With you're inspiration we licked our ice cream to the last drop
You've touched everyone, and prevented a lot of violence
That included the aged and those who are lactose intolerance
You're legacy lives on in the Minyan you Started for Free
The Torch has been passed to the Family of Bumbagee
uncle Joe you had a dream
unlike Joseph's but dr martin Luther king's
that kids would join hands together eating vanilla and chocolate ice cream
in an oasis of brotherhood they all chanted let freedom ring
Uncle Joe you were The Captain of the ship
no one ever questioned why the ice cream was never chocolate chip
You were every generations universal Uncle Joe
Even though you Simply refused to grow
Uncle my Uncle you were the Whitman of Ice cream
You bought the best flying Saucers, unlike Good humor or Mehadrin
Our berachot we made were you're biggest treat
we were grateful you weren't a Kohen, Cause you also had really smelly Feet
You were an ice cream warrior
with passion of a united postal mail courier
Stopping many chocolate vs Vanilla fights
you were a champion of the ice cream civil rights
You're spirit cried never, even when you're body stopped
With you're inspiration we licked our ice cream to the last drop
You've touched everyone, and prevented a lot of violence
That included the aged and those who are lactose intolerance
You're legacy lives on in the Minyan you Started for Free
The Torch has been passed to the Family of Bumbagee
Is "Not My Type"
a Euphemism for ugly? Someone I know embellished my credential to a random girl .Made me 5 years younger, Some Million Dollars richer, and on the Gandhi level of a greatness. When She checked out my FB Profile pic her reply Not my Type. She wasn't mine either, but I'd still.... never mind...... Thanks to the Great SteveC, I've got Ein Od Milevado Tourette's, and in his voice also.... It Bothered me a little to see someone who indubitably does great things for people, and impacting their lives, Posting his Good deeds on line, and all the comments of how Wonderful it is. It really is Wonderful, but posting about it a little hmmm.......
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Happiness Requires A lot of work ?
A Short Three minute conversation at 740 led to a spontaneous 815 meeting at a local McDonald's on bay parkway with an Soviet Expat with distant Photos in her profile. The Risk Was minimal, the investment was low, and the Return was well the return. Chirpy, with outrageous laughter, She looked really good in her distant photos, And seemed abnormally Happy. Sharing Stories,and observations over French Fries and water. It made feel really bad complaining that I pee too much, Especially after hearing what She's been through, Her Story made Tishe Be Av sound like a Festival. She kept repeating That Happiness requires a lot of work, and she didn't get this way over night. Suspecting she may have been on the sauce or Shrooms, She kept preaching the " Joel Osteen" Style message Sans the Jesus part. Their was no love connection, but i suspect she really liked me cause she kept insisting that it looks like i work out...........9 years ago the sudden passing of PSAL coaching great Larry Major..........
Monday, September 29, 2014
Kale Salad,
Organic Beer, Recycling, The Middle East and the Environment were the Highlights of my get together with Hippie Chick, at a Ditmas Park Hippie Cafe last night. Fortunately We did not make it to the Main Event, Which I'm Sure would've produced Major Fluff on the Muff or in laymen terms Retro Bush. Hoping she would look like one of her other photos, She looked like more like An Eleanor Roosevelt meets Amelia Earnhardt, With a Bicycle helmet. Our life perspectives couldn't have been more different, but my Retro Bush Thoughs kept me intrigued. What have I learned? That Organic Beer and Kale Salad Really really not very good..........After receiving a couple love letters from the city; parking Tickets, It turns out that in the "Alcoa presents you make the call " Segment on Sept 2 that I made the wrong call trusting the Israeli Mechanic, apparently he decided to park my car on the sidewalk, with my registration not placed on windshield - I may have a better chance of collecting the $500 from Israeli girl who stiffed me several years ago or Haim the Israeli who needed $600 to buy meat for Rosh Hashana 5774, Than this Charlatan . The Damage $180 bones.......
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Is not to be celebrated, you only celebrate success.......Reflecting on #41, I've come to realize my accomplishments number the same amount of fans that showed up to ETM ( Eric the midget ) of blessed memory appearance at a Sacramento WNBA game. ( scroll down for the answer)...... Unable to change my Date of Birth on FB, I chose to go into Facebook Exile for a couple of day's to avoid any Posts, Plan was executed to perfection.. Until .....When Haim Mooch Miz pledged 1000 bones for the opening of the Ark Special Money Prayer on Rosh Hashana it was the most electrifying and answering the bell 94 seconds since Isaiah Lord Thomas Scored 16 Points in that same time span to force Overtime in Game Five of the decisive First round playoff game against the knicks in 84. With Ice in his veins, Mooch showed great poise weaving in between the raucous petitioners to reach the ark, gracefully he swung the doors open and moved the veil to uncover the Five Books of Moses, and with great fervor he manifested in the salivation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings for the Holy Cheese. The Price for the honor $10.64 s Second, not a bad investment considering he was promised to get a 1000% return on his investment and no way G0d is running a Ponzie Scheme.......
The answer :0.0
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Through the lens of my Scope is Sadly not looking like to be a very good year. The Reasoning to paraphrase the late Tim Hardin " Still I look to find a reason to Believe"......Certainly I can't be the only one not looking forward to these Holidays, All the Spurious Happy New Years, Wishing you all the best, Praying for you and Blablablabullshit..........Let's call a Spade, a Spade 5774 was a crappy year and to Quote former MTA chief Roger Toussant " TINGS DO NOT LOOK GOOD" ( the transit strike in Dec 05) for 5775. None the less as Syzimon Persky Say's " We need more Solutions, Not resolutions" for the upcoming Year..........
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
The Russian Proverb :
Anyone who doesn't Ring in the New Year Celebrating, Won't be celebrating the Whole Year......Recycled, but I am big fan of the Reform and Secular always Wishing people a "LeShanna Tova" .... A lil Fallout from FOMG( fan of mom girl) I wish I didn't know where she lived, Cause now I have to be apprehensive parking on Quentin road near the Big Jelly Empire.......It's so great of the JETS to give you hope and make you stay up late, knowing full well that they're going to screw you and lose, and the best part you know there going to screw but you stay up anyways..........After seeing some of RRPG( Really really pretty girl) Photos on FB, History will not be kind to me on how I Screwed that up. Last year She wanted me to go with her to AC, But I chose brandishing a Tree and Eating in a hut instead. My WMD in Iraq Moment............
