Friday, December 31, 2010
The last Three Nights,
Ive been dreaming about Shoveling, it may be that I am an OCD shoveler where every spot has to be cleaned perfectly, In my home I'm not like that at all.......... Is Shoveling Snow into the Streets Morally right to do I'm talking about small pieces where cars just break it down as they pass, cause if it's not then i need to add it on to my Dishonesty Resume of - Stealing Music, accomplice in a pliers theft, Swedish fish, and Ketchup............................. A reader brings up an Interesting Halachic Question When you get new Action from a new girl is a Shehcheaynoo blessing required?....................Former Israeli President Moshe Katsav was found guilty of 2 counts of rape, The Left wing and Anti religious are having a field day with this, due to the fact that Katsav is an Observant Jew, Rape by anyone is wrong Yes Whoopie Goldberg Even "Rape, Rape"( Roman Polanski) So attack him as an person not as an Observant person - When Haim Ramon Was Groping woman no one said he is a " chiloni "(no observant)
Thursday, December 30, 2010
"Are you sure
you're OK to drive" - if the roads are bad when u get on them call me, "I don't want u driving if its dangerous"----As i was reading this text I thought this girl is extraordinarily sweet UNTILL one of my friends told me ARE YOU AN IDIOT- shes trying to bail on you for tonight - I didnt see that angle, I think shes being sweet....... After 3 postponements I finally met up with JD girl tonight- I got to NJ very early and killed sometime at the mall. She was kind of enough to make the arrangements, which i Thanked her for, Turns out that she had connections at the place, which got us a lot of free stuff. Awkward moment came when the waiter asked us what are our strict dietary rules- I said why don't they just put a yellow star on us, of course as a joke as for most of my jokes she didn't get or seem interested in as a lot of them flew by her - I did bring my A game I thought as i asked a lot of questions was interested, learned a lot of new stuff about food, which i think i forgot by now-Basically to sum up the night The atmosphere was nice, We had very little in common, but just enough to squeeze out an evenings conversation the snow was a help towards the end she did happen to be genuine, she asked that i text her when i got home, I usually text when i get to the Verrazano, cause it gets late- she replied in kind. In My Opinion she happened to be genuinely real nice girl Even though things weren't necessarily great for her she was gracious and caring which i appreciate it . Me and the Giants have about the same chance for there to be church on Sunday............
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
The Moishiach Finally shows
Up and some a$$hole tries to drive down the block and gets stuck in the middle preventing the plows from cleaning the street. This is a sign of a loser not the driver who got stuck the a$$hole that tries to shovel him out and lives on the block........Off the record the driver is a shami coming to drop off something for my brother in law........... Breaking news he was able to back out of the block- is clear, The trouble with shoveling someone out is there are too many chiefs and no Indians- every one knows the problem and how to get out- but no one wants to do the work
Listening to
History of Howard Stern Inspired me to throw away all my old letters, cards, and pictures from Ex girlfriends- after hearing the Bababooey Apology tape again- I decided i have to get rid of this stuff g-d forbid should it fall into the wrong hands- Past is Past ..............................I was going through my phone contacts and think I have 10 African- American contacts, a couple are old co- workers, one is a friend whose deceased , couple are business contacts, some are people i met randomly, one in particular is a girl I went out with, Shes an orthodox Jew who converted, we met up at a Starbucks, nothing clicked but i found her story fascinating- I generally don't store girls numbers that i go out with, when it doesnt work out- so that i don't even accidentally call them, and they think I'm Creepy, If i were a raciest which I'm not i can use that excuse " I even have black friends"............ Bloomberg promised all streets will be plowed by End of night - I've been diverted to NJ for my date tomorrow night - I don't mind driving out there,she is going to pick the place- last time i was there i developed arthritis from cutting my dates hard chicken. Thanks EE for recommending the place...........
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
" Go to a Broadway Show,
There are plenty of Tickets" - The words of the Elitist King Bloomberg who managed to disrupt millions of peoples lives in this Snow mess. It Seems like were a third world country seeing snow for the first time in our lives- There is no end in site for this mess, As long as city Hall and Times Square is clean its all good..... Special Shout out an excellent insightful blog updating us on various subjects from across the globe......................... I feel bad for the people who walk around looking to make money shoveling, especially on Large Ave Blocks, people stop them, offer them no money and expect them to help them get there cars out, and don't even say thank you, I wont elaborate on my story this morning........ The Third time is not going to be the charm, as tonight's date got canceled again- It is Rescheduled for Thursday Night,but with this mess who knows- I feel a little more pressure now to make it more fun......................... Reader MB has filed a complaint with the shul breakfast committee- his claim is that some people eat 60% of the food and when he takes a piece of cheese they look at him funny, I explained to him that certain people have facial expressions beyond there control and for him not to be offended- hopefully will be able to put "Breakfastgate" behind us.
