Reader DM Submits Lookalikes Shaari Zion regular Abbas who also doubles as jackie mason look a like's father and The Real Mahmood Abbas
You Make the call? Spend the Harvest Weekend in Atlantic City with RRPG (really really pretty girl) or stay home and Wave a Tree + Plus some branches with a lemon for the next 3 Days? If You Chose Choice B You are clearly a douche bag.........The Never ending battle Aka 100 years War on Food rages on this Harvest and with my hair in a dire situation, I have showed some resolve by sitting out a Few Meals - Bald and fat = having to pay girls for sex not a good thing........I finally closed Online dating for good Removing all photos and content Seinfeld would say Whats the deal with online dating do you have to wait on line to date or is it a date on the line heyyy........ A Russian girl from there has my number pretty doubtful she'll call, I actually hope she doesn't..........
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