Friday, September 19, 2014
Since our date Saturday night ,I have yet to reach out to FOMG(fan of my mom girl). However What I have done again was reach out to Jdate yet again, " How else are you going to meet girls?". Good Point..... The Opportunities a 44 Year old that looks like my grandmother, a 48 Year old from California Who like my Blue Sneakers, and a Windy City import whose a big fan of Hanna Senensh.....I felt a lot of pressure being both a guest and the designated driver for the Mooch Birthday fest. Not a drinker, due to my 7th Year being off the sauce, or perhaps my conversation to Islam for Virgins on Account. I Picked up the crew which included The Mooch's Plus their adopted Son BRUST. The car ride resembled a scene out of One Flew over the Cuckoos nest, and everyone got excited when the Techno Version of Moshaich was playing. Arriving at LAVO, Home to some of the Tallest woman not in the WNBA, I've ever seen in my life it was Fantastic to stare or maybe Ogle here and there. We Broke bread at the Table with Some of Mooch's Spanish Friends, The language made socializing a lot less harder for me, and gave me more so an excuse to play on Tinder. We ran into Milwaukee Bucks and VCU great Larry Sanders who couldn't have been a nicer guy. The festivities went on till around One thirty, and continued with a hooker solicitation outside. Mooch Said she was a Tranny, and I didn't get a good look at the Adams Apple. The ride home was uneventful, Until BRUST came close to hurling, Which made it an intensely Nerve Wrecking Situation.... Ein od Melevado
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Some Rehashed
Dating Suggestions, Some too close to comfort, Some others that will just leave at others, and some voluminous African American chicks from Tinder Have left me Dateless for the next couple Weeks... At least, but no complaints from my end of course......The Annual Islamic Parade marching down Madison Ave. Alarming, Disturbing. Troubling, Frightening, and a great source for comedy content, unfortunately I had to go at it alone.....Interesting, Moshe Arens Rhetorically asks " If their was a Palestinian state, Do you think they would be going through what their Brethren are going through in Iraq, Syria and the Rest of the Arab world"...........RIP Yitzhak "Haka" Hofi", A Lion of Zion who served his state as a Soldier, Commander, general and Mossad Chief..........
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Clearly off my
Game, and now having to deal with rain and no Umbrella. I went to pick up FOMG(fan of mom Girl). Luckily she had a hood and we headed to the Soho Mondrian. Here is why I really really like the place, Their is generally parking, Their are several Bars and areas to sit at, and the Scenery Maroneami,. The only negative, Bathroom lines are insane. A lot of Generic,General talk left me feeling sort of like a lot like Moses Except i was putting a hot coal foot in my mouth a lot . Fortunate for me i was able to reference the 80's music playing in the background, We caught Blondie - the tide is high, The Bangels- Walk like an Egyptian, Thanks to Rock and roll Jeopardy I was able to crow bard that their Song "Eternal Flame" was inspired by a visit to a Synagogue, Of course the " Ner Tamid". The General talk Continued through traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge, and she stumped me, when asking if i had any talents. Eating, and drinking a lot of water was what we came up with. Left me feeling kind of Bummed . I found her to be a really good girl and and and..........................
Saturday, September 13, 2014
It's Been Months
Since I've needed to reach out to for my Copy of "Great Expectations". A guide to do's and do Not's while taking out Syrian girls.... Still Under the Weather and with out a clue as to where to take my FOMG ( fan of my mom Girl), I think it will be Drinks, Dinner of course is easier, But the Kitchen is closed after the Sabbath . I'm Stressing the need to entertain for Two Plus hours and Just don't have it tonight....... Is it Ethical to ask the Eye Doctor to postdate my Visit, that way when I get normal Insurance, Ill be able to be reimbursed, Currently i have the Atena Bangladesh plan..........Perhaps a lil unpatriotic to root against the US in the FIBA championships, But my enmity and disdain for Mike FakeShcikesy just supersedes anything I was even pulling for the Future Islamic republic of Turkey to Beat Him.....The Annual Islamic Parade is tomorrow and haven't found one person willing to either be the Anchor or Camera man. It's really good for content this year with OJ Simpson converting to the Religion of Peace...........
Friday, September 12, 2014
The Religion
compatibility card apparently was the cause of the stalwart between me and UCG( uconn girl) Basically we are on opposite spectrum's but respek each other's views.. Being over Twenty Minutes early, I text her at the Ten minute mark " Here a lil early, Take you're time, don't want you to feel rushed" (it translates to move you're ass) " I'll be here 7:30" , totally fair since she only lived down the block from the venue. Their seemed to be no incentive , I am sick as a dog, Momentum was gone, and this would probably be the last time we go out, so basically to say our good byes. As promised she walked in at 730 and due to my newly found religious rules we didn't give each other a proper greeting. Great conversation as usual, We shifted our walk from Second to First Ave in Hopes of Seeing Elegant Elliot Offen running . We got to why things cooled off and She was very cool about that. We spoke religion mainly and just agreed that it wasn't the easiest, So everything remains status quo, another wards maybe will Either become Friends with benefits or FB friends, or just not. The excitement of our conversation was interrupted, by the closure of several Streets on 1st ave from 77- to 74. Police lines, EMS vehicles, Fire trucks, Scores of Pedestrians ogling and filming, and massive Traffic Jams. Turns out their was either a Bomb Scare or Suspicious packages left in the area and on 09-11 no one was taking chances. Not having heard Nothing that's what it turned out to be. All this kept me wondering, which car maker makes the loudest horn sound ? , and the bigger the car the bigger the Horn Sound?..............
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
wife, that her husband owes me let's say somewhere around $600,( whose name rhymes with hmm Mayim ) cause he may have needed to buy Meat for Rosh Hashana 2013 or 5743, Is trying to set me up with a Girl that is faceless on FB . Another girl really is interested in me according to a reliable source she's a big fan of my Moms. My Six words to describe this WTF WTF..........staying on the Someone theme Someone Suggested I status my FB if anyone is interested in IPhone 5S T Mobile and just pay out the all inclusive contract of roughly $80 a month. Seemed like a good Idea until Every relative from the Ehhhhh Middle East contacting with questions, and trust me it was not good......... Breaking news FOMG( Fan of Mom Girl) and I should be getting together this Saturday night, was supposed to be Thursday but me and UCG ( UConn girl) will see how compatible we are on The anniversary of Sept 11 Which gives me an eerie feeling..... Reposted.......