Monday, December 27, 2010
A While back I think,
On DM website i posted my disgust at prominent members of the Jewish Syrian community for visiting Syria and Taking an audience with Syrian dictator Bashar Assad, Heaping praise on him and his father Hafetz an adversary of the state of Israel and going as far as saying a special prayer on his behalf. Let's put aside all the suffering that the Jews living in Syria under this brutal regime Experienced, In today's paper the Syrian president ( yup the same one) honored Lebanese killer Samir Kuntar with a prestigious Syrian distinction and praised him, saying "Kuntar was not only the most senior prisoner during his time in jail, but also the most senior free and honorable man." ( the brave Kuntar Murdered 4 Israelis including smashing the head of a 4 year old), a true Lebanese hero. I am pissed at the Israelis also for letting marry , get a degree, and even get fatter while he was in prison...................
To all those,
Who braved out the cold and went out to shovel this morning , The Nation salutes you. Please stand and be recognized, you are the wind beneath our wings. It is truly inspirational to read all the fB posts of the intrepid men and women- again Thank you................Will the Third time be the charm? I was supposed to meet up with "JD Girl " ( shes Sephardic) last night but mother nature intervened and we have rescheduled tentatively for Tuesday night. I hardly know anything about her, but she seems like a genuinely nice girl there is no specific word that i know, but in Hebrew we call her 'bachoorat Chemed"- there are a couple reasons i say this, but i wont get into it ( too long and boring)........ It's been 2 years since The launching of "Operation Cast Lead"- Former PM Ehud Olmert in his new book criticizes severely DM - Ehud Barack of not going in for the kill on Hamas, according to Olmert he wanted to commit 60,000 troops to the Operation. ..............
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Stuck in traffic,
on the belt Parkway, and getting the news of a Blizzard for tomorrow made my drive home even more miserable. I am trying to finish up moving and I am expecting my movers, and also i was looking forward to meeting up with the girl i almost messed up with ( we were supposed to meet up tonight - ill explain at a later post) Not clear weather either plan will happen............ In Shul this morning I saw the guy i call Hitler, he shaved his Mustache though but he still looks like Him, Other Notable look a likes we see in shul A Shami guy That resembles Hadash MK Ahmad Tibi, Another Shamie that looks like serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer, a George Tekai Look a like who used to wheel some old guy around, The Great Duke Star Danny Ferry, NYC maratahon contributor Fred Lebow , Actor Gene Wilder, and Noted Scientist Chaim Weitzman.................................I went through thousands of old magazines( not porn) and newspapers I used to buy and collect any thing from old basketball previews, to sports Illustrated and historical newspaper headlines I couldn't bring myself to chucking all of them out, i did chuck a lot though, I would estimate that I must have spend around 5-7 dimes buying and collecting old stuff like that , Where did it get me............I also found my Sr year High School Report card, Unbelievably I failed Gym
Friday, December 24, 2010
Just be Your'e self,
As far as dating goes i decided not to care anymore and just be myself - it sounds like a stupid cliche that everyone tells you to be you're self . It is true in the past that i made some tasteless jokes or done some stupid things, and gotten myself in odd situations, I'm not sure i was myself or not, maybe its a bad idea to be myself but what the hell I'll Try ....... Every year around this time i get a call from my Life Insurance Rep, Every year same stupid joke " "Still Alive just checking to make sure " and then her stupid giggle.When i first got the policy i joked about suicide- They did not find it funny...... My Will needs to be updated as i have added a couple more people..........It's still unclear weather i have to leave the doorman and porters in my old building Christmas tips- I moved out in July, I think I will.As this year I haven't had anyone that I needed to give Gifts to, I'm probably saving close to a dime....................I downloaded an App "Arabic word of the day" figuring i can pick up a new word here and there, it may be me but putting words like Sudan, Compressor, Ramadan, Donkeys aren't exactly the best way, only to be fair the App was free.............I almost got into a fight at the ATM machine today- This guy who i wont reveal his ethnicity, but it rhymes with Dick kept putting pressure on to finish faster..............................
