Friday, November 30, 2018

71 years

   years ago(11/29/47)  The United Nations voted to partition Palestine. The vote went  33 yeas 13 nos 10 abstentions- immediately The region plunged into war Arab league chairman Mr  Pasha  was quoted - "This will be a war of extermination and a momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacres"- Despite insurmountable odds, in a modern day miracle The Israelis prevailed.  On this date The  Dead Sea Scrolls were found, and the oldest Torah in Aleppo Syria was Burned some 200 pages of were preserved........

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Part narcissistic,

  part Superstitious, perhaps part eccentric! When Turbulence Struck On Luftansa  Flight 405 from Frankfort to Newark, My Immediate thought was is this my " Jonah and the Whale " Moment. Forgetting to order the Kosher Meal, My Rational was What can  be So bad about the Vegetarian, After all, nothing was really forbidden to eat in the Indian Style Meal. To confirm my Transgression, G0d waited for the food to settle in my rotund stomach, Before unleashing heavy winds, causing the plane to shake somewhat violently. The paranoia Kicked in, similarly like when I go to make #2 and don't want people to know, but thinking they know. Were the other Passengers looking at me, knowing and ready to Toss me out of the Airbus, to make it stop?  After Several Long Moments the Turbulence Stopped. Taking this is a warning, I declined any further meals and snacks for the duration of the flight and accepted my punishment of a 123 Minute Cab Ride home from Newark. To those keep score at home the Fee $70 Plus Tolls.............The trip.......

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Sitting on

    A Airplane for an approx 210 minute flight from Munich to Lod, the only thing that came to mind was is this worse than the last Thursday’s NYC traffic.... After about 3 minutes of turbulence, the answer was pretty clear....I was  especially Gassy on the flight, but comforted by the special knowledge that my gas is not of the smelly kind, that is at least in my mind......The Uber ride I took from 79 and York to terminal B at Newark took 49 minutes, with the cost of $78.63-$15.00 for a first time customer, and perhaps a last..... The choice of Fish or Chicken on the flight, reminded me of Adult film star Lauren Phillips when asked if she preferred men or woman, seemingly stressed and pressed she shrugged her shoulders and said it was too difficult to choose, kind of like making the choice between the fish or chicken . I chose the Fish......It took less than 20 minutes to clear customers , and get my valise, and  another 30 minutes to wait for the communal cab to fill up at cost of 68 Nis roughy $19.53 the ride to Jerusalem was hardly a bargain. The passengers were annoyed by a heimeshe guy who made the bus his personal office, yentering it up and praising g0d, at almost every end of the sentences, Baruch HaShem ......

Friday, November 16, 2018


    is what took me to travel some 15 miles from my work in South Brooklyn to the Upper East Side. It's as if NYC has never seen Snow before...... Once again, I will be embarking on a week long trip to the eternal and indivisible capital of the Jewish People  " Maralargo". Unlike Many Jews,  Israel is NOT my home, Nor Do i feel like I am "Home".  When Someone Asks, my Simple reply is I am a "Phylo- Zionist"...... Please Check out, our Exclusive Coverage of the 2018 NJ Adult Expo,. The Stars were very candid and did not hold back.....Preparations have been made, Should there be any Bathroom emergency, and what I'm looking forward most to....... coming home...............

Friday, November 2, 2018

"Don't Be to Sweet


                     lest you be eaten up; Don't be Bitter, lest you spewed out" is what the Jewish  Proverb States......Waiting at a Duane Reade Line, at the beginning of  the line rope, It was pretty clear that I was next. An Attractive woman walks up to the line with out even going through the rope and simply cuts me. " She walked in Beauty like the night", and the cashier gleefully smiled ,and began Scanning her purchases. The Cashier Knew She had cut me, But we both agreed that we neither of us had the balls to say anything #METOO.......... Coach DM mentioned to me the Biggest Threat to Basketball is the Golden State Warriors, After Watching his YDE team play it's home opener, I understood why. Let me just say Stephen Curry and Co. are an  anomaly. Nothing these guys can do on the court can be replicated. its like asking a Mute to sing at an Opera...... Preparations were made, prior to attending a Shabbat Dinner at one of my Betrothed Friends apartment.Just as I do prior to flying and going on long trips I ate accordingly during the day, to ensure no situations came up. Always Remember "Failure is Failure to prepare". Generally I feel VERY out of place at any Social Gatherings, but with the Modern Orthodox to yeshiva Crowd I just felt medium out of place.... Costumes Etiquette was the BJ TV theme for this year's Halloween parade. Unfortunately we had to change course, and thanks to DM Suggestion Mordechai the Jew filled in, Not sure what that will do for ratings, But like a contestant that fails to win any Money on Wheel of fortune, We had a really good time...............