Monday, September 29, 2014

Kale Salad,

  Organic Beer, Recycling, The Middle East and the Environment were the Highlights of my get together with Hippie Chick, at a Ditmas Park Hippie Cafe last night. Fortunately We did not make it to the Main Event, Which I'm Sure would've produced Major Fluff on the Muff or in laymen terms  Retro Bush. Hoping she would look like one of her other photos, She looked like more like An Eleanor Roosevelt meets Amelia Earnhardt, With a Bicycle helmet. Our life  perspectives couldn't have been more different, but my Retro Bush Thoughs kept me intrigued. What have I learned? That Organic Beer and Kale Salad Really really not very good..........After receiving a couple love letters from the city; parking Tickets, It turns out that  in  the "Alcoa presents you make the call " Segment on Sept 2 that I made the wrong call trusting the Israeli Mechanic, apparently he decided to park my car on the sidewalk, with my registration not placed on windshield - I may have a better chance of collecting the $500 from Israeli girl who stiffed me several years ago or Haim the Israeli who needed $600 to buy meat for Rosh Hashana 5774, Than this Charlatan . The Damage $180 bones.......

Saturday, September 27, 2014


 Is not to be celebrated, you only celebrate success.......Reflecting on #41, I've come to realize my accomplishments number the same amount of  fans that showed up to ETM ( Eric the midget ) of blessed memory appearance at a Sacramento WNBA game. ( scroll down for the answer)...... Unable to change my Date of Birth on FB, I chose to go into Facebook Exile for a couple of day's to avoid any Posts, Plan was executed to perfection.. Until .....When Haim Mooch Miz pledged 1000 bones for the opening of the Ark Special Money Prayer on Rosh Hashana it was the most electrifying and answering the bell 94 seconds since Isaiah Lord Thomas Scored 16 Points in that same time span  to force Overtime in Game Five of the decisive First round playoff game against the knicks in 84. With Ice in his veins, Mooch showed great poise weaving in between the raucous petitioners to reach the ark, gracefully he swung the doors open and moved the veil to uncover the Five Books of Moses, and with great fervor he manifested in the salivation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings for the Holy Cheese. The Price for the honor $10.64 s Second, not a bad investment considering he was promised to get a 1000%  return on his investment and no way G0d is running a Ponzie Scheme.......

The answer :0.0

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


        Through the lens of my Scope is Sadly not looking like to be a very good year. The Reasoning to paraphrase the late Tim Hardin " Still I look to find a reason to Believe"......Certainly I can't be the only one not looking forward to these Holidays, All the Spurious Happy New Years, Wishing you all the best, Praying for you and Blablablabullshit..........Let's call a Spade, a Spade 5774 was a crappy year and to Quote former MTA chief Roger Toussant " TINGS DO NOT LOOK GOOD" ( the transit strike in Dec 05) for 5775. None the less as Syzimon Persky Say's " We need more Solutions, Not resolutions" for the upcoming Year..........

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Russian Proverb :

  Anyone who doesn't Ring in the New Year Celebrating, Won't be celebrating the Whole Year......Recycled, but I am big fan of the Reform and Secular always Wishing people a "LeShanna Tova" .... A lil Fallout from FOMG( fan of mom girl) I wish I didn't know where she lived, Cause now  I have to be apprehensive parking on Quentin road near the Big Jelly Empire.......It's so great of the JETS to give you hope and make you stay up late, knowing full well that they're going to screw you and lose, and the best part you know there going to screw but you stay up anyways..........After seeing some of RRPG( Really really pretty girl) Photos on FB, History will not be kind to me on how I Screwed that up. Last year She wanted me to go with her to AC, But I  chose brandishing a Tree and Eating in a hut instead. My WMD in Iraq Moment............

Friday, September 19, 2014


  Since our date Saturday night ,I have yet to reach out to FOMG(fan of my mom girl). However What I have done again was reach out to Jdate yet again, " How else are you going to meet girls?". Good Point..... The Opportunities a 44 Year old that looks like my grandmother, a 48 Year old from California Who like my Blue Sneakers, and a Windy City import whose a big fan of Hanna Senensh.....I felt a lot of pressure being both a guest and the designated driver for the Mooch Birthday fest. Not a drinker, due to my 7th Year being off the sauce, or perhaps my conversation to Islam for Virgins on Account.   I Picked up the crew which included The Mooch's Plus their adopted Son BRUST.   The car ride resembled a scene out of  One Flew over the Cuckoos nest, and everyone got excited when the Techno Version  of Moshaich was playing. Arriving at LAVO, Home to some of the Tallest woman not in the WNBA, I've ever seen in my life it was Fantastic to stare or maybe Ogle here and there. We Broke bread at the Table with Some of Mooch's Spanish Friends, The language  made socializing a lot less harder for me, and gave me more so an excuse to play on Tinder. We ran into Milwaukee Bucks and VCU great Larry Sanders who couldn't have been a nicer guy.  The festivities went on till around One thirty, and continued with a hooker solicitation outside. Mooch Said she was a Tranny,  and I didn't get a good look at the  Adams Apple. The ride home was uneventful, Until   BRUST came close to hurling, Which made it an intensely Nerve Wrecking Situation.... Ein od Melevado