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Jews and Basketball,
are an interesting combination. Thanks to reader JN who tipped me off about an article on Yeshiva U basketball in the Wall street Journal. A nicely written article Heaping praise on the Coach and the program. The coach says something interesting "I don't tolerate excuses," Dr. Halpert said. He dropped his voice to a stage whisper. "But the reality is, I got a lot of excuses." - My Opinion is when you play basketball or any sport, religion should not take precedent over the sport ( Im not talking about playing on the Sabbath) Any one who steps on the hardwood is a ball player not a Jewish ball player or African American ball player or even a woman ball player. That's whats great about sports- you share the common bond of being a player during the game and are not defined by you're ethnicity. The coach is saying we have double curriculum and not enough practice time etc, so therefore its harder to win here than somewhere else, sounds like a non tolerated excuse............. When i was coaching in the worst league in America and the Rabbi insisted my players wear yarmulkas while they play- I answered i don't tell them to wear shorts and sneakers when they pray or learn.... Sportsmanship is not linked to Religion.......................
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
"You don't look too bad, here's another."
as he fired one more shot into his victim .In a story that sensationalized NYC 26 years ago today(12-22-84) Subway Vigilante, Bernhard Goetz when approached by four urban youths demanding five dollars took out his gun and preceded to give them five dollars shooting at all four wounding them all. Goetz who apparently had enough of being a crime victim snapped, he was acquitted on all charges except illegal gun possession.
BooBaJones Finals - The Best Thing,
I can say about our season is that its F%&* over ( that's a Coach Knight quote after winning the Nit in 1985) . We got completely dominated tonight to a point that it was embarrassing to watch( i did a lot of the watching ). Just seemed right that we should get out hustled, outplayed, out pretty much everything. Dr James Naismith is probably rolling over in his grave knowing what we did to his great game of basketball. We started off aggressive, and took a small lead, then Turnovers brought them back into the game as again we found ourselves not getting back on Defense, Despite this all we were up one at the half. The Second half brought more turn overs, less hustle, 0.0 defense rotation, an endless array of bad shots and 0.0 containment all that pieced together led to disaster and the merciless end to what has been a very sad and tumultuous,season............... Season Recap:- Solly Elmann Summed it up best " What Ill remember most about the season is Munster's Shot hitting the side of the backboard............. I will Give Joe Baghdadi credit for running an efficient league ( some minor rule flaws here and there that can be corrected but aside from the that the league is run in a excellent manner much like the old center leagues were run as opposed to now.......... I would also like to apologize to My teammates for causing them any hurt, harm or injustice (especially Munster for publicly berating him although it was justified) Al chet........This will thankfully be the last Entry in the BooBaJones series all Praise due to Allah...............
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Censorship is Un- American
, previously i was censoring comments to the blog and on FB cause they were deemed in bad taste or making fun ,from now on I will not delete any comments, I will delete though the whole posting or post instead i can't censor anyone but i can censor myself. A relative gave me an email of a girl that prefers to be emailed than called; interesting? I spoke to the girl, That i messed up by not calling, and she sounds very sweet, the conversation got dragged out a little longer that expected, but it was flowing beyond the You knows, and Yeahs, I have to say life is so much easier when you get responses, and some enthusiasm from the other end, I am pretty sure she "scouted " me out, I actually hoping she did, win lose or draw will have fun ..............................In a previous Post I was excited by the fact that Menachem Begin may be on the NIS currency, I actually changed my mind and side with his son Likud MK Benny That he is opposed to having him on the currency. Thanks to DM for sending me the article............
Being Half Ashkenaz,
has it's benefit's, for instance i am always on time, but I was late to my dentist appointment today it was by only two minutes but as the saying goes early is on time- on time is late- late is unacceptable...... My Whole visit lasted 24 minutes I'm not sure if that's good ............ I got an email for a speed dating event- it's like legalized double dipping, but I still can't bring myself to going to these things............I messed up royally as far as calling this girl i was supposed to, but i get a reprieve- tonight's my last chance, The reason i was held up on it was cause i checked her up on FB and saw that she was friends with a couple of girls i either was supposed to call or go out with, pretty stupid ................
Monday, December 20, 2010
The Best soldier,
in the best unit in the best army in the world- that would make him the best soldier in the world. Those were the words that were used to describe the modern Day Bar Kochba Emanuel Moreno According to that logic then - I was the worst coach of the worst team in the worst league in the world that would make me the worst basketball coach in the world. My coaching credentials are extraordinary unimpressive an 0-11 record, but i did get to learn a lot of Arabic ........ Whats the rule as far as online stalking if you email a girl and she doesn't email you back, Does it mean the same as if you call a girl and she doesn't call you back; NOT INTERESTED
Congradulations to the,
Lebanese govt there only about 25 years to late in finding the Israeli spy equipment .........Some one suggested the NY Giants should be banned from Xmas this year after ruining it for so many people ..............Is it wrong to follow the game on the Internet while you're in shul.....................Does Kwanzaa still exist, I haven't seen one ad for it so far this year.... Thanks to one of my friends I learned that the Israeli Currency will Feature Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Rabin- I hope Begin is on the higher bill..........Whatever happened to Roger "Tings Do Not loook Good" Tussant the brilliant MTA union head who chose to strike during Christmas week 4 years ago, practically paralyzing retail business in the city during the busiest week..................
