A Reader Submits Look a likes Worlds most famous Auto body shop owner Joey Buttacuco and cable Box Extraordinaire Mr Cohen...........
to win the Haradey Raffle. What are the odds that Alouf would catch me walking into my building at 11:16 at night and Solicit funds for the raffle. He assured me Id win this time as long as I don't use the Money for Evil causes that rhyme with Bermudas or Beed......Get Well Wishes for Shas Spiritual Leader Harav Ovaadia and Nelson Mandela A noted Activists asked is their simultaneous illness maybe have something to do with their Support for Israeli adversary Yassar Arafat?....OUCH......spontaneously me and RE girl met up for drinks,( same lounge as israeli girl night before) She brought her friend thinking we may connect and then disappeared to hang out with her newly found gay friends. I don't think i appealed to her senstivities about Michael Jackson Death, and my dirty shirt idea failed to impress thouigh she was real nice RE promised Shell hook up good lesbians for the next time.......
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