the early days of Backgammon by gathering around Bryant Park with a lot of the old crew Watching a 2000 a point match, The great falafel was offering commentary and due to my Jinx factor i steered clear on betting. Plus 43 points later it really did feel like old times...........Stat of the day 214 steps in a Six minute speech for the "Pacing Rabbi"...... Knowing I was supposed to set up a day to go out with QG (queens girl) I just ignored it " Very classy on youre part" - "Huh, what'd I do- " are you kidding me good luck with things" I bid her good luck as well but still played the Stupid card. Having a PHD in Jdate profile writing she blasted me, and that was that On my part she was the one who intially canceled on me and then disappeared for two weeks.........Like The great JN Said upon what took him so long to find his wife I didn't have GPS the laugh was priceless..... Reader Submits Look alike Palestinian strongman Mohamad Dahaln and the Pride of Saana Boaz

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