Saturday, December 18, 2010
The Flotilla birthday,
party was a lot more fun than i thought it would be, Of course i didn't bring up the IHH Flotilla story - I went to my old friends birthday party in Great Neck, NY. The great thing about it was that I didn't understand a word spoken amongst the 25+ guests. Everyone is speaking Turkish,which made it easier for me not to be social and speak to anyone. I was sitting next to my friend O - whom i used to be very close to, but time goes on and she got married had a kid, we remained in touch but not as close,( shes still in my will though) I didn't stay very long and avoided speaking politics with the guests, it seemed that we both agreed about the current govt, they found it funny that i follow Turkish News. I ate a salad, but still made sure to leave money, cause i felt it was right thing to do, they insisted i didn't i overruled them . It's always great to catch up and usually we say will get together more often but for some reason it never works out, maybe it will.............
That's not a very nice,
thing to do, was what my 7 year old niece was telling me after I was explaining to her about the orders that Menachem Begin Gave to bomb the King David Hotel. How the hell do I explain to her that it was justified, for the record it was......... Anyone holding Bellagio 25k Chips has to go to the Hotel in Las Vegas to validate them after this weeks hold up at the craps table that netted the robber over 1.5 million in chips........ I bought the perfect push up and shake weight with the idea that I am going to make an effort to "work out "............... I liken the New Minyan in the shul i pray at to the Tea party - It focuses on prayers; just prayers quick and efficient no classes or speeches, it gives you that option after ( seldom do i stay).......... After about a couple weeks of getting #s to call, Im down to one ( i lost it ) here are the stats- one date, one call me in a few weeks, one left a message and she hasn't gotten back to me.........This is probably the best Xmas/ Jews parody
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
you have to feed off her answers,
I know that already, I was seeking advice as how to make a first call not very awkward -I left a message Though i confused her name when i left the message, she hasn't gotten back to me yet - I was curious as to why a 47 year old woman reform from south jersey and a 43 year old secular woman from Long Island with kids flirt with me on Jdate. Do you think there looking for relationship? I don't mind it,I usually answer thank you and keep the conversation going for a little, It's part of my Can't say no campaign...... I finally found an apartment in the Greater brooklyn area the landlord is a Shamie, that seems like a good guy - he was asking what's the matter with me why i wasn't married - i told him cause i wanted to rent out his apt he said he's going to try to hook me up with a broke 25 year old shamie girl i told him , she was too young he said make yourself a couple years younger than tell her - good startegy to start off a realationship on a lie...
BooBaJones Playoff Edition- Pigs will fly,
Elephants would ride in the Indy 500 Orson Wells would skip Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner in the same day Before NC State would be Houston in the 82 finals The same odds applied to us tonight in our playoff match up against the 9-1 green team. Haim called me up before the game asking me to match him on Freddy Mann yup the same one that clipped us for 30+ last time we played I was adamantly against it he insisted and with Humility I will admit he was right. We opened up in man and quickly found our self stuck 10. There big man who i was matched up against was hitting from all over the floor dominating the boards and putting Barney in foul Trouble. We switched to a match up zone, with slightly better results. I am going to say something nice not about the other team now ( i generally reserve criticism to our team) They played dumb, instead of putting us away they let us hang around and despite dominating the half they were only up four. We shifted our defense to a box and one with haim playing the one - and forcing Freddy Mann to give up the ball and forcing him to drive to the help - Solly as usual was in the mix of things stepping in front of balls doing the small things - Mike Mann was carrying the offense load and was playing inspired Defense. Through the second half we were down 6- 8 points, Barney made a couple of baskets one of an assist by Munster one of the positive things he did tonight, we got to with in 2 then Mike Mann hit a deep three to put us up one they came back and took the lead- Mike Mann got us up one again - They came down and missed- they fouled after letting 5 seconds go off the clock- we missed they came down and didn't get a shot off as time expired. Notes of the game: Haim, Myself, and Munster probably shot a combined 0 -24 ( that's a real stat) Haim Held Freddy to a single basket - Mike Mann was tremendous on both ends of the floor, Solly did the usual not in the box score stuff , Despite the Foul trouble Barney Was solid on the glass and made a huge presence in the game...We Match up with Yellow in the Finals - they beat us pretty bad last time game ball - Mike Mann
Did i ever tell you, That I
Bailed out a girl from Prison in Northern Israel a couple years ago....... Traffic was a horror today took me 53 minutes to go from bdwy and 81 to park and 33. Thanks to one of the readers JD who sent me an a case of Hasidim couple trying to scam a dry cleaners on People's court, As "religious" as this couple was they don't understand how they fuel the fires of anti- semtisim (it's a little long )I went to dinner with a girl, I met up with yesterday, it wasn't really eventful and nothing really happened except for a little food i was starving, I dropped her off home and we remain FB friends- We ran into a interesting situation, I'm not sure i handled it well though, But I hope things work out for the guy that was in trouble..............I should have made a couple of awkward calls but got suckered into watching Operation Thunderbolt again im trying to watch it as many times before they take it off the channel...................
