Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Tardiness ,

Is the common denominator in all my most recent dates. After a couple of emails and exchanges  of texts me and the just turned 40 year old Russian girl decided to meet up in bay ridge.  I found it odd that she would be late due to hair issues when her hair was super short, and after a long eleven minutes in the humidity we met up. She was congenial, silly, immature and fun. We sat in a the posture booth and I cringed when she detailed the colonoscopy procedure. As a former sportswoman we had great conversation and I conceited that the Russians were better than us in 88 ( John Thompson should have been  tried for treason for losing)  but we always had miracle on Ice . what did I learn ? That I shouldn't hang Spaghetti on her ears or in Russian Ne Veshai Mne Lapshu Na Ushe - basically means that you can't  pull over a fast one on her if you're trying to get laid. Of course this wasn't a reference to me but rather to the Younger guys that email her with compliments..No Church on Sunday..........

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