Where were you,
on Sept 11 2001?. I was working in the showroom at 1407 Broadway Room 521. When the Salesman working with us told me a plane hit the WTC, Not thinking any thing of it i continued my work, thinking it was a small plane accident. An Ex of mine was working in the Same building, was freaked out (she actually saw the building come down from her 18th floor window)- We left the building and headed further uptown to a friends apt. A couple of Hours later We started walking back downtown towards the site, We couldn't get very close and were redirected by police towards the Brooklyn Bridge it was a little eerie to see debris covering cars and random papers all over, They gave us Masks for the Dust and we crossed the Brooklyn bridge,I talked her out of going to Juniors for cheesecake, We took the train home from Dekalb Ave,The MTA let everyone go for free. Here is a great article on Why Mayor Giuliani Rejected a 10 Million dollar Saudi Donation
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
When you Park
on the Street, and don't feed the meter Are you Stealing Money from the City?....... My Pious Haseedems Neighbors, Suggested I hide the VIN number on my car, so that i can " Legally" park anywhere Until I get my regular plates........ Annoyed at a 5:49 P:M text from UCG ( uconn girl) " can we make it 7:30, Doesn't seem like a big deal except for the fact that I could have planned differently with my work schedule etc. She looked ready to play bowling and although I won both games, she did cover the spread and by a lot. We still didn't have that "dating " conversation, why ruin things right.? After a really nice date we were supposed to go out Sunday night. Being under weather put a damper on that, and since then our texting communication has grown to be less and lesser. After starting off really hot, and putting in a lot to impress, we have reached the point of whose going to Blink first and tell the other the " you're really great speech with the but" ........
Friday, September 5, 2014
When I was a Kid
my father used to say "Our greatest hopes and our worst fears are seldom realized." Our worst fears have been realized tonight. They have now said there were 11 hostages; two were killed in their rooms yesterday morning, nine were killed at the airport tonight. They're all gone.- 090572 jim Mckay.......Speaking to a girl from Online a while ago, Timing seemed to be off as far as us getting together. So when Opportunity knocked again, We build the door and decided to get together the same night. The venue; was my go to spot the StoneRose lounge in the Time Warner, The Place is spacious, waitresses super hot, usually always free parking, Great view, and Extraordinaire toilets. The Date was very Asymmetric she did most of the speaking I most of the listening and inconspicuous glancing. She had a Beautiful Face, and it didn't seem to bother me at all. As a writer of Stories for local News, i liked the fact that she was staunchly pro Israel, though she didn't share the same passion for bababoeeying bombing news stores and wasn't impressed by my Arthur Chang getting pissed off at me Story by city hall Several years back. Didn't help that I was calling him Ti Yu. She was smiling a lot and seemed comfortable, but like most girls I go out with will be crazy Busy, I offered to drop her off home, She chose to get lettuce at whole foods. COS odds are opening at 10-1...........
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Rivers got Punished for taking a stand against the Islamist. Allah works in mysterious ways.... UCG (uconn girl) is still away but we are texting pretty often, trying not to lose any momentum, I'm missing her a little perhaps more. Just wondering if we have to have the Shabbat and religious talk yet.....Their are other options in the works some seem interesting some not very but the key word here is Moked or Focus and Trying very hard to Follow that advice, that's not working out to well ........With my car lease being up I have downgraded from a $505 per month Infiniti G37X to a Mercedes C250 at $333 per month.......Amongst my favorite people are the Israeli Body Shop owners, When I walk in, they Smell Sucker and the Vultures come to prey. It never occurred to me how much damage my crappy car had, so I'm really grateful for them to point it out. Alkoa presents you make the choice get robbed by the Israelis or the Infinite dealer? Something tells me it'll be both.....
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Counter Hoggers
can be Especially ruthless .At a local Duane reade I was carrying Three Cold SF Red-bulls, a large Powerade and and a health bar. Waiting on line behind a Robust and Earthly woman, I put my stuff down at the side of the counter. Granted it was a little tight, She Chided me for being pushy and reprimanded me for being rude, naturally i responded that the Red Bulls were cold and just wanted to put them down. " That's why the have baskets". I lost yet again.......Having never been to the US Open, a good friend named Mooch Invited me to watch his Friend Fernando Verdasco ranked #31 in the world play his second round match. With out tickets or a specific plan of getting tickets, The ray of the Lord shone on us and enabled us to get in for free thanks to the ticket agents failure to scan someone else's tickets. We got to meet an incredibly beautiful young lady who joined us for the Verdasco match, and Mooch introduced me to Super trainer Gil Reyes, whom also was the UNLV trainer on their National championship team. We had a great twenty minute conversation on the Rebels. The stats Verdasco Lost in Five Sets, Thanks to David Dinkins Legislation 77 planes flew by the Tennis Center and not over the Matches.........
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
A Weekend
of some good Scripted texts; not those, But the regulars with UCG( uconn Girl). Led me to deviate from the Script, and when I wasn't confident in her reply, I scrambled back to the safe and regular context. ( and no not the context you are thinking). We Met up for the not so Kosher 2nd Ave deli, and played backgammon. Her game was rusty, but she was impressive especially with her piano Rendition of the Hatikvah or as she pronounced it Hateekva.. I'm really liking the pace and looking forward...... My credit card informed me of my loss in a claims dispute against the Leonardo Hotel, located by the old Mandelbaum crossing that once divided Jerusalem. Due to the action in the South, I chose to stay an extra day out there, and informed the Hotel, Ill be checking in a day later. Of course it was OK with them, and when i checked out they charged me for the extra night, They told me not to worry about it and handed me the Manager business card with the name Yossi xxxx. Of course Yossi turned out to be the Israeli Waldo, and I was screwed out of $160. Not to be like the Spies whose spoke ill of the country, So i wont..............
