Thursday, December 23, 2010

Jews and Basketball,

are an interesting combination. Thanks to reader JN who tipped me off about an article on Yeshiva U basketball in the Wall street Journal. A nicely written article Heaping praise on the Coach and the program. The coach says something interesting "I don't tolerate excuses," Dr. Halpert said. He dropped his voice to a stage whisper. "But the reality is, I got a lot of excuses." - My Opinion is when you play basketball or any sport, religion should not take precedent over the sport ( Im not talking about playing on the Sabbath) Any one who steps on the hardwood is a ball player not a Jewish ball player or African American ball player or even a woman ball player. That's whats great about sports- you share the common bond of being a player during the game and are not defined by you're ethnicity. The coach is saying we have double curriculum and not enough practice time etc, so therefore its harder to win here than somewhere else, sounds like a non tolerated excuse............. When i was coaching in the worst league in America and the Rabbi insisted my players wear yarmulkas while they play- I answered  i don't tell them to  wear shorts and sneakers when they pray or learn.... Sportsmanship is not linked to Religion.......................


  1. Religion is life, whether u are on the hardwood, or in the supermarket, or in the battlefield. That is the code we live by. Every action, word, and step has to be analyzed halakhically.

  2. "When i was coaching in the worst league in America and the Rabbi insisted my players wear yarmulkas while they play- I answered i don't tell them to wear shorts and sneakers when they pray or learn"

    And I guess that's why you are no longer coaching in the worst league in America

  3. i still think i was fired for going 0-11