Monday, December 13, 2010
Stats are like a Bikini,
They Show a lot but not everything, I went to see the Tourist the other night it was OK, but i feel guilty a little bit watching these Angelina Jolie Movies( not for dirty reasons) but for the fact that her record on Israel isn't great, I am friendly with a lot of Turks, and I know none of them are political- But I feel like i am backstabbing the Israelis by being friendly with them - I know it's silly, but its my retarded conscience......I went out with a girl who Explained to me that not everything and everyone is bad in every country that is bad to Israel- It made sense and I listened, but not for very long ....... My all time favorite Xmas song isn't really a Xmas song its feed the world - band Aid 20 --------I have more awkward calls to make, I'm used to them already .................My friend is still pissed at me about the Eggs, maybe another week to get over it..................
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Legend has it that he used to write 100,
on his Math tests, to spare the teachers from writing it. They say gambling is meant for 0.005% of the Population. Unfortunately for me i don't fit that category- I have been an Unsuccessful games player, gambler since I started learning the ropes. The first time I went to OTB as a 15 year old kid with some friends we bet the right horse- but in an usually rare occurrence the other horse claimed foul and our horse was disqualified and we lost out on our $20 something pursue- That should have given me an indication to stop gambling......My good friend Abe, who was brilliant in Mathematics probably to a point if he applied his mind could have been working for NASA or something. He worked his way up from playing $1 - $2 backgammon games in the cold at Washington Sq Park to the tables downtown- through clubs all over the city- Until he became one of the most feared and successful backgammon players in the world- as the Backgammon world was fading, Poker was born and not an overly skilled player at the time, He Studied and honed his skills into one of the worlds best. For the outsiders who will say he never won the world series, or a lot of tournaments, The main reasons to that is that he doesn't spend a lot of time playing in tournaments, but non the less he has a couple of WS bracelets to his name - and has been featured in High stakes poker the big game I know Gambling is not for me also by the way cause i am definite the only person to ever lose money betting on Abe....
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Excuses, Excuses,
I don't really believe in excuses as far as dating goes I am more of a black and white kind of thinker or to be more clear a 1+1 = 2. People will make "safe" excuses as to why they don't want to go out with some one again- but in reality attraction and wealth( the attraction more important to men wealth to women) are probably the two main reasons as to see weather to continue...........I told a friend, I couldn't hang out the other night, cause i was going to a party, even though i was really going out with a girl i was set up. I don't know why I guess I just didn't feel comfortable talking about it- I'm Guessing its a lie............Despite neither Academy being a National Power house I don't think any Rivalry Rivals Army- Navy- a great day for the Armed Forces................
Friday, December 10, 2010
The Church,
will not open this Sunday, but the spirit is as always in tact ..............I had to pick up some checks from a customer today,which is not the easiest thing to do; that is get paid, and every time i pick up the check there is a calculator tape receipt and its filled with red marks that denote a deduction - no matter what happens if my shipment is perfect ill get a deduction, It feels like getting a test back from school with tuns of mistakes, I feel like by the end of the deductions I'm going to owe my customer money, this customer is Israeli by the way but he pays ...................... I had a Syrian customer whose bill was $551, he send me a check for $500- I know it's a game and he beat me - but he claimed he had deductions i should have sued him for the $51............How does one know that he has no fashion sense? I know because if i look at a rack of suits all unmarked I'm going to like the cheapest one.......