Friday, August 22, 2014
Would someone travel to the Jewish State Two times in a Month ? Some speculative answers. To deal arms, To get laid ( I wish that were True, But that's why John Kerry probably frequents the Middle east), perhaps some loose screws, Maybe a Rocket Chaser? The one word Answer IDENTIFY and will leave it at that. I've probably had the worst timing with this war, as everytime I left the Violence Escalated I promise it was not planned........... The final highlight on the last leg of my trip was visiting an Army base down south that Specializes in repairing tanks, Apc's, Bulldozers and any other Equipment on Wheels. The Soldiers on the base are all non- combatant but they work feverishly and with great motivation and messerot Nefesh, under tough tough conditions to ensure that Damaged Equipment is ready to go back to Battle........ After a long layoff me and UCG( uconn girl) went out for dinner Thursday night.The great news: She's a great listener, attentive, very complimentary and appreciative, though she keeps utilizing the Expression "too Funny" of which I'm not sure what to make of it. The Not so great, she's a little older, and Our observance differences are Significant, and the Dating is Super American with out improvisation and Scheduling. I do have a really good time and look forward to see her, She Say's the same. Church on Sunday again Monday Night..............
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Crazy busy
Hair week girl, messaged me that she's still crazy busy, "but lets meet up" ... "great cant wait"we spoke about plans sometime after 730. I walked to a certain area to pick up some of the Israeli version of Godiva, for my church in Sunday date this Thursday with UCG ( unconn girl ) (she's the girl I went out with before I left). "Sometime" in Israel is extrodinarly vague and as 900 came around no word from Hair girl. Sweating and hungry I message her . Apparently her kid couldn't fall asleep, and I told her i understood and will do this another time. She was adamant , and I still sweating. i did give in to the Falafel temptation, which turned out to be the salvation of my night. Finally the main event rolls in at 10:48, with her niece and an old friend. Where upon we decided to just go to a big outdoor club where the former " Dolphinarium " was, that most notably was the nightclub bombed in June 2001 and several revelers were killed. She asked if she " dried me up" ( Israeli expression ) I chose to answer in English, where she certainly didn't understand. We all headed to the CLARA club, had some really good conversation amidst the blasting loud music, drank a little and at 12:30 decided to call it a night. The good news of course was the falafel, and the girls at the club , the bad her friend was really old, and I was still sweating. Heading home I ran into the same older woman turning tricks, I respectfully declined her propositions even a "Dutch oven and "dirty Sanchez". Another successful night in Tel Aviv.........
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Directions ,
I'n Israel can be challenging. Rather not to ask anyone how I get to Rabin Square, for fear of getting the fingerpoint. ingeniously I turned to the magical Waze system, figuring I'd best the Israelis. Unfortunatly I succumbed due to the mammoth CAR traffic jams and kept getting rerouted, took me am extra 1.4 miles out of the way before i turned to a lovely old lady who coridally over explained to me the route....... Speaking of old or older lady's. I was proportioned by an older woman turning tricks, " wanting to know if I wanted to ...... . With out her consent I recorded the comical conversation, asking her all kinds of questions. Respectfully I declined her "generous" offer she still left me her business card which was on a hand written paper............... Some guy I know wanted me to meet up with his sister in Tel Aviv, unfortunatly or fortunately she's been crazy busy at her salon hair week in Tel aviv........some really good TinderIsrael conversation until I suggest we get together for drinks or dinner or something the replies " " ................democracy in action, a virulent anti Israel oops anti war rally at Rabin square staged by the virulent extreme left and Arab parties,bashing the state and the defensive operation. How ironic is it that they were being gaurded by the same soldiers and military personnel they were rallying aganist........
Friday, August 15, 2014
Cease fire ?
Well sort of. Still wondering what the hell I'm doing in Israel for a second time in under a month. Perhaps to attend the non partisan rally to show solidarity for residents in the south , a good crowd of over 20,000 attended the rally at Rabin Square, I declined to interview as I am effectively in articulate when speaking Hebrew. The south land is quiet, and gradually getting back to every day life, well sort of.... TinderIsrael followed me again, but most matches, let me rephrase Normal matches refuse to meet up, as their not here for sex, at least I'm grateful for getting some normal matches....who knows maybe something will come up, maybe not......Spending the day in Jerusalem the highlight; a suspicious object on the train that caused us to get off and walk, of course the kotel and the food which has not being me any favors...............
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
its a hell of a pinpoint operation john we have to get over their right away.......
and getting over there will be Wednesday Afternoon, yet another Trip to the Jewish State. The Tentative Itinerary is to be primarily in the South-land again, that is all up to if the "Cease fire" holds..........A little better understanding of Single Older Woman? Meeting up with a really attractive, successful, elegant and classy girl. I tried delving into how someone that had so much going on for her remained single. She gave herself credit for not getting married for the sake of marriage and didn't want to end up divorced. The conversation lightened up to Israeli stereotypes and Uconn and Syracuse Hoops and we toasted to TU B'AV the Jewish Valentines Day, with some Elite chocolates that i got Brought for her, Wasn't Godiva, but appropriate for the occasion. She was especially interesting, and seemed to be laughing a lot and not the press herself to laugh laugh. I thoroughly enjoined her company and she really really smelled great. Walking her home We exchanged good nights, and left me thinking that she was way over qualified..... But.....
Saturday, August 9, 2014
the rotund spokesperson for HamasHoles , has been by far Israel's greatest Hasbara Specialists. If I were the Networks, I'd allocate him as much air time as possible........ A lil strange when talking to girls on line, I find myself doing majority of the typing, when we meet i am doing the majority of the shutting up........ Thanks to RE ( real estate girl) for a great Place Suggestion, I was able to thoroughly impress the lovely young lady i met up with Wednesday. She really really loved the place, and despite me being able to converse with her on every topic she brought up including Wisconsin Badger sports She really really didn't like me....... The Holy S%^it City Part II, Was almost identical to to part I , except their wasn't nearly as much Traffic this time....... A lot of Up in the Air potentials with out any real hope as far as What's happening in the Dating world of course it'll have to wait Because....................
