is a rare occurrence for me, let me rephrase "really losing it", being provoked by my hasidic Neighbors, caused me to throw garbage bags at them and almost Striking them with pallet corner sticks. It didn't really matter what they did, but it was the classic case of the Eleven Pound of S%#it syndrome. The only Negative to this story was the Two colleagues at the Big J were not there to witness it, But on the bright side a Pakistani kid, looking to make himself an internet sensation was fliming the incident, upon which i encouraged him to continue to flim, while yelling at the hasadim that i hated jews, I suggest you search pakistani kid fliming Anti- Semite, perhaps good news for my colleagues......A friend whose name rhymes with Fachme has been sending me a lot of "Inspirational" Torah Messages from a Torah Giant and a Notorious Anti-Zionist, Advised by a man of reason to go the "Facts of Life" route, and " Take the good, take the bad" I'm Pretty Doubtful of Getting Inspiration, by someone who finds me reprehensible and deplorable .....
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