Seemed a little odd,
That she wouldn't introduce herself, I didn't ask questions though as I was invited in by the parents, stupid me figured they wanted to speak to me, find out who i was- but what I didn't realize was that the girl sitting with her parents was the sister of my date. I answered the basic questions of what shul, I go to what do i do etc....Once the girl i was going out with showed up- (she happened to look very pretty) I figured it out- once i said the ohh part they figured it out that i thought her sister was the one i was going out with. They are very similar in age, look a like and she was dressed nicely also- (This was a blind date). Besides Having a little bit of a hard time pulling out of her drive way, us waiting a long time to get our food, there was no real awkwardness I asked for the check pretty quickly but she understood it was only cause it took them a long time to bring the food, I didn't want her to think i was rude and plus i didn't really mind. I dropped her off home said thank you, generally you can feel out weather the girl wants to go out again or not, but in a situation of a set up i leave it up to the people that set me up to tell me, I am not afraid of rejection, I just dont want to make her feel uncomfortable. Win lose or draw It was most definite a fun night - It's unclear weather there will be church on Sunday
Thursday, December 9, 2010
People get busy,
actually extremely Busy at functions. I was at a Bris this morning and I happen to find it obnoxious for people to be playing around with there phones at the ceremony- i see this done a lot at wedding- I guess it's one thing to keep it to yourself - but i loathe the people who walk back and forth, and are extraordinary loud -we get the point, Everyone is impressed - I had a good wing man when i went to the Buffet i was pretty much covered to get as much food ( i didn't) as i want cause the guy with me was really filling up his plate, so for people looking at my plate it wouldn't look so bad..... here is an excerpt of a online conversation with a friend after i commented in front of his wife that he shouldn't be eating a lot of eggsI greg: jerk KnightIU: y what did i do now Greg: "oooh cholestorel in the eggs, Maureen, look, Greg's eating cholestorel" KnightIU: she didnt care u had a plate full of eggs Greg: you didnt know that when u said it KnightIU: i said that to u she said she didnt care let him eat what he wantsGreg: you shouldnt do that KnightIU: im concerned about you greg: why KnightIU: youre a good friend i dont think u should eat a plate full of eggs like an animal greg: one simple serving, whats the fuc%$ big deal KnightIU: looked like 7 servings `greg: thats you and your fu#&ing warped mind not seeing reality, the same way you cant see reality when it comes to women KnightIU: im concerned about youre health and youre cursing me out Igreg: why are u concerned about my health KnightIU: as a friend greg: oh ok
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
I couldn't help,
noticing that flags were still flying at half staff today, I would assume its because of Pearl Harbor and not the anniversary of The assassination of John Lennon, who was a symbol of a generation but definite not a great American ....... One Movie that I keep watching over again is Operation Thunderbolt( channel 291 on cable vision Jewish channel on demand, it has good movies but a lot of the documentaries are very left) It's the story about the Israeli raid at Entebbe. It's perhaps one of the greatest rescue operations ever. How times have changed. Now the Israelis are paying compensation to victims of the Mavi Marmara flotilla...........................Do I call a girl whose friendly with a girl i called the other day? I'm not sure how friendly,with the minimum Fb Friendly..... I bought two shirts a couple weeks ago both same company both same size one is very tight on me and the other one is loose.......
BooBaJones #10 Gauranteed and delivered,
Munster who boldly predicted we will be in the playoffs has made good on his promise. The team we were supposed to play tonight has forfeited the game. Like the saying goes a win is a win............. The seeding will come out later tonight, when it does I'll post the playoff preview Entry..............
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Booked up for the next,
couple of weeks is what she told me through our ruffled AT+T connection. After a very long 7 minute and 17 second conversation, which bombed , a lot of one word answers, long pauses( probably id say about a minute and half out of 7 ) I resorted to asking "medicated Pete" questions ( what are you're interests etc..) - We closed the conversation with "why don't i give you a call over next couple weeks and see whats up" - In realty this was a set up that was like the six degree of separation( I'm not even sure I'm saying that right) went like this,my sister knew someone that was friendly with her cousin friends,i don't know and onwards. I know everyone means well as for me I don't mind, but truth is i think most girls do mind if there is no immediate connection- she lost her voice also so that didn't help in the conversation........ BoobaJones Breaking News MUNSTER: WE WILL BE IN THE PLAYOFFS - the only way we get in is with a Win so that's a bold prediction especially since the team we play beat us already
I didn't think it was,
appropriate to throw a note in at the Ohel for the Jets to beat the Pats last night- But I have a list of people that I pray for, (The Jets are not on the list) whenever i go to somewhere Holy. The Ohel is the grave site of the Lubabvitch Rebbe, I went with a friend of mine last night- she is a lot more spiritual and religious than I am, so i am pretty sure she was more fulfilled than me I've mentioned my Opinion on prayers before........ Is This Bad of me I was hoping that my friends wife would give birth to a baby girl rather than a boy so I wouldn't have to go to the Bris? The gift would be the same - It was a boy- Bris is Thursday.....................I think I am a little paranoid regarding Tips, Especially at stores or at the car wash- I see a box that has a Tips written on it - But i always ask where to put the tip, not cause I'm a showoff but because i want the people to know that i am not stiffing them...... Former Shas party Head Areyhe Deri had a brilliant idea - Make the Hareedem firefighters ........ Happy 54th to Larry Bird, It's crazy how the kids today think that Nowitzki was a better player than Bird.....................