Monday, August 4, 2014
Again... And we sang dirges
In the dark, the day the Second temple was destroyed......not really looking forward to my free diet tomorrow, but I'ts definite a necessity..........Former Israeli ambassador to the UN Aubrey Solomon aka abba eban in his infinite wisdom once said " if Algeria passed a resolution that the world is flat and Israel flattened the vote would pass 166-13 with 26 abstentions.....It didn't make me too happy to hear from the voluminous young lady I met up for drinks Saturday night that she backed the Arab narrative as far as the finding of the state, Explaining to her the Truth it wasn't her heart and mind I was trying to win, but other body parts of which turned out to be a colossal failure.....With the Defensive Operation Protective Edge continuing their maybe yet another Trip to the Jewish State, Situation pending of course.......I have completely renounced placing fictitious names at the Annual Levi Aaron Yeshiva Auction, the experiment was deemed a failure. Some one up there was against Phil A Sheyo or Leah A Zazal winning........
Friday, August 1, 2014
M. Begin,
famously Said. " If Someone Threatens to Kill you..... You Better take them Seriously"...........And When girls tells you That looks are NOT important....... You better Not take Them Seriously. It's been a Three up and Three down This week. I doubt this was planned, but all Three girls i met up with This week worked in the Accounting field, and all worked in the same area. Conspiracy? Or perhaps G0d is sending me a Message. The Forfeit rule was in effect, but she made it with-in the 30 Minute wait period. She was cute and petite and Thinking she'd be thrilled to the fact that people tell her she needs to gain weight, she found it offensive. Thinking we would just end the night after about an hour of drinks, We decided to break bread. Things got a little tricky, when we were forced to make situational conversation, while waiting to be seated. Some of the topics. The Place needed new carpeting, how much sushi chefs make, and if it annoys them that people are constantly staring at them, They are after all entertainers. The conversation progressed to the quality of the Toilets and my phobia of eating Raw fish due to potential number Two issues. It was clear that we exceeded the time allocated for us to spend together, but as the dating pundits say "What the hell, give it a shot"...........
Thursday, July 31, 2014
The Full Court
Press is on for Donation Season , and with the crisis in the Jewish State Deepening I agree its important to Show Support in anyways one can be it financial, Hasbara or rally. Please let me be Clear if one Doesn't donate money to Someones cousins unit or Grandmothers grandson battalion - Let's not question their Support........An Odd Date Yesterday took me back to my go to Stone rose lounge bar, The Goods news first , my waitress was absolutely beautiful, My date was Especially Bubbly, with a great outlook on life. Not wanting to drive to the other borough, We walked to the Train Station together, She to the Queens Platform Me to the Brooklyn. Naturally My train Came first and how can I not get on. Not wanting to be a Liar, When I told I'm taking the Train, I really did and then walked the stop back to my car. I think I may need a little Help...........
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
If I forget......
The problem With my annual Pilgrimage to the Holy Syrian city of Deal is That I'd really really like to forgot... My Excursion lasted 33 hours End to End and It's always good to experience some traffic, prayers, sleep, food, More prayers and running into people that I saw on my last pilgrimage...... Always a sport and trying to keep an open mind, when asked if I were to go out with someone. I always give the Vague and Diplomatic reply of " Let her look me up, and see if She's interested", fully expecting that it should be mutual that me checking her out to see if i am interested. Allow me tell you about this girl She's the "nicest,Nicest, Great Family Nicest people, Special girl and Fun" How can I pass that up?. Will just leave it at " you can tell what people really think of you, with the type of girl they set you up".....The last real blind date i went on, well being blind wouldn't be the worse thing in that scenario, But the consolation prize was that i didn't have an appetite. Meeting up With BDG2( Blind date girl #2) it felt more like a 20-40 vision date. Meeting up at my go to "JJN Drinks Style" Date the Stone rose lounge, Its comfortable, Great view. Super hot Waitresses and a great great toilet should an emergency occur. Took Some time to formulate a conversation, but we did share similar political beliefs, and i was grateful that she traveled to a tun of places, because i had so many "interesting" questions. The Feelings from her end were mutual .We Lied to each other that it was fun to get together, and probably lamented the fact that we could found a better way to spend two and half hours.........
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Why the Rockets and
Missiles are working? Getting educated on the different rockets and missiles fired on Israel by a 13 year old southern Israeli resident. The rockets main purpose of course is to kill the secondary option is do to as much damage as possible, and last to terrorize . The first two have largely been unsuccessful, but the third has lead the population to be bullied and glued to areas that are with in 30-45 seconds of a shelter. Business have been shuttered, summer camps closed, weddings and other occasions canceled, and Panic ensues at the sound of the siren. Yeah The World comparison to these Missiles being Mosquito bites Seems to be pretty Accurate....The 10-12 Minute Suggested phone call lasted to the girl my friend set me up with last 22....To her credit, she didn't leave me hanging out to dry and we were able to make conversation, Despite knowing absolutely nothing about each other. Something tells me it wont be the National championship, But non the less See you Monday Night.............
Friday, July 25, 2014
goes to the Jewish State of Israel..... Yesterday in downtown Manhattan, I was a witness to something Extraordinaire. A Coterie of people of all kinds, marching hand in hand in an Oasis of Brother and Sisterhood, Smoking the peace pipe and singing Kumbaya. All United in the ever so bleeding heart cause of what else hatred for the Jewish State. Their were Radical Muslims in Traditional garb, Old Anarchists that Someone forgot to tell them the Vietnam War Ended over four decades ago, A radical and rogue faction of Haradeim Neturkie Karta Anti Zionists, Gays and Lesbians ( Of which i was grateful were the really really bad lesbians), Extreme right wing activists, Secular Muslims , Several Disenchanted left wing "Jewish" organizations , The Ultra Feminist Anti Shaving Code Pink Movement, and a collection of Outcasts Seeking attention. Forgive me for Sounding Mitt Romeny'Esh but when Most were complaining about their Tax dollars going to Israel, it can be said for certain that 97% of the the Marchers belong to the 47% that do NOT pay any taxes. This may sound cyncial, But I could not find ONE common value that all these fringe groups shared, Besides their unification of Hatred towards the Jewish State, and if Israel can do that then it certainly deserves at least strong consideration for the Nobel............
