Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers Day,

to the Mothers of the world and tomorrow Happy MotherF%#ckers day to all the MotherF%$*#ers of the world. I Lied to my mom and told her I made a donation in her Honor to the Shul Sebbet, the Donation I made But it wasn't in her Honor i did get her a gift card at the end....... I got conflicting advice from Two Different Personalities Both Extraordinarily Wealthy - One says  there is a saying in Hebrew "Found a Wife he found good Didn't find a wife he found even better"- The other Insisted that I put full court press on a girl I have been friendly with, Just based on the fact that he saw us at a place together- "Propose by June. Get Married in July, and he'll throw one of the party's", The first advice sounded a little more sane.....All these years I never realized I had sticky Ears That my earloves connect to my head- another thing to be insecure about....... My Operation Focus,  not to be confused with the Israeli one of 67 kicks in starting tomorrow, Focus on being successful rather than none sense How hard can it be ?........

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