A Day that will in Infamy,
Its been 69 years since The attack on Pearl harbor had Whoopie Goldberg and Joy Behar been around during the attack - this is what they would say -we would like to make it clear that on Dec 7 1941 we were Not attacked by the Japanese, Just some Extremest elements of peoples residing in Japan that hijacked the true ideology of all of Japan - FDR was wrong in declaring war on the Empire of Japan.......
Monday, December 6, 2010
Clearly my Parents,
didn't intend on moving to the US is how i Usually i explain My Name Especially to girls when I first introduce myself. It can get especially Awkward when I am given a girls Number and have to call her I don't how to refer to myself Gidi or Gideon - The only good part about that is it helps breaks the ice a little, But I generally ask is The person that sets me How they Introduce me.........I do have to make a couple of calls this week , I am somewhat superstitious before i call a girl for the first time - I wait for the clock to show a time that has some good historical significance for instance for it to be on the 17th minute (1917 Balfour declaration) or 48th (1948 State is born), Then I always make sure it's OK with the girl (only on one occasion the girl had no clue i was calling- I apologized and hung up ) I always try to make sure I am prepared with questions and follow up questions, and also know not to exceed 15 minutes before asking her out even if conversation is going well. What's up for this week is unclear yet...........
Just say No,
That's been a problem for me lately- basically the last 10 years or so maybe - I hate committing to something and not being able to do it- I hate double parking also, There are a couple of things which i can't mention that i didn't say no to, and have no way out cause i don't want to disappoint people (ill mention what i have to do in a later post).......... My Brothers weight Fluctuation is like the clothing stock market for me - Mainly for shirts and sometimes sweaters a point of mention if you see me and my sleeves are rolled up it's probably one of my brothers shirts ( The sleeves would be too short for me ).........A lesson on why you shouldn't snoop I was at a friends store and saw a Stock news letter that i Wasn't supposed to look at it - I decided to buy a stock off the recommended list 500 shares at $6 per -The whole investment is worth $6.00 -You do the math...............
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Spelling and grammer,
I would say are my Waterloo. The English is a second Language Excuse lost it's statute of limitations in 1988. I would like to apologize to i think what is now 7 or 8 readers and that I will be more diligent in proof reading myself. The Original in the title of the Blog is misspelled and it was not on purpose........ I knew that there would be people blaming the fires on some spiritual excuse Maran Harav Ovadia Yosef , who is no stranger to controversy Blamed the Fires on Sabbath Violators,7340,L-3994225,00.html- I don't like posting links but many choose not to believe. After the Lebanon War of 2006 He was quoted as saying the reason soldiers die in wars, is because they dont observe Mitzvot,7340,L-3442321,00.html- The Family of Roee Klien (an observant soldier who jumped on a grenade screaming out Shema Ysrael to save his comrades) were devastated .............
Saturday, December 4, 2010
compatibility is probably
the biggest BS word used as to why relationships don't get a chance to form. I know this because That Excuse has been used on me, and in turn i learned to use it as well. After a first date they would ask "why wouldn't you go out with her again" - and the general answer is I don't think we were compatible- I definite think its a cop out answer but also is considerate of the other persons feeling. What the hell does compatibility mean anyways, and how do you know? I think dates can go great, but with out psychical attraction the compatibility excuse comes in handy.............On My last night in Israel last week I was " set up " with this girl who was Russian but was now living in Israel- I am extremely open minded i didn't think anything will come of it but what the hell is my attitude- We sat in the hotel lounge( in what seemed like a Hareedy date) I thought she was ultra orthodox and she thought i was, and were joined by my brother who seemed to take a keen interest in the situation( i think i figured it out later on as to why) My sister in law was also there as well- We joked they were the supervisors, We exchanged Phone numbers i left her my FB and Email - gave her an air handshake as a joke - Then left to the airport, I actually think I'd call her but i forgot her name.....................................
Friday, December 3, 2010
The Catastrophe
in the Karmel Region in Northern Israel has left a void in the hearts of all Am Ysrael this Hanukkah. Isn't Ironic That we celebrate the Maccabees victory over the Greeks- and now the Greeks and as well as a good portion of the International community are coming to the aid of Israel, The Images are horrific and we continue to Pray.............. For me not eating at least one jelly Doughnut on Hanukkah is like not eating Macaroons on Passover, I'm Not sure who created the custom of the Jelly Doughnut As for the Macaroons I know when I was a kid there wasn't a whole lot of Kosher for Passover candy- so Macaroons became a staple in the house....................Stat of the day - I am the all time leader in carrying the Sefar Torah per Appearance in Shul............. This year I decided to pass on Gift cards for Presents and decided to go with Cash instead for my Nephews and Nieces.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
The Tzdekah boxes in,
Certain shuls are not very change friendly it's 2 boxes with a lock in each one of them That makes it impossible to ask for change,I wonder sometimes how much money they lose by not having change.