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Some Rehashed

Dating Suggestions, Some too close to comfort, Some others that will just leave at others, and some voluminous African American chicks from Tinder Have left me Dateless for the next couple Weeks... At least, but no complaints from my end of course......The Annual Islamic Parade marching down Madison Ave. Alarming, Disturbing. Troubling, Frightening, and a great source for comedy content, unfortunately I had to go at it alone.....Interesting, Moshe Arens Rhetorically asks " If their was a Palestinian state, Do you think they would be going through what their Brethren are going  through in Iraq, Syria and the Rest of the Arab world"...........RIP Yitzhak "Haka"  Hofi", A Lion of Zion who served his state as a Soldier, Commander, general and Mossad Chief..........

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Clearly off my

    Game, and now having to deal with rain and no Umbrella. I went to pick up FOMG(fan of mom Girl). Luckily she had a hood and we headed to the Soho Mondrian. Here is why I really really like the place, Their is generally parking, Their are several Bars and areas to sit at, and the Scenery Maroneami,. The only negative, Bathroom lines are insane. A lot of Generic,General talk left me feeling sort of like a lot like  Moses Except i was putting a hot coal foot in my mouth a lot . Fortunate for me i was able to reference the 80's music playing in the background, We caught Blondie - the tide is high, The Bangels- Walk like an Egyptian, Thanks to Rock and roll Jeopardy I was able to  crow bard that their Song "Eternal Flame" was inspired by a visit to a Synagogue, Of course the " Ner Tamid". The General talk Continued through traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge, and she stumped me, when asking if i had any talents. Eating, and drinking a lot of water was what we came up with. Left me feeling kind of Bummed .  I found her to be a really good girl and and and..........................

Saturday, September 13, 2014

It's Been Months

      Since I've needed to reach out to for my Copy of  "Great Expectations". A guide to do's and do Not's while taking out Syrian girls.... Still Under the Weather and with out a clue as to where to take my FOMG ( fan of my mom Girl), I think it will be Drinks, Dinner of course is easier, But the Kitchen is closed after the Sabbath . I'm Stressing the need to entertain for Two Plus hours and Just don't have it tonight.......  Is it Ethical to ask the Eye Doctor to postdate my Visit, that way when I get normal Insurance, Ill be able to be reimbursed, Currently i have the Atena Bangladesh plan..........Perhaps a lil unpatriotic to root against the US in the FIBA championships, But my enmity and disdain for Mike FakeShcikesy just supersedes anything I was even pulling for the Future Islamic republic of Turkey to Beat Him.....The Annual Islamic Parade is tomorrow and haven't found one person willing to either be the Anchor or Camera man. It's really good for content this year with OJ Simpson converting to the Religion of Peace...........

Friday, September 12, 2014

The Religion

compatibility card apparently was the cause of the stalwart between me and UCG( uconn girl) Basically we are on opposite spectrum's but respek each other's views.. Being over Twenty Minutes early, I text her at the Ten minute mark " Here a lil early, Take you're time, don't want you to feel rushed" (it translates to move you're ass) " I'll be here 7:30" , totally fair since she only lived down the block from the venue.  Their seemed to be no incentive , I am sick as a dog, Momentum was gone, and this would probably be the last time we go out, so basically to say our good byes. As promised she walked in at 730 and  due to my newly found religious rules we didn't give each other a proper greeting. Great conversation as usual, We shifted our walk from Second to First Ave in Hopes of Seeing Elegant Elliot Offen running . We got to why things cooled off and She was very cool about that. We spoke religion mainly and just agreed that it wasn't the easiest, So everything remains status quo, another wards maybe will  Either become Friends with benefits or FB friends, or just not. The excitement of our conversation was interrupted, by the closure of several Streets on 1st ave from 77- to 74. Police lines, EMS vehicles, Fire trucks, Scores of Pedestrians ogling and filming, and massive Traffic Jams. Turns out their was either a Bomb Scare or Suspicious packages left in the area and on 09-11  no one was taking chances. Not having heard Nothing that's what it turned out to be.  All  this kept me wondering, which car maker makes the loudest horn sound ? , and the bigger the car the bigger the Horn Sound?..............

