Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Their are 2600,

     Cans of Beer on the Wall  Shaped in an  American flag at the Dream Hotel Located on W.16th Street. Counting  and counting down to the tune of "99 bottles of beer " the cans of Beer on the Wall,  Was not an  Exactly an indication of how my date was going Monday night with a well proportioned  Early Thirties Manhattan brunette.  A Photo of her with Henry Kissinger caught my attention, of which i complimented her,  and fully expected to have an Historical conversation  on his role in the Paris peace accords or Mid east Diplomacy. The Beer cans on the wall were more of an interest to her. Despite living in the area She Strolled in several minutes late and was impressed with my choice of venues.  Letting my eyes wander ,It was not hard to notice her, adjusting her Conspicuous Top, revealing her ample assets Several times. A French Fry Diva, She would never eat a not crunchy fry, and when one of the fries fell down her shirt, I covered my eyes, Well Sorta, Ok I peeked. We never stalled, but really never took off either, it was kind of like driving  Thirty Five in a Fifty Five zone. Walking her partially home, We thanked each other for a fun night and were in agreement to go out again, before Exchanging our last goodbyes............

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