Tuesday, September 9, 2014

When you Park

on the Street, and don't feed the meter Are you Stealing Money from the City?....... My Pious Haseedems Neighbors, Suggested  I hide the VIN number on my car, so that i can  " Legally"  park anywhere Until I get my regular plates........ Annoyed at a 5:49 P:M text from UCG ( uconn girl) " can we make it 7:30, Doesn't seem like a big deal except for the fact that I could have planned differently with my work schedule etc.  She looked ready to play bowling and although I won both games, she did cover the spread and by a lot. We still didn't have that "dating " conversation, why ruin things right.?  After a really nice date we were supposed to go out Sunday night. Being under weather put a damper on that, and since then our texting communication has grown to be less and lesser. After starting off really hot, and putting in a lot to impress, we have reached the point of whose going to Blink first and tell the other the  " you're really great speech with the but" ........

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