Friday, November 2, 2018

"Don't Be to Sweet


                     lest you be eaten up; Don't be Bitter, lest you spewed out" is what the Jewish  Proverb States......Waiting at a Duane Reade Line, at the beginning of  the line rope, It was pretty clear that I was next. An Attractive woman walks up to the line with out even going through the rope and simply cuts me. " She walked in Beauty like the night", and the cashier gleefully smiled ,and began Scanning her purchases. The Cashier Knew She had cut me, But we both agreed that we neither of us had the balls to say anything #METOO.......... Coach DM mentioned to me the Biggest Threat to Basketball is the Golden State Warriors, After Watching his YDE team play it's home opener, I understood why. Let me just say Stephen Curry and Co. are an  anomaly. Nothing these guys can do on the court can be replicated. its like asking a Mute to sing at an Opera...... Preparations were made, prior to attending a Shabbat Dinner at one of my Betrothed Friends apartment.Just as I do prior to flying and going on long trips I ate accordingly during the day, to ensure no situations came up. Always Remember "Failure is Failure to prepare". Generally I feel VERY out of place at any Social Gatherings, but with the Modern Orthodox to yeshiva Crowd I just felt medium out of place.... Costumes Etiquette was the BJ TV theme for this year's Halloween parade. Unfortunately we had to change course, and thanks to DM Suggestion Mordechai the Jew filled in, Not sure what that will do for ratings, But like a contestant that fails to win any Money on Wheel of fortune, We had a really good time...............

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