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


 wife, that her husband owes me let's say somewhere around $600,( whose name rhymes with hmm Mayim ) cause he may have needed to buy Meat for Rosh Hashana 2013  or 5743, Is trying to set me up with a Girl that is faceless on FB . Another girl really is interested in me according to a reliable source she's a big fan of my Moms. My Six words to describe this  WTF WTF..........staying on the Someone theme Someone Suggested I status my FB if anyone is interested in IPhone 5S T Mobile and just pay out the all inclusive contract of roughly $80 a month. Seemed like a good Idea until Every relative from the Ehhhhh Middle East contacting  with questions, and trust me it was not good......... Breaking news FOMG( Fan of Mom Girl) and I should be getting together this Saturday night, was supposed to be Thursday but me and UCG ( UConn girl) will see how compatible we are on The anniversary of Sept 11 Which gives me an eerie feeling..... Reposted.......
Where were you,
on Sept 11 2001?.  I was working in the showroom at 1407 Broadway Room 521. When the Salesman working with us told me a plane hit the WTC, Not thinking any thing of it i continued my work, thinking it was a small plane accident. An Ex of mine was working in the Same building, was freaked out  (she  actually saw the building come down from her 18th floor window)- We left the building and headed further uptown to a friends apt. A couple of Hours later We started walking back downtown towards the site, We couldn't get very close and were redirected by police towards the Brooklyn Bridge it was a little eerie to see debris covering cars and random papers all over, They gave us Masks for the Dust and we crossed the Brooklyn  bridge,I talked her out of going to Juniors for cheesecake, We took the train home from Dekalb Ave,The MTA let everyone go for free. Here is a great article  on Why Mayor Giuliani Rejected a 10 Million dollar Saudi Donation

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

When you Park

on the Street, and don't feed the meter Are you Stealing Money from the City?....... My Pious Haseedems Neighbors, Suggested  I hide the VIN number on my car, so that i can  " Legally"  park anywhere Until I get my regular plates........ Annoyed at a 5:49 P:M text from UCG ( uconn girl) " can we make it 7:30, Doesn't seem like a big deal except for the fact that I could have planned differently with my work schedule etc.  She looked ready to play bowling and although I won both games, she did cover the spread and by a lot. We still didn't have that "dating " conversation, why ruin things right.?  After a really nice date we were supposed to go out Sunday night. Being under weather put a damper on that, and since then our texting communication has grown to be less and lesser. After starting off really hot, and putting in a lot to impress, we have reached the point of whose going to Blink first and tell the other the  " you're really great speech with the but" ........

Friday, September 5, 2014

When I was a Kid

         my father used to say "Our greatest hopes and our worst fears are seldom realized." Our worst fears have been realized tonight. They have now said there were 11 hostages; two were killed in their rooms yesterday morning, nine were killed at the airport tonight. They're all gone.- 090572 jim Mckay.......Speaking to a girl from Online a while ago, Timing seemed to be off as far as us getting together. So when Opportunity knocked again, We build the door and decided to get together the same night.  The venue; was  my go to spot the StoneRose lounge in the Time Warner, The Place is spacious, waitresses super hot, usually always free parking,  Great view, and  Extraordinaire toilets. The Date was very Asymmetric she did most of the speaking I most of the listening and inconspicuous glancing. She had a Beautiful Face, and it didn't seem to bother me at all.  As a writer of Stories for  local News, i liked the fact that she was staunchly pro Israel, though she didn't share the same passion for bababoeeying  bombing news stores and wasn't impressed by my Arthur Chang getting pissed off at me Story by city hall Several years back. Didn't help that I  was calling him Ti Yu. She was smiling a lot and seemed comfortable, but like most girls I go out with will be crazy Busy, I offered to drop her off home, She chose to get lettuce at whole foods. COS  odds are  opening at 10-1...........

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


  Rivers got Punished for taking a stand against the Islamist. Allah works in mysterious ways.... UCG (uconn girl) is still away but we are texting pretty often, trying not to lose any momentum, I'm missing her a little perhaps more. Just wondering if we have to have the Shabbat and religious talk yet.....Their are other options in the works some seem interesting some not very but the key word here is  Moked or Focus and  Trying very hard to Follow that advice, that's not working out to well ........With my car lease being up I have downgraded from a $505 per month Infiniti G37X to a Mercedes C250 at $333 per month.......Amongst my favorite people are the Israeli Body Shop owners, When I walk in, they Smell Sucker and the Vultures come to prey. It never occurred to me how much damage my crappy car had, so I'm really grateful for them to point it out. Alkoa presents you make the choice get robbed by the Israelis or the Infinite dealer? Something tells me it'll be both.....