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
to see that even the most Bleeding heart Jewish- liberals have come to realize that the Arabo-Turko- Euro alliance does not discriminate Between the Jew When they chant "Ikbar al yahood" or Kill the Jew. No Matter what,They're Judaism will always supersede they're liberalism..........The War on Israel, has put me out of Date mode, But a friend did give a Number of a lovely young lady of which I know 0.0 about and vice verse with the ever so encouraging line of ." Give it a shot". The Spirit and enthusiasm is just not there, but I am way to familiar with the drill......It never dawned on me how important it is to attend Rallies in Support of Israel, and despite Mooch's claim that it's too dangerous, I will try to go to as many as i possibly can. Only Two complaints though about them A) The organizers be prepared with articulate speakers and some sort of program B) and no more Woman from Long Island that sound Like Howard Sterns Mother yelling at him.... A final note at the rally I found it odd that man with a sign "Palestinean christian for Israel" Putting on a Talit and Blowing a Shofar but made for good ratings
Saturday, July 19, 2014
It's a little
disturbing to read some of the FB posts of "Friends" of mine regarding Operation protective edge. With exception to one Arabian girl from the Nazareth, I don't really have anyone radical on my friends list.But not for the temptation to keep reading the Virulent incitful Anti-Semitic posts, I would have hit the Unfriend Button. The lesson learned here is that no matter, how cultured or evolved one maybe we will always be those "F%UKing Jews" to them...... It's almost comical to See the competition out of the Islamic Republic of Turkiye, to see who can hate the JEWS more. A suggestion to the Turks, Should they think of entering the conflict would be to brush up on their Hebrew........... A short Email on Jdate " You Seem like a player. Not nice...Karma" - Me a player probably the nicest thing any one's ever said to me......A Mass rally Sunday to Support the Jewish State in it's Defensive Operation Protective Edge, Kind of Important to Show...........
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Over the course of "protective edge" the state was broken into regions with numbers alerting where rockets would be falling. I can't express eneough gratitude to my relatives residents of Ashdod271, who hosted me over the past week. The south which has become and forgive me for using the term again " the bastard red head step child" is finally getting sympathy and love from the country for all the abuse and pounding it's been taking over the course of the last 8 years. Most residents in the south opposed the cease fire, and likened it to putting a band aid on a deep gash that requires many stitches........ Traveling to the Dead Sea for the day, I can honestly say I made a real stink at the crowne Plaza hotel. Forgetting that their is two flushers buttons for one and two, I apparently kept hitting the number one. With the toilet paper not being septic friendly, their was issues. Realizing that the situation, regretfully I bailed. With my lousy conscience I wanted to confess, but my uncle whisked me away before I did something stupid.........Me and Israeli girl, graduated from FB messenger to Whatsapp but Getting together will not be a go as I headed down South . She Seemed as eager to meet me as I was her, She claimed She didnt get her messages, I that my phone wasnt working the best and when we finally spoke ohh well Next time Bummer.......
Monday, July 14, 2014
Hebron was scary,
But not for security reasons, my stomach was extraordinarily uneasy and panic was kicking in should I g0d forbid have to go number two. Getting of the bus, I was mobbed by Arab kids asking for money, with a few ones in my pocket, I shooed them away, only to be questioned by security as to who I was and what I was doing here. We spoke in Hebrew and then looked over my idea questioning my name and address. Making sure not to miss the bus this time, specifically for bathroom reasoning, I was a little early to the bus stop, The cats loomed again and I made them say wallahi ul azzim to scram if I gave them a dollar each, naturally they lied and the border patrol came to get them.....Back at the capital I was a Backgammon Hustling victim by a Russian Dice Mechanic In the " Iraqui Shuk" at 20 NIS a point I lost 260 NIS or roughly $70.......The only Bad thing about feeling better? the appetite....... How funny would it have been to pull the plug on a large screen TV playing the world cup outside the Damascus Gate With around 200 Screaming Arabs Watching, Of course I did not have the Balls.......Specifically traveling to MachaneYehudah to catch an Israeli cab driver to take me to Rachel's Tomb, Naturally I got The Arab Driver, we spoke mainly Business, and it dawned on me that the conflict is about TRUST. We became friendly, but it's doubtful I'd be breaking bread in RAS AL AMOUD any time soon.......
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Ambulances sound
More like ice cream trucks?? Due to the similar sound of the rocket siren to the ambulance they are changing the siren to sound more like Ice cream....... Spending Shabbat at the nations capital, their is a heavy security presence in and around the old city and by Mandelbaum crossing . I made to the worlds greatest outdoor party, Kabbalat Shabbat at the kotel, but it didn't live up to past times. Not so inconspicuously I was filming in the Jaffa gate, and when I saw a small gathering, and one elder raising his voice , as any good journalist I began filming, where upon first in Arabic, then Hebrew, and then English the elder confronted me to erase the film. Naturally I played dumb and as I was surrounded by a few others, the Arabian was impressive with his cellphone knowledge and erased the video. With In 10 seconds a slew of cops and border patrol came to my aid, and I explained to them what happened but didn't want to cause further incident. They spoke to me the rest of the walk to the wall and it all ended with out incident. Under the weather, I stayed in the whole Shabbat, and of course the best thing about that is that I hardly ate ... A late afternoon nap, was disrupted by four sirens. Where am I supposed to go? Apparently In my room....... Being flaky again, my cousin gave me this young religious lady's number, being really fed up with tedious dating , I messaged her with out calling, we maybe getting together Sunday........?.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
What you see
From here is not necessarily what you see from there...... Day two of protective edge and rockets have expanded to all over the country. Southern cities which were compared to the bastard red head step child are suddenly seen in a much more sympathetic light. Staying in Ashdod zone 271 their have been several code red alerts, with a couple direct hits several blocks away. I made it on Israeli news as a bystander walking behind the camera, but didn't want to scare them by yelling bababooey. The only thing worse than hearing fighter planes flying towards the boarder is the violent snores of my uncle which has made it impossible for me to sleep. None the less I don't want to leave Ashdod for fear of missing out what may happen next..... Climbing up "Kobi hill" in southern Sderot gave us a bird eye view of what was going on in Gaza, what an adrenaline rush, watching the missiles fly out randomly and then the iron dome chasing its Ass down, the hill was pretty packed with several reporters and a lot of randoms just waiting to see what will happen next. A 9 rocket barrage in the early evening hours to our area made for some tense moments, but I must say no one ever thinks its going to be them getting hit.......hopeful for a quiet night, I know I won't be sleeping..........
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Is located in the Mideast and not the Midwest" Israeli politican Moshe Arens famously said. My mother wasnt necessarily amused when when I confused the Two , and erroneously let her know Ill be in the Midwest. Pre flight jitter hit early, thanks to David's restaurant, but things leveled out thanks to the double dose or Imodium. The only thing I can imagine worse than having to fly with hundreds of haradiem is having to fly with 200 kids that looked like my nephew. I hate sounding like the grouchy old man, but these kids were beyond obnoxious. Heading South the port city of Ashdod, The situation was a tense calm, until around 830 when the silence was shattered with the first code Red. Attending a Kurdish Henna, I was oblivious to the siren and ran outside after 30 some odd seconds a loud boom. Code red followed up again, and It was fortunate to catch the "iron dome " catch the rocket. More excitement followed as 3 more code reds sounded, with one being a direct hit on a car dealership, only meters away from where a large haradie wedding was taking place. "Major trouble" walked in to the Kurdish Henna, but marone a super milf . My uncle immediately told me to stay away. I used the stupid and comforting angle to speak to her , an inquired about her well being in this time if crisis. Hopeful, we can get together I think she liked me, but she probably thinks I'm rich..........
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Slowing down
After RMTG( Red mint tea girl) Debacle. The Sephlink Called with a couple suggestions, With a bad Track record with what one refereed to is going out " with the same girl only in different colors" I politely declined.... for now as the OB maybe on Assignment......However I was able to get finally get together with SSG1( Severe Sprain girl 1) For some tea at a local cafe. It was shocking to see her there before me, and she looked better than i anticipated. Mooch was gonna pass by to lend some moral support and share the story of how I saved his life from "Munster from Canarsie", but Mooch is well.. A lot of fascinating topics were covered, none more important on how she made it to the cover on the Newspaper at the Lesbian float at the Parade in Israel. The Papers know to put Lipstick lesbians on the front pages to sell newspapers, She was there to support some friends and not a lesbian. It's odd that I still didn't get her Number, but I'm OK with FB messenger, A great conversationalist their is some chemistry but Sparks hmmmm......... 7/4/76 38 The raid at Entebbe. After watching all the Movies depicting the great Raid I found the Israeli version the best and most accurate. Only one thing annoyed me through out the film That one of the Hostages didn't have a carry on bag and was always Schlepping a couple bags and a Backgammon Set, That always looked like he was about to drop it, Even as he was being rushed off the plane by the terrorists in Uganda. to when he was rushing to the plane after the rescue, and finally when he was mobbed by family members that Backgammon Set never left his hands. Makes me Curious if this was done by purpose.....
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
The Great
Jim Mckay Speaking of the Murdered Israeli Athletes and coaches in Munich 1972 "Our greatest hopes and our worst fears are seldom realized." Our worst fears have been realized. Ecclesiastes 3:4 reminds us their is a time to weep..... and a time to mourn.... Now unfortunately is that time........... People have taken to Social Media to Publicize their outrage and Grief of the recent events, Makes me think but will give the beneift of the Doubt that it's more about themselves, rather than the tragedy and are consistently trying to out comment and out post on how " They Can't" or Stop crying etc. General Rafoul Profoundly Said " tears are not meant for Sharing, You only Share Happiness"........
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Washing her Hair
Would have probably been a better option for both me and RMT( Red mint tea girl) for our Sat night, But none the less We managed to Squeeze an Alleged fun night.. The writing on the wall was immediate, not even almost immediate. Enthralled in a deep and intense conversation,( not with me ) she was trying to avert a "crisis" in her inner circle, I drove slowly and reminded her that it was a day of controversy as it was the 100th year anniversary of the assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand and his wife that Led to WWI. Good thing she cared, and when the conversation ended, I was briefed on the Turmoil and in the Usual King Solomon Wisdom I suggested to cut the Baby in Half. My Jokes were bombing, but she was pleasant enough to ignore them . Thanks to the food coming out really really fast, the Mood Brightened , and we were able to " Break Bread" . She even tried teaching me how use chopsticks, but that worked out as well as the Dancing. Gracious enough to recognize the effort she gave me Props, In all fairness my chopsticks were defective and the floor slippery. We shared some interesting stories on the ride home, though hers were better.Mine just consisted on how a couple of Israeli Girls stiffed me Money and I got nothing out of it. Their was no bridge this time, the last thing i need is more issues in the Syrian dating world. Not much was needed to say, as i think we both had that Perceptive understanding, It was a Fun night though...No Church on Sunday....... One last point #hashtaggers are the biggest phonies, it's all about them............
Friday, June 27, 2014
No Holds Barred,
the gloves were off, and the filter well never mind that. Picking up RMT ( Redmint Tea Girl) We got off to an inauspicious start, Exchanging the customary on the cheek kiss, She turned for the other, I turned away and a near Lagurdia collision ensued, but from then on it was anything goes. From end to end minus a brief 30 second "Awkward silence" test neither of us shut up, We exchanged war stories. As an Ex Matchmaker. I told her about " Towgate" - " ohh That was you" . Apparently I made the community's worst daters list, but glad i didn't rank as high as the rapist and stalkers. My Sin of course was having the audacity of sending my date home in a cab. Incidentally that's one of her best friends, as well as a couple of other's i went out with, She didn't seem to mind, but then again... We were scheduled for Thursday I panicked when asked what the occasion by the reservation dept - She seemed OK it with being awarded a Rohdes Scholarship ( probably spelled wrong), but circumstances that had nothing to do with hair washing came up, and now COS is Sat Night for Now........
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Will figure it out?
has got to be the most disingenuous Phrase ever uttered when trying to make plans with someone. Currently Their are at least Four will figure it outs for me, that I have figured out and Hope that the young or middle aged ladies from the other side have also figured out. The Prospects are in Freehold, Great Neck, downtown Manhattan, and crown heights Brooklyn. None higher than Double AA though.......A Chance encounter at the Red Mint Tea at What seems like a Can't Miss, all I have to do is convince her to like me somewhat and we he a Potential First Ballot Hall of Famer. This one is all Figured out See you Saturday Night........Remember the Altalena 0621- Known to some as the Israeli Alamo..........
Monday, June 16, 2014
A little Strange
But in the last month Three girls Canceled on me One due to a severe sprain,one due to a severe sprain, and one due to a severe sprain, Now had the sprain been in the same place on all three of them, i think i would take it personally. True to form I'm not chasing.......MG( Mooch sy girl) never happened, it was equated to a C student with Average SATS, spending Thousands of dollars on applying to a Harvard or Yale, and with Hashem being you're chance of getting in. The Syrian world is one of Great Expectations and high demand. In short if you don't come with the cheese, don't come at all. Objectively speaking of course these girls are the Harvard and the Yale's of the Female species ,Their mothers would never lie. To paraphrase The great Karl Malone When not voted to start in one all star game " I'f i Ain't starting, i'm Departing" ( AC Green of the Lakers was voted ahead of him, he is a good Christian though). Not sure how that quote Applies but really really wanted to crow bar that in...... Is being referred to as " idiotically Brilliant" a compliment or an Oxymoron ?.............
Saturday, June 14, 2014
After several cancellations, Me and MGii( Marsha part ii) finally got together at The Gramercy Hotel Bar. A Stickler for language, we were pleasantly surprised by a "Sudden Visitor" Munster. Suspicious to the situation, She accused me of setting this up Especially after Munster told her of How I saved his life from a guy Haim from Canarsie. The Mood was light, with some accusations of looking at her Boobs several times." If you're gonna stare at my Tits, at least be inconspicuous about it". It was Ritalin on Steroids, as we jumped from subject to subject based on a word or phrase. She was fascinated by my pre flight Diet, and the horrors of having to make doody on the plane, and even admitted to having to go herself on her flight back from Morocco She gave me tips for " Safe Houses" in the city where you can go " Gap and Banana Republic" among hotels and Department stores. Adamant against having sex with someone her friend slept well I assured her they're were no contraindications,That didn't Impress. None the less As Luck would have it I wasn't really into her. The Ten block drive to her home took a lot longer than expected but the silliness continued, She didn't dislike that I called her Marsha, but probably won't be calling her, I don't think she'll lose any sleep. What I learned was that Chicago is called the Windy city, not cause of the wind, but rather for the long winded people they produce. Another wards People that talk to much..................
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Judaism never appealed to me so much, While spending the Evening with RRG( Religious Russian). With a personality of a Moth, Her disdain for the Reform, Highlighted the Conversation and she was adamant about ever dating someone like that; "it just simply wont work". The Small talk of divinity, interrupted the extensive water drinking and it never felt so good going to relieve myself ....#1 of course......Can Anyone imagine Hulk Hogan ever losing While wrestling In WWF in the 80s and 90s, Can anyone imagine the HEAT and LeBron James Losing to the Spurs for the NBE Title?.. Of course The Heat and Hulk will take some punches for the Suspense and Drama, But Just as Santa Claus, Easter Bunny and Eliyahou Hanavi don't really ......... The NBE( national basketball Entertainment) It's Not real .
Monday, June 9, 2014
Don't Do Unto Others,
As you would've not want done to you.......... The Good news PG ( Phalanges Girl) wasn't Busy, But Better plans for her came up and she was "Ughh So Sorry " We are Rescheduled for Never......Funny Thing was I was hoping for RRG ( Russian Religious girl) to cancel on me instead for tonight, As i too have better the plans the Hockey game, and of course I am a huge fan, and the Special on the 84 draft, But refused cause agreements must be honored. I'm not exactly thrilled about schlepping to Queens, But she is Russian ohh and also religious. I Still refuse to go with the whats the worst that can happen attitude- The last time I thought that that's what happened. The Girl weighted more than me and was close to a foot shorter..........
when their is
no door for opportunity to knock. Milton Berle says simple Just build one. A chance late night Saturday Conversation, With a really cute, pretty and personable young lady of similar background Should lead to us going out Tuesday The Good News is She's very responsive, the Bad of course what else BUSY..... Attending the Puertorican Parade solo made it a little difficult to utilize content in the proper way, I was way to scared to tell them my Joke of "What's the difference between Select and Choose"?. But did get to ask a what part of Mexico is Puerto rico? Thinking i was a foreigner they answered and laughed it off.....It's a little disturbing how in a coalition government, No One Tows the company line and Threatens to bring down the Government. Not the Biggest Fan of Netanyahou,but he's still the Boss, Show Some loyalty or Just freaking Quit already ridiculous........ The answer to the riddle Select is to pick , and choose is what PuertoRicans wear on their Feet.......
Sunday, June 8, 2014
What do you
Have in mind ? Probably the hardest question to answer honestly when texting with a girl you're trying to set up a date . Of course get together for drinks that is, and after a short exchange me and RRG ( religious Russian girl) should be meeting up sometime Monday night. The good news again is she's Russian , seems sweet and not crazy busy, the not so good she's religious .......(a joke)......."bring back our girls" blablabla people are all about themselves, outraged at this story, " can't are distraught " twitter, FB phonies, the girls are still in captivity a$$wipes........Two years , no more why's why a really great girl went out with me ........A 49 year old emails me " you're very funny, which is usually a sign of intelligence and creativity. ok you got my curiosity about the story of the girl in jail in Israel my name xxx" " intelligent me for real" she's very attractive and fit and possible be recruiting me to be a client for her shrink business - the story apparently wasn't that great she never replied ........But
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Rumor has it
Obama Consulted with Nothinyahou on how to deal with negotiating with terrorists.....
Reprinted from :
Monday, June 3, 2013
June marks a lot of important dates in the Calendar.... 1982 Operation "Peace for The Gallile" - The war of NO CHOICE that led to the resignation of Menachem Begin...... 1981 Operation Opera- The destruction of the Iraqi Tammuz Reactor, I was fortunate to meet one of the Pilots Amos Yadlin........1967 Hail Mary Plan Operation Focus or Moked and the Liberation and unification of Jerusalem. To My Arabian Friends a Happy NAQSA........ 1968 The Assassination of Robert Kennedy By Sirhan Sirhan Sirhan.........My Sister and Sister in law's Birthdays for Security purposes I can't reveal their age.........And Operation Short Sleeves- me getting free fancy shirts from my Brother, my only complaint i wish he was taller, that way the sleeves would reach beyond my wrists.......
A Happy Pentecost to My Jewish Readers, We promise not to subjugate you to the Same stupid Story......I have yet to call MG( Mooch's girl) The Two Touchdown Spread is big, and also lost focus with Community girls, have to brush up on Dickens' " Great Expectations"
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