...............My Uncle In Israel is a cop, a while ago he was called to solve a domestic dispute between a couple. The Problem was Sex, He wanted it at least once a day and she was hesitant on once a week- after speaking to each of them individually, he got them together and after a couple of hours of " negotiations"- He got them to sign an accord -That they would have sex twice a week and once she has to do it orally- His compromise was written up in Israel's daily News paper - titled the cop who brought peace to the home (Shalom Bayet)..............I haven't bet Sports in almost over a year and I completely forgot i have a balance with the Bookie - I hope they didn't charge me any Extra Juice, My Figure is $261 they promised to call to make arrangements to pick up- I confirmed they don't break thumbs for such a little amount............
...............My Uncle In Israel is a cop, a while ago he was called to solve a domestic dispute between a couple. The Problem was Sex, He wanted it at least once a day and she was hesitant on once a week- after speaking to each of them individually, he got them together and after a couple of hours of " negotiations"- He got them to sign an accord -That they would have sex twice a week and once she has to do it orally- His compromise was written up in Israel's daily News paper - titled the cop who brought peace to the home (Shalom Bayet)..............I haven't bet Sports in almost over a year and I completely forgot i have a balance with the Bookie - I hope they didn't charge me any Extra Juice, My Figure is $261 they promised to call to make arrangements to pick up- I confirmed they don't break thumbs for such a little amount............
Please Pray for the ,
Victims of the The Carmel Fires Near Haifa, There are reported 40 Prison Guards on there way to evacuate the prison Whose Bus Caught fire that have died, I am praying and hoping that they get this Fire under control and for all the Victims..... I hope That people don't start blaming this Tragedy on sinners and all that stuff -This is a great tragedy for all of AM Ysrael ...............
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
BoobaJones #9 - I wish I knew,
Why we don't get back on defense ? was a direct question asked by Dave as he walked out of the gym after a disappointing 66- 62 loss. I think its a lack of character, its a lack of pride, nothing to do with skill Just simply That we don't care and it showed. After practically watching there lay up line fest and being stuck 16 in the first half, we slowly managed to chip back into was seemed like an insurmountable lead. Mike Mann got hot, even though he still didn't get back on D and carried the offensive load in the second half, Dave did a much better job containing, and Thanks to the hustle of Solly "not in the box score" Elman we cut the lead to two and had the ball with under 20 seconds Mike forced a three, rebound got kicked out to Dave his three clanked off the front rim and with that possibly our playoffs hopes as we are in a must win situation next week to get in.. Isn't amazing how everyone can curse and scream on every play and when u say a word at the free throw line people go nuts.... Advice- There is no Replay in Basketball once a Referee makes a call- There is no point for the prolonged arguing YOU ARE NOT GOING TO CHANGE THE CALL - just say something positive to the official like " it's OK you missed it, you'll get right next time "
You are only cheating,
Yourself when you weigh yourself at a GNC scale and make you're self a few inches taller to match you're supposed weight. I tend to keep a note pad by my bed at night in case some crazy ideas come to me while I'm sleeping, Ironically i can't find that pad- but here is one idea that I remembered. The already dirty shirt- The premise is to get a shirt that's already designed with stains that way when you actually do get it dirty, you wouldn't feel bad cause its already "dirty"- seemed like a good idea until several people in the garment industry told me that I'm an Idiot, ........ Congratulations to Turkish Prime Minister Tayep Erdogan on winning the "Mohmmar Ghaddafy" Human rights award ............. Today Marks the 55th anniversary Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat- as I mentioned in a previous post the real heroine was Claudette Colvin who refused to get up from her seat a few months earlier, but she didn't fit to be the face of the revolution.....To Jews all around the World Happy Hanukkah
My ears haven't,
popped yet since my flight i was supposed to see a customer around 730 but fell asleep- I woke up 1t 1230 thinking that Shimon Heres oops i meant Peres was in critical condition- I checked all news outlets and realized it was a dream..... I'll never get the excitement of the lightning of the Xmas Tree, People must know something that I don't as a Jew If someone was lighting a giant Menorah I would avoid the area like a plague "What is there to see" - But again all those people can't be crazy so it must be me.........It's always funny for me to see at road repairs sites four guys directing, and drinking coffee and One guy drilling, generally it's